How StarTimes Solar is Helping Businesses Solve Exorbitant Electricity Costs

How StarTimes Solar is Helping Businesses Solve Exorbitant Electricity Costs

Electricity costs have become a major burden for businesses today. From the exorbitant band A rate to the fluctuating fuel prices, every business is facing the same challenge: soaring energy expenses. It's a tough time for business owners.

This is a common problem for businesses of all sizes, from seafood retailers like Tobi to electronic retailers like Emeka. In areas with unreliable electricity, the situation is even more challenging, as the cost of running a generator can significantly impact profits.

How StarTimes Solar is Helping Businesses Solve Exorbitant Electricity Costs

While solar power offers a reliable alternative to traditional electricity sources, access to this technology isn't widespread. This is what StarTimes Solar has come to fix.

To help businesses and households easily navigate these challenges without straining their finances, affordable pay-TV provider, StarTimes recently announced expansion into the solar market. The unique advantage of StarTimes Solar is the affordable and flexible payment options available.

So for Tobi, the seafood retailer, even though 5kva solar power may be above her reach at the present time, StarTimes Solar is helping her to smoothly run her business while she pays small small. So, the headache is resolved for her. Now, her shop runs smoothly all day, every day.

The solar panels power her refrigerators, lights, and even the air conditioners that keep her customers comfortable.

How is that possible? StarTimes Solar is working with several financial lenders like Access Bank, Wema Bank, Premium Trust Bank, Groomy, and more. So, these banks will finance the purchase while you pay small small.

For a free assessment of the total kilowatts to power your home or business, call 020 9461 2345 or 081 7239 7969. StarTimes service agents will visit you within 24 hours.

What Makes StarTimes Solar Different for Your Business?

As a business owner, you have various options when considering a switch to solar energy. But what makes StarTimes Solar the right choice for your business?

High-Quality Components: StarTimes Solar provides a robust selection of products tailored to meet diverse energy needs, ensuring reliable performance for your operations:

Solar Panels: Built with N-Type mono-crystalline cells, the panels deliver high efficiency and exceptional performance, even in low light. With power outputs of 450W and 550W, these panels are suitable for both commercial and residential use. They also feature PID resistance to guard against performance degradation and come with a 10-year warranty, ensuring long-term reliability.

Inverters: Our inverters are designed for power and efficiency, with options ranging from 2 KVA to 10 KVA. These hybrid inverters combine solar and battery functions into a single unit, optimizing energy management for your business by handling different voltages within the 100-500V range. With a high-efficiency rate of 97.5%, they come with a 3-year warranty.

Batteries: StarTimes Solar uses lithium-ion batteries that offer high energy capacity and a long lifespan, minimizing the need for frequent replacements. These batteries perform exceptionally well even in high temperatures, maintaining both efficiency and capacity.

Available in sizes from 2.5 KWh to 15 KWh, they come with a 5-year warranty.

Customized Load Selection: We provide clear guidelines to help you configure your StarTimes Solar system to meet your specific energy demands. For instance, our 2 KVA system can power essential office equipment, while our 10 KVA system can handle larger commercial loads, including multiple refrigerators and air conditioning units.

Extended Warranties and After-Sales Service: What truly sets StarTimes Solar apart is our dedication to customer satisfaction. We offer comprehensive warranties of 10 years on panels, 3 years on inverters, and 5 years on batteries. Additionally, our after-sales service ensures that any issues are resolved within 48 hours, keeping your business running smoothly.

With StarTimes Solar, you can trust that your business is powered by reliable, high-quality solar energy solutions, backed by exceptional support and service.

For a free assessment of the total kilowatts to power your home or business, call 020 9461 2345 or 081 7239 7969. StarTimes service agents will visit you within 24 hours.

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