200+ engaging poll questions for your colleagues or group chat
Poll questions are inquiries presented to a group of people for their opinions and feedback. They are a great way to connect with people and get to know them more personally. They also enhance quick feedback and engage your audience, making communication joyful and fun.

Source: UGC
Getting to know a group of people, especially when interacting for the first time, can be challenging. However, poll questions simplify this process by helping you understand your colleagues' or group members' thoughts and perspectives on specific issues.
Engaging poll questions
For one to be able to make poll questions enjoyable, one should make them short and simple. Adding humour for fun communication with your colleagues or friends is also crucial. Below are engaging poll questions for your colleagues and group chat.
Funniest poll questions
Everyone loves something that makes them laugh. Moreover, shared laughter can foster stronger connections among colleagues, friends, and loved ones. You can include Have You Ever questions to better understand a person's character. check below.
- Would you eat the last slice of pizza?
- Have you ever been on a blind date?
- Do you think water is wet?
- What's the weirdest thing you've accidentally said on mute during a meeting?
- Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?
- Which is more annoying, loud chewers or slow walkers?
- Which superhero would you rather be? One with super strength or one who can find Wi-Fi anywhere?
- Which is worse, bad breath or foul body odour?
- What is your funniest work moment?
- Have you ever tried to lick your elbow?
- Can you tell your boss that their dress is unpleasing?
- Do you swallow your gum?
- What's your go-to excuse for dodging small talk at work?
- Which office snack would you fight to defend?
- Is it socially acceptable to clap when the plane lands?
- Would you fight a kangaroo for $1 million?
- Would you quit your job if you won the lottery?
- Would you tell your boss if they had a visible booger?
- If animals could talk, which could be the rudest?
- Can you hula hoop?
- What's the most bizarre food combination you've ever tried?
- Have you ever faked an emergency to get off a Zoom call?
- Have you ever had an awkward interview?
- Can you cry underwater?
- Have you ever worn bathing suits because you were out of clean underwear?
- How do you eat your pizza? Fold it like a pro, or just bite it?
- What is terrifying? Accidentally liking an old Facebook post or sending a text to the wrong person?
- If you were to listen to only one song forever, which one would drive you insane slower, Let It Go or Baby Shark?
- What animal would be most fun to turn into for a day?
- Would you donate an organ to a stranger?
- Which one would you choose, being invisible or flying?
- Would you tell your boss that their joke was not funny?
- What's the most ridiculous email subject line you've ever sent?
Poll questions for friends

Source: UGC
Poll questions for friends can help strengthen friendships and foster stronger connections. You can also include Would You Rather questions for a more engaging conversation.
- If you could move through time, where would you go?
- What's your deepest fear?
- Who’s most likely to make a fool of themselves in public?
- Where do you find your inspiration?
- Do you like surprises?
- What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever Googled?
- What is your favourite colour?
- When are you the happiest?
- What's one thing you've always wanted to try but never have?
- Do you prefer being woken up by music or sunlight?
- Do you like pineapple or pizza?
- Would you rather have a dog or a cat for a pet?
- What is your favourite fact?
- Would you like your wedding planner to be more emotional or more rational?
- How would you like to celebrate your birthday? Big party or a quiet dinner with your loved ones?
- What is your favourite dessert?
- Do you prefer to be called, texted or sent voicemail?
- What's the most random or unusual skill or talent you have that most people don't know about?
- What would it be if you had to choose a theme song for your life?
- Do you prefer hot or cold showers?
- What would it be if you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life?
- What cultural practices does your family uphold?
- When cooking, do you clean as you go or at the end?
- Do you like working from bed?
- If you won a free trip anywhere in the world but could only bring one person, who would you take, and what would you do there?
- What are you most grateful for?
- Which one of your friends who makes you laugh the most?
- What's one thing you've always wanted to try but haven't yet?
- What's a TV show you've been binge-watching lately?
- Have you ever been thrown a surprise party?
- Are you a spender or a saver?
- What does joy look like to you?
- Have you ever wanted to be more confident?

