130 cool "have you ever" questions to uncover each other's lives

130 cool "have you ever" questions to uncover each other's lives

"Have you ever questions" are perfect icebreakers for any gathering. They reveal quirky secrets, funny experiences, and untold stories that will have everyone laughing or gasping. Whether you aim for laughter or profound reflection, “have you ever" questions may help you bond over shared experiences and surprising revelations. Here are cool questions to uncover hidden sides of the people in your life!

have you ever questions
Have you ever questions bring people closer with laughter and connection. Photo: SDI Productions (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images


Asking questions is a great way to bond with someone. They facilitate ongoing curiosity, deepen emotional connection, and prevent stagnation. Such questions also demonstrate a continued interest in each other's lives, fostering emotional safety. These “have you ever questions” are a sure way of bringing people closer with laughter and connection.

Cool "have you ever" questions

These "have you ever" questions are perfect for breaking the ice, getting to know others, or having a good time with friends. Dive into this collection of cool questions and discover fascinating stories and experiences from the people around you.

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Common "never have I ever" questions

These questions are perfect for starting light and fun conversations in any setting. Whether chatting with close friends or meeting new people, these questions work in almost every scenario. Check them out for inspiration.

  • Have you ever danced in the rain without caring who was watching?
  • Have you ever started a conversation with a complete stranger in a foreign country?
  • Have you ever tried learning a language just to impress someone?
  • Have you ever cried in public and embarrassed yourself?
  • Have you ever dreamt of a ghost being in your bedroom and then waking up and finding yourself looking around for the ghost?
  • Have you ever had a Deja Vu experience?
  • Have you ever raised your hand to answer a question, then forgot what you were going to say?
  • Have you ever received a present that you really hated?
  • Have you ever thought of something funny and started laughing out loud in the presence of others?
  • Have you ever fallen asleep while talking on the phone?
  • Have you ever sprained your ankle/wrist? How did it happen?
  • Have you ever seen a car accident?
  • Have you ever kissed somebody by mistake?
  • Have you ever laughed until tears came from your eyes?
  • Have you ever met a celebrity?
  • Have you ever called a 'he' she or a 'she' a 'he?' What was the response?
  • Have you ever eaten something you thought you wouldn't like but found out you liked it?
  • Have you ever forgotten your wallet after finishing a meal in a restaurant?
  • Have you ever gone skiing?
  • Have you ever gone mountain climbing?
  • Have you ever ghosted a group chat and responded way too late with a gif?
  • Have you ever started several books and not finished a single one?

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Spicy "have you ever" questions

Spicy have you ever questions
Spicy "Have you ever questions" pushes boundaries, uncovers hidden secrets, and leads to unforgettable moments. Photo: Kali9 (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

These spicy have you ever questions are for those looking to add a little excitement to their conversations. These daring questions will push boundaries, uncover hidden secrets, and lead to unforgettable moments.

  • Have you ever hooked up with someone you just met?
  • Have you ever been in a love triangle?
  • Have you ever pretended to be single when you weren’t?
  • Have you ever had a friends-with-benefits relationship?
  • Have you ever been trapped in an elevator?
  • Have you ever played a joke on one of your teachers?
  • Have you ever called your girlfriend/boyfriend "Honey?"
  • Have you ever called your boyfriend or girlfriend by the wrong name?
  • Have you ever told a big lie to someone you love?
  • Have you ever sent a flirty message to a stranger?
  • Have you ever had a forbidden romance?
  • Have you ever been caught kissing someone?
  • Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
  • Have you ever asked a woman when she was "due" and she wasn't even pregnant?
  • Have you ever called a female teacher "mum" by mistake?
  • Have you ever hidden the last of a snack so you would be the one to eat it?
  • Have you ever had an electricity blackout while taking a shower?
  • Have you ever been relieved when you got someone’s voicemail instead of having to talk to a live person?
  • Have you ever gone to the store for one thing and left with anything but?
  • Have you ever turned your video off so you could lick your plate during a Zoom lunch?
  • Have you ever ghosted someone in a conversation because you didn’t want to talk?
  • Have you ever made out in a public place?

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"Have you ever" questions for adults

Have you ever questions for adults
Have you ever questions for adults dive deeper into personal experiences and adult situations. Photo: Monkeybusinessimages (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

These questions dive deeper into personal experiences and adult situations by offering more meaningful and reflective discussions. Here are some questions that are sure to foster thoughtful and engaging conversations.

  • Have you ever fired a gun?
  • Have you ever cooked for more than 20 people?
  • Have you ever travelled without paying for a ticket?
  • Have you ever driven a sports car?
  • Have you ever tried extreme sports?
  • Have you ever shot a gun at a tree or a target?
  • Have you ever called your school's principal?
  • Have you ever received over 10 cards on Valentine's Day?
  • Have you ever seen a ghost and slept with all the lights on?
  • Have you ever prank-called someone?
  • Have you ever fainted in a public place?
  • Have you ever been inside a police car?
  • Have you ever milked a cow?
  • Have you ever been to a funeral?
  • Have you ever dialled 911/111/119 (emergency services)?
  • Have you ever shaken hands with a monkey?
  • Have you ever been to a wedding? Whose was it? Did the bride wear a white dress or traditional clothing?
  • Have you ever made somebody cry?
  • Have you ever walked into a window because it was just that clean?
  • Have you ever participated in a protest or political rally?
  • Have you ever had to deal with a difficult boss or coworker?
  • Have you ever gone on a blind date that turned out surprisingly well?

