About 12 Nigerian banks have named by Binance, the world's largest crypto exchange platform, for its peer-to-peer cryptocurrency transactions in a recent report
Bloomberg billionaire index for as at Wednesday, 13 July shows his worth has dropped to $19 billion, and he has fallen to 76th which, 13 places behind Dangote.
A crypto hedge fund has collapsed and defaulted in the repayment of $670 million loan and said that it could not go on to operate or allow withdrawals by client
The crypto industry has suffered another major hack. An estimated $100 million worth of crypto was stolen from Harmony, blockchain bridge on Wednesday, June 22.
US monetary policymakers also indicated that they will continue to hike aggressively this year in the fight against inflation, a move that will further hit.
Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency which has taken a tumble amid a global downturn in cryptocurrencies which have shaved over 2trillion worth of investment.