Breaking: Ministry of Science and Technology Champions Transformation Through Homegrown Innovations

Breaking: Ministry of Science and Technology Champions Transformation Through Homegrown Innovations

The Hon. Minister, Chief Uche Nnaji of the Federal Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, echoed that Nigeria is rich in human and largely unexplored natural resources. Our predominantly youthful population is not only the largest in Africa but also ranks among the largest globally.

Geographically, our country stands at Africa's heart. Despite these assets, youth unemployment remains a massive challenge as we constantly export domestic jobs by importing many products we could competitively produce locally.

Ministry of Science and Technology
Ministry of Science and Technology champions transformation through homegrown innovations
Source: UGC

Presidential Executive Order No. 5 addresses these challenges by providing support for Made-in-Nigeria Goods and Services (MNGS), the development of homegrown capability, and the capacity to maintain, redesign, reproduce, rededicate, and duplicate any infrastructure built in Nigeria for self-reliance and development.

The order also seeks to closely monitor and promote the capacity of Nigerian professionals and contractors in Science, Engineering, and Technological programs to compete with their counterparts globally. The Strategic Implementation Task Office of the Executive Order (SITOPEO-5) will operationalize these objectives with its Presidential Monitoring and Evaluation Council.

The National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP) also maintains a database of Nigerian professionals for project execution.As part of the broader strategy, various policies and programs are in place at advanced stages of finalization:

National Strategy for Competitiveness in Raw Materials and Products Development: This strategy facilitates shifting from an oil and gas-dependent economy to harnessing diverse raw materials and other resources for high-quality Made-in-Nigeria products for local consumption and export.National Leather and Leather Products Policy [NLLPP]: NLLPP aims to reposition Nigeria's leather industry, shifting from raw material export to producing high-quality finished leather products.

National Policy on Welding and Related Fields: Our national policy on the welding agenda addresses the influx of foreign welding personnel and promotes the training and certification of Nigerian welders as per global standards. This programme will extend to other Artisans' areas too, as we move to standardize service delivery in the artisinal, technical and vocational spacesMethanol Fuel Technology Programme: The methanol economy revolution seeks to harness the vast potential of methanol as a clean and sustainable energy source and position the nation as a leader in Africa's energy transition. It can potentially create over 40 million new employment opportunities in 2 years and complement other efforts in curbing the effects of fuel subsidy removal on the populace.

Technology and Innovation Centres: Created to unify stakeholders in the Science, Technology, and Innovation ecosystem, these centres aim to transition Nigeria from a resource-based to a knowledge economy.

Promotion of Locally Invented Digital Addressing Technology: This initiative addresses the critical need for efficient navigation and addressing systems for both governance and daily activities.The Nigeria National Innovation Commercialization Programme (NICP): This initiative fosters scientific research and technological innovation commercialization and mainstreaming the Made-in-Nigeria Goods and Services. NICP drives economic growth and development by supporting the transformation of innovative ideas into viable products and services.

Clean Technology Programme: Climate Change is a global challenge requiring urgent action. This initiative will promote homegrown StartUps and MSMEs innovatively tackling this problem with cutting-edge technologies, products and services, especially in the Energy Transition and Renewables space

Manufacturing Nigeria: This initiative will raise Nigeria’s manufacturing capacity by tackling the primary bottlenecks mitigating against manufacturing in Nigeria, mainly: Dedicated Power; locally made Machines and Spares; and Technical Knowledge. Through this initiative, we will seek to considerably increase Nigeria’s export earnings and GDP, with an emphasis on Green Manufacturing and Technology

He further reiterates that President Bola Tinubu’s administration is committed to solving Nigeria’s problems through Innovation and Technology. Through this Ministry, the President will create a conducive environment to nurture the innovative spirit of our youth and entrepreneurs.

The Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology see it as a pivotal moment in our nation's history that will propel Nigeria to new heights of innovation and technological advancement. Its full Implementation will bolster our economy, create jobs, reduce poverty, and usher in a brighter future for Nigeria.

Furthermore, Chief Uche Nnaji further states that in the coming weeks, the ministry will be releasing a more detailed road map and work plan to achieve these while creating wealth for millions of Nigerians.


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