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"Have you ever" questions for students

Have you ever questions for students
Have you ever questions for students help everyone open up about shared moments. Photo: Carlos Barquero (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

These are fun and can help someone open up about shared moments of school life, friendships, and personal challenges. Here are some of the cool have you ever had icebreaker questions to ask your peers.

  • Have you ever wondered why some people want to be alone but never seem to be lonely?
  • Have you ever given a special nickname to your pet?
  • Have you ever let your pet sleep in or on your bed with you?
  • Have you ever saved a piece of chewed chewing gum and started chewing it again later?
  • Have you ever tried riding a skateboard?
  • Have you ever tried in-line skating?
  • Have you ever sung a commercial jingle in the shower?
  • Have you ever wondered why people keep their curtains closed during the day?
  • Have you ever been on the radio?
  • Have you ever played an instrument in public?
  • Have you ever written an article for a newspaper?
  • Have you ever ridden a camel?
  • Have you ever let your pet sleep on your bed with you?
  • Have you ever kept special treats for your pet?
  • Have you ever called a woman "sir" or a man "ma'am?"
  • Have you ever wanted to eat toothpaste?
  • Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
  • Have you ever kept a special blanket for your pet?
  • Have you ever raised your hand in class and forgotten what to say?
  • Have you ever received a love letter?
  • Have you ever fired a gun at a target?
  • Have you ever joined a club or sports team just for fun?

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Funny "never have I ever" questions

Funny never have I ever questions
Funny never have I ever questions are designed to prompt hilarious stories. Photo: Coroimage (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

Laughter is the best way to unite people, and funny “never have I ever questions” are perfect for that! These light-hearted questions are designed to prompt hilarious stories and embarrassing moments.

  • Never have I ever intentionally started a fight between other people.
  • Never have I ever found a dumb excuse to text an ex.
  • Never have I ever flirted to get something I wanted.
  • Never have I ever tried guessing someone’s password.
  • Never have I ever catfished someone.
  • Never have I ever snooped through someone's phone.
  • Never have I ever Googled myself.
  • Never have I ever had a dirty dream about a super unexpected person.
  • Never have I ever been accused of sharing too much on social media.
  • Never have I ever created a fake social media account.
  • Never have I ever run out of petrol while driving.
  • Never have I ever hopped a turnstile.
  • Never have I ever thought a friend's baby was ugly.
  • Never have I ever given someone a fake phone number.
  • Never have I ever had a pet name for a significant other.
  • Never have I ever been given a pet name by a significant other.
  • Never have I ever convinced a partner to dump a friend.
  • Never have I ever said “I love you” to someone by accident.
  • Never have I ever called a partner the wrong name.
  • Never have I ever gone to a party I wasn’t invited to.
  • Never have I ever sent a dirty text message.
  • Never have I ever gone on a blind date.

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"Never have I ever" questions

Never have I ever questions
Never have I ever questions uncover things you never knew about your friends and family. Photo: Jon Feingersh Photography Inc (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

These questions uncover things you never knew about your friends and family. Whether you are aiming for humour or a serious discussion, these questions will get people talking.

  • Never have I ever had a friend with benefits.
  • Never have I ever dated more than one person at once.
  • Never have I ever spent money that wasn’t mine to spend.
  • Never have I ever had a relationship last less than a month.
  • Never have I ever had a relationship last longer than a year.
  • Never have I ever gotten an unexpected piercing.
  • Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.
  • Never have I ever kept a crush a secret from people in this room.
  • Never have I ever been in love with someone without them knowing.
  • Never have I ever been in an open relationship.
  • Never have I ever fantasised about getting back with an ex.
  • Never have I ever seriously thought about marrying someone.
  • Never have I ever had a totally online relationship.
  • Never have I ever had a crush on a boss.
  • Never have I ever had a threesome.
  • Never have I ever had a crush on a friend's parent.
  • Never have I ever kissed a friend's ex.
  • Never have I ever told someone "I love you" without meaning it.
  • Never have I ever stayed in a relationship that I really wasn’t feeling.
  • Never have I ever broken up with someone over text.
  • Never have I ever lied to a law enforcement officer.
  • Never have I ever been hospitalised for something other than giving birth or being born.

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How can "have you ever" questions be used as icebreakers?

"Have You Ever" questions make fantastic icebreakers. They encourage people to share personal stories and experiences in a fun, relaxed setting, helping to break down barriers and get conversations flowing effortlessly.

How does one answer "Have You Ever" questions"?

To answer "Have You Ever" questions, you respond with a "yes" or "no" based on your experience. If you are comfortable, you can also elaborate on your answer by sharing a brief story or explaining the situation to make the conversation more engaging.

These cool “have you ever" questions are more than conversation starters. They help people connect, share their stories, and understand each other better. If you seek laughter, surprises, or deeper discussions, these questions will reveal fascinating aspects of everyone’s life.

Legit.ng recently published an exciting post about fun questions to ask your partner to grow closer together. One way to get to know your partner is by asking questions and listening to the answers.

Getting to know your partner may be challenging, as life has its hustles and bustles. Therefore, you must be intentional as you seek ways to understand each other and strengthen your bond. Read on to unveil some fun questions to ask your significant other.

Source: Legit.ng

Brian Oroo avatar

Brian Oroo (Lifestyle writer) Brian Oroo has been working as a writer in Legit.ng since 2021. His main area of specialization is on topics regarding lifestyle, celebrities, news, and many more. He won the Writer of the Year Award on Legit in 2023. Brian graduated with a Bsc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Jomo Kenyatta University (JKUAT) in 2021. In 2023, Brian finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. His email is brianoroo533@gmail.com