150+ Never Have I Ever questions for kids for clean and silly icebreakers
Never Have I Ever is a fun and simple game that kids can play with each other or adults. It is perfect for parties, school events, or hanging out with friends. You can keep the questions clean and silly, making it a safe and enjoyable activity for everyone. Uncover some of the best Never Have I Ever questions for kids that are perfect icebreakers.

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Playing Never Have I Ever with your kids offers fun, laughter, and a chance to learn more about them. These clean and silly questions are great for kids of all ages and will get everyone giggling as they share fun stories about things they have or have not done.
Never Have I Ever questions for kids
Never Have I Eve is a fun game for kids that promotes social skills and allows parents to get to know their kids better. Below is a compilation of Never Have I Ever questions for kids for clean and silly icebreakers.
Best Never Have I Ever questions for kids
Never Have I Ever is a fun game of truth-telling among kids. Whether at a party, in class, or on a family game night, these questions will bring smiles and help everyone feel included.
- Never have I ever tried to stay awake all night.
- Never have I ever practised dance moves in front of the mirror.
- Never have I ever been on an aeroplane.
- Never have I ever tried a food I thought I wouldn't like but ended up loving.
- Never have I ever ridden a bike without training wheels.
- Never have I ever gotten lost in the grocery store.

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- Never have I ever left the movie theatre before the movie was over.
- Never have I ever lost a tooth and put it under my pillow for the Tooth Fairy.
- Never have I ever worn matching outfits with a friend.
- Never have I ever skied down a mountain.
- Never have I ever tripped down the stairs at school.
- Never have I ever sent a text to the wrong person.
- Never have I ever been afraid of the dark.
- Never have I ever made a new friend on the first day of school.
- Never have I ever eaten an entire box of cookies in one sitting.
- Never have I ever had hair longer than my shoulders.
- Never have I ever been scared in a haunted house.
Funny Never Have I Ever questions for kids

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If you want to keep the game light and hilarious, these funny questions for Kids will get you laughing, talking, and connecting in all-new ways.
- Never have I ever laughed at my joke before the punch line.
- Never have I ever accidentally gone into the wrong bathroom.
- Never have I ever tried to lick my elbow.
- Never have I ever tried to touch my nose with my tongue.
- Never have I ever waved or greeted someone who was not talking to me.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard I peed my pants.
- Never have I ever pretended to be older or younger than my age.
- Never have I ever tried to outrun a cheetah.
- Never have I ever been stuck in an elevator.
- Never have I ever had bird poop on me.
- Never have I ever gotten caught talking to myself.
- Never have I ever gone to school in my pyjamas.
- Never have I ever tasted a lemon and made a silly face.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep during a lesson and started snoring.
- Never have I ever swung a bat and completely missed the ball.
- Never have I ever done a belly flop off the diving board.
- Never have I ever talked to my favourite stuffed animal.
- Never have I ever tried to walk around the house wearing my parents' reading glasses.
- Never have I ever accidentally eaten a dog treat.
- Never have I ever thrown spaghetti at the wall to see if it was ready.
- Never have I ever drunk pickle juice from a pickle jar.
- Never have I ever gone to school with two different socks on.
- Never have I ever sung so loudly in the shower that the dogs started howling.
Clean Never Have I Ever questions for kids

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Playing 'Never Have I Ever' with your kids is an excellent opportunity to talk about different experiences with a younger audience, instil honesty, and expand their horizons. Here are some amazing clean Never Have I Ever questions for kids to keep the fun going.
- Never have I ever lied to my parents about brushing my teeth.
- Never have I ever made up fake language.
- Never have I ever fallen out of bed in the middle of the night.
- Never have I ever snuck food into my bedroom.
- Never have I ever worn something dirty.
- Never have I ever tried to catch a raindrop on my tongue.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep in the car so that a parent would carry me in.
- Never have I ever broken something and tried to hide it.
- Never have I ever been on a road trip.
- Never have I ever told a secret I promised to keep.
- Never have I ever played a musical instrument.
- Never have I ever pretended to be asleep when someone was trying to wake me up.
- Never have I ever hidden things under my bed.
- Never have I ever played video games or watched TV when I wasn't allowed to.
- Never have I ever worn the same clothes for a week.
- Never have I ever played in a treehouse.
- Never have I ever worn clothes inside out without realizing it.
- Never have I ever pretended I was Elsa from Frozen.
- Never have I ever talked back to a teacher.
- Never have I ever taken something that didn't belong to me.
- Never have I ever shoved everything in my closet when I was supposed to be cleaning my room.
Never Have I Ever questions about school

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These questions are great for sparking exciting conversations with kids about their school experiences without seeming like you are interrogating them.
- Never have I ever forgotten my homework at home.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep in class.
- Never have I ever pretended to know the answer when I didn’t.
- Never have I ever skipped class without a good reason.
- Never have I ever been called on by the teacher when I wasn’t paying attention.
- Never have I ever borrowed something from a classmate and forgot to return it.
- Never have I ever gotten in trouble for talking during class.
- Never have I ever gotten a perfect score on a test.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher.
- Never have I ever gotten detention.
- Never have I ever copied someone else’s homework.
- Never have I ever tried out for a sports team.
- Never have I ever accidentally walked into the wrong classroom.
- Never have I ever been late for class.
- Never have I ever gotten lost on my way to school.
- Never have I ever lied about why I was late to class.
- Never have I ever forgotten to study for a test.
- Never have I ever been caught passing notes in class.
- Never have I ever joined a school club just to hang out with friends.
- Never have I ever gotten lost on the way to a class.
Never Have I Ever questions for older kids