Source: UGC
- Which superhero would you like to be with if a zombie apocalypse occurs?
- What is our ultimate friendship activity? Late-night talks or random adventures?
- If you could give your younger self advice, what would you say?
- Do you prefer silent cab rides or chatting with the driver?
- How many pets do you have or want to have?
- Would you rather have a time machine that can only go back in time or one that can only go forward in time?
- What's something you used to believe as a child that you've since outgrown or changed your mind about?
- Which actor or actress could best play the lead role in your life story?
- Are you an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert?
- What was your childhood dream job?
- What is your dream weekend? Netflix & chill or outdoor adventure?
- What is your favourite genre of music?
- What would you choose if you were told to open a restaurant with only three items?
- If you could pick a superpower, what would you choose?
- If you had a time machine and could visit any era, past or future, where would you go and what would you do first?
- Would you rather have to crawl for the rest of your life or carry another human on your back every weekend?
- Would you rather work on your core or work on your legs?
- What is your favourite day of the week?
- What would it be if you had to listen to one album for the rest of your life?
- If money and time weren't an issue, what would your perfect day look like from start to finish?
- If you were creating your dream home, what feature does it have to have, and why?
- Do you prefer team sports or individual sports?
- Would you rather shop online or in-store?
- Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
- Which type of music genre do you like?
- What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done in public?
- Have you ever felt like there is more to life than work and family but couldn't find the time or energy to look for it?
Poll questions for a group chat
Poll questions are a great way to engage with members in a group chat. Below are some of the questions to consider.

Source: UGC
- If you could go for a coffee with a historical figure, who would it be?
- What famous person, living or dead, would you invite to dinner?
- What's the last act of kindness you took part in?
- If we were stuck on a deserted island, who's most likely to take charge?
- Would you ever consider being a reality show contestant?
- What word would most friends use to describe you?
- Have you ever worked with a family member?
- What age were you when you stopped believing in Santa?
- How many browser tabs do you have open right now?
- What's your preferred way to learn a new skill online?
- If asked to become a spy, would you do it?
- Are you a good gift giver?
- Do you turn music on or off for productivity?
- Who will ghost this chat for weeks and then return like nothing happened?
- Which client would you prefer? One who writes super detailed instructions or the one who doesn't write much at all?
- What is your favourite cartoon?
- If we all got matching tattoos, what would it be?
- How awake are you right now on a scale of one to ten?
- Do you prefer living alone or with people?
- What is your favourite part of your job?
- What word best describes your current mood?
- What do you prefer? Everyone finds you instantly likeable, even the people you cannot stand, or no one noticing you?
- What is your favourite work tool, app or software?
- Who in this group would survive longest in a zombie apocalypse?
- Would you tell a friend if their outfit was hideous?
- What's the most chaotic thing ever happening in this group chat?
- When you were younger, what was your dream job?
- When was the last time you stayed up past 2 AM?
- What's the one thing you'd never trust anyone in this group to do?
- Which fictional character would you rather have for a president?
- Do you sing in the shower?
- If you could travel in time, would you go to the past or the future?
- Would you rather live near a beach or a mountain?
- What's the strangest thing you've seen in someone's virtual meeting background?
- Would you sign up to start a colony on another planet?
- Do you have a bad habit? If yes, then what is it?
- If we started a band, what would our name be?
- Do you prefer Zoom meetings or Slack messages?
- Do you send handwritten letters to anyone?
- What does failure look like, and what do you learn from it?
- What is the coolest thing in your home office?
- Would you prefer to work in an office or to work from home?
- Have you ever gone viral online?
- Do you prefer video on or video off during Zoom calls?
- Would you rather eat more vegetables or less sugar?
- Have you ever seen a dolphin up close?
- What is the best social media platform? TikTok, Facebook or Instagram?
- What's your favourite thing about working from home?
- Who do you enjoy sending memes to? Friends, family or coworkers?
Good poll questions for Instagram