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Below are some great Never Have I Ever questions perfect for older kids. These questions get the kids to share interesting stories and experiences, leading to lots of laughs and bonding moments.
- Never have I ever made a TikTok video.
- Never have I ever skipped a class.
- Never have I ever tried to bake something by myself.
- Never have I ever told a friend I loved their outfit, even though I didn't.
- Never have I ever eavesdropped on a conversation.
- Never have I ever done volunteer work outside of school.
- Never have I ever stayed up late to play video games.
- Never have I ever used someone else's Netflix login.
- Never have I ever gone on a vacation with a friend and their family.
- Never have I ever talked on the phone with my best friend all night.
- Never have I ever been to a school dance.
- Never have I ever said a swear word.
- Never have I ever written a letter to Santa Claus.
- Never have I ever laughed at someone when they fell or got hurt.
- Never have I ever cooked dinner for my whole family.
- Never have I ever stayed out past my curfew.
- Never have I ever skipped washing my hair for more than a week.
- Never have I ever tried to keep a diary or journal.
- Never have I ever pretended to be a superhero.
Silly Never Have I Ever questions for kids

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Silly Never Have I Ever questions for kids are a great way to bring out laughter and smiles. These playful and funny prompts let kids imagine hilarious situations and share giggles with friends.
- Never have I ever stayed in my pyjamas all day.
- Never have I ever walked with a wedgie.
- Never have I ever eaten something from the trash.
- Never have I ever watched a movie without asking permission first.
- Never have I ever tripped and fallen in public.
- Never have I ever forgotten to wash my hands after using the bathroom.
- Never have I ever made a silly face while taking a photo.
- Never have I ever worn my shoes on the opposite feet.
- Never have I ever brushed my teeth with the wrong toothbrush.
- Never have I ever called my teacher "mom" or "dad" by mistake.
- Never have I ever walked into a glass door or window.
- Never have I ever laughed at a joke I didn’t get.
- Never have I ever blown bubbles into my chocolate milk.
- Never have I ever had a booger hanging out of my nose without realizing it.
- Never have I ever had my stomach rumble loudly in class or during a quiet moment.
- Never have I ever somersaulted on a trampoline while whistling.
- Never have I ever had gum stuck under my shoe.
- Never have I ever gotten my tongue stuck to a cold pole or surface.
- Never have I ever snorted or laughed milk out of my nose.
- Never have I ever eaten something that was meant for pets.
- Never have I ever pretended to be a contestant on America's Got Talent and lip-synced in front of the mirror.
- Never have I ever made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without peanut butter.
- Never have I ever tried to stand on my head and sing the national anthem.
- Never have I ever drunk soda pop so fast that it gushed out of my nose.
- Never have I ever danced with a broom to a good song.
- Never have I ever tried on mom’s jewellery.
Cool Never Have I Ever questions

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Whether you are stuck in the car for a long trip or just looking for a way to start conversations, these cool Never Have I Ever questions for kids will keep them entertained and spark their imagination, making it a fun and engaging activity for everyone involved.
- Never have I ever stayed up past my bedtime without permission.
- Never have I ever eaten dessert before dinner.
- Never have I ever built a pillow fort.
- Never have I ever climbed a tree.
- Never have I ever hidden vegetables to avoid eating them.
- Never have I ever played hide and seek.
- Never have I ever tried to juggle and drop everything.
- Never have I ever sung in the shower.
- Never have I ever made up a silly dance move.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard I snorted.
- Never have I ever gotten scared during a movie.
- Never have I ever raced someone and won.
- Never have I ever collected something cool, like rocks or stickers.
- Never have I ever made a mess while trying to cook or bake.
- Never have I ever jumped into a puddle on purpose.
- Never have I ever forgotten where I put something important.
- Never have I ever built something amazing with LEGO.
- Never have I ever blown bubbles and tried to pop them with my tongue.
- Never have I ever made up my own superhero name.
- Never have I ever had a pet or wanted one really badly.
- Never have I ever told a funny joke that no one understood.
- Never have I ever worn mismatched socks on purpose.
- Never have I ever seen a meteor shower or a shooting star.
- Never have I ever been late to a birthday party.
- Never have I ever eaten a whole bag of candy, chips or cookies all by myself.
- Never have I ever watched a horror movie while blocking my ears.
- Never have I ever pretended to know a celebrity to score popularity points.
- Never have I ever overslept and missed the school bus.
How do you play Never Have I Ever with kids?
Playing Never Have I Ever kids is an enjoyable and easy way to spend time together, strengthen connections, and learn more about each other. Here is how to play:
- Gather at least three kid players, but it can be played with as many kids as you like.
- Sit in a circle so everyone can see each other.
- Tell the kids that one person will say something they have never done before, starting by saying, "Never have I ever..."
- If someone has done the activity mentioned, they acknowledge it by raising their hand, saying, "I have!" or putting down a finger.
- Go around the circle, giving each child a chance to say something they have never done.
Is Never Have I Ever for 12-year-olds?
Never Have I Ever can be a great game for 12-year-olds if the questions are clean, fun, and age-appropriate.
Never Have I Ever questions for kids encourage open communication, stimulate creativity, and can lead to some pretty funny and surprising revelations. If you are looking to understand your child more, try asking the questions listed above.
Legit.ng recently published a comprehensive list of yes or no questions to get to know someone better. Yes or no questions are short, one-word answers that help individuals learn more about each other.
One key to making an excellent first impression is catching someone's attention with something new, including yes or no questions. Yes or no questions help you learn more about the person's values, interests, and goals. Click on the link above to learn more.
Source: Legit.ng