Source: UGC
Poll questions for Instagram can be a powerful tool for engagement and interaction with your audience. Here are some good poll questions for Instagram to try.
- Would you rather be the most respectable brand or be the most profitable?
- What is your favourite cheese?
- If you could live in any movie universe, which would it be?
- Do you find it easy to talk to strangers?
- Pick one: Love, wealth, or health?
- Do you believe in twin flames?
- Between latte and mint tea, which is your favourite drink?
- Which power would you wish to have, to create, destroy, or change?
- You are a billionaire but will lose one of your senses. What will it be?
- Would you rather lose your voice or your hair?
- Which is the main thing you can not live without?
- What's your "I could talk about this for hours" topic?
- Do you believe in ghosts?
- What is the best way to cope with stress?
- Would you prefer long or short hair?
- What's the one trend you'll never understand?
- What's the difference between living and existing?
- What is your favourite way to relax?
- Besides home, where is your go-to place to work?
- How often do you get enough sleep?
- What's your all-time favourite song to scream-sing in the car?
- Have you ever met your doppelganger?
- Wood flooring or carpet?
- If your life were a TV show, what would the title be?
- What is your biggest time waster?
- Do you have any phone numbers, besides your own, memorized?
- Have you ever answered a poll with a random answer?

Source: UGC
- What would you say are humanity's greatest strengths?
- If you had $1000 to spend today, what would you buy?
- Can you play any instrument?
- When was the last time you tried something new?
- Do you prefer salty snacks or sweet snacks?
- Do you like wearing jewellery?
- Do you prefer the sunset or sunrise?
- What's your guilty pleasure snack at midnight?
- Is your home office noisy, quiet, or somewhere in the middle?
- What is the best way to connect, via email, live chat or phone call?
- What has been your favourite age so far?
- How often do you read books?
- If you were a superhero, what would your catchphrase be?
- Who is your favourite author from our blog?
- What event will you attend in the coming months?
- What is the best joke, you know?
- Have you ever swam in the ocean?
- Have you ever wondered why some logos are so memorable?
- Have you ever felt uncomfortable with your skin?
- Do you wear makeup?
- If you were asked only to use one social media platform, which would you choose?
Fun poll questions
When something is fun, it is amusing, entertaining, and enjoyable. So, what are some fun poll questions? Consider the ones below.

Source: UGC
- What's another language you wish you could speak fluently without studying?
- If you could go back in time, would you choose the same career?
- Who would play the boss if we were all characters in a sitcom?
- If animals could talk, which would be the funniest to listen to?
- What is the biggest fear? Accidentally texting the group chat or showing up underdressed?
- If you could retire right now, would you miss work?
- What is the weirdest coincidence that has ever happened to you?
- How many glasses of water do you drink a day?
- What website do you browse the most?
- Have you ever flown in a helicopter?
- What movie or TV show is the most fun to quote?
- What was the last thing you had to drink?
- What's the best advice you've ever given?
- What's the weirdest work-related dream you've ever had?
- What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?
- If you could swap lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?
How do you make poll questions?
Creating poll questions is easy and quick. Simply understand your audience and keep the following tips in mind.
- Know the purpose of your poll questions
- Use simple and engaging language
- Avoid misleading poll questions
- Focus on relatable topics
Poll questions are a great way to interact with a group of people, such as colleagues, friends, and loved ones. They enable engaging communication where people can share thoughts and opinions. Poll questions can include both open-ended and closed-ended questions.
Legit.ng recently published words of encouragement for men to lift their spirits. Words of encouragement for men come in handy to lift their spirits. They play a vital role in society, and sometimes, they have bad days but tend to hide their fears.
Words of encouragement for men are a source of motivation, making them feel appreciated and loved. Encouraging a man can also boost their confidence and encourage him to take on tough challenges and become more productive.
Source: Legit.ng