20 protection prayers for divine cover over you and your loved ones

20 protection prayers for divine cover over you and your loved ones

Protection prayers seek God’s safeguarding presence over your life and the lives of your loved ones. They are believed to have the power to invoke divine intervention against various bad things that may happen to you, including physical harm, negative influences, and unknown dangers. Whether you say the prayers in times of anxiety or recite them daily, these prayers serve as a reminder of the ever-watchful presence of God, comforting you that all shall be well.

Prayer for protection
Protection prayers serve as a reminder of the ever-watchful presence of God. Photo: ImagineGolf (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images


You might do everything to protect yourself and your loved ones, but you cannot always guarantee their safety. Moreover, many unforeseen dangers might befall you unexpectedly. For such reasons, protection prayers come in handy to invoke God’s divine intervention for protection. You can trust that God will safeguard you and your loved ones wherever they are.

20 protection prayers for divine cover

Relying on God’s protection as you go about your daily activities gives you peace of mind and the knowledge that you will be safe. With so many evil things happening, you can only trust that your loved ones are always in His safe hands. Here is a compilation of prayers you can recite to seek God’s protection.

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Prayers for protection from evil

Prayers for protection from evil
Protection prayers shield you from evil spirits. Photo: Paul Biris (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

Sometimes, the feeling of fear, anxiety, or a sense of imminent doom may grip you. All it takes is prayers for protection and safety. Below are prayers to keep evil spirits away.

  • Father, I know that the only thing that will remain is that which You protect and preserve. Therefore, I ask You to protect and preserve my life. Keep me from harm when natural disasters hit, wars, and the instability of life on the planet. You are my refuge and strength; no matter what happens, I trust You and will not be afraid.
  • Lord God, heavenly Father, you know that we are set amid so many great dangers that because of the frailty of our nature, we cannot always stand upright. Grant us strength and protection to support us in all danger and carry us through all temptations. Through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
  • Father, You see everything, and nothing escapes Your eyes. You see the schemes of darkness and reveal them with Your light. Make me fully aware of these schemes and protect me in Your love. You have designed me to win, so use my life for Your glory, as You have come to destroy the works of the devil.
  • LORD Jesus, You are the highest authority, and no spiritual power exists above You. Therefore, I hide in You, as You are my safe shelter. I'm confident that in submitting to You, no evil will ever be able to conquer me. Therefore, in Your name, I trust You to send Your messengers and protect me wherever I go.
  • Heavenly Father, I put on the full armour of God to stand against the enemy's schemes. I cover myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is your Word. I trust in your strength and protection as I navigate the spiritual battles around me. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Amen.

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Bedtime prayer for protection

Bedtime prayer for protection
Bedtime is the best time to appreciate God's love and ask for His protection through prayers. Photo: Gary Yeowell (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

Bedtime may be your perfect time to ask for God’s protection as you sleep. It is the ideal time to appreciate God’s love and ask for His protection throughout the night when you are fast asleep and unaware of your surroundings. Below are goodnight prayers you can recite and share with your loved ones.

  • Dear God, I ask for your loving protection as I prepare to sleep tonight. Watch over me and my loved ones, keeping us safe from harm and danger. Surround us with your angels, Lord, and let your peace fill our hearts. Shield us from any fear or worry that may try to disturb our rest. Thank you for your constant care and love. I trust in your protection, and I place my faith in you. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
  • Dear God, I seek your peace and tranquillity as I lay down to rest. Please calm my mind and comfort my heart. May your presence surround me like a warm and gentle embrace. Grant me a restful night's sleep, free from worry and fear, so that I may awaken refreshed and ready to face a new day. In your loving care, I find my security. Amen.
  • O Lord, our God, keep us in peace during this night and at all times. Keep our hearts and thoughts secure in holy reverence for you so that we may always be protected from the enemy's snares. And let us offer blessing and glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages. Amen.
  • God, we come to You now asking for Your protection and strength. We trust in You and know that You have the power to break any stronghold that the enemy has set up in our lives. Help us to be aware of the lies the enemy is trying to tell us and fill us with Your truth. We pray that You would expose and break any strongholds the enemy is trying to build in our lives so that we may be fully restored to You. Give us the courage and strength to stand firm in our faith, knowing that You are always with us. We pray this in Your holy name. Amen.
  • Holy Spirit, please encircle me, come hold me safe and secure, wrap my mind up with your truth, guide my thoughts, and calm my fears. Steady my emotions, Lord, that you would guide my feelings; may I not be overcome by upset. Sustain my soul with a vision for the future and hope for tomorrow. I need you. Amen.

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Prayers for my son’s protection

Prayers for my son's protection
Parents find peace in praying for their child's safety anywhere. Photo: ImagineGolf (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

Every parent is always worried about their children’s safety, especially when they are not around. Since they are out of your protection, you can only ask God to keep them safe wherever they are. Here is how you can pray for your son’s protection.

  • Lord God, we praise you for fully controlling all things. I pray you protect my child, keep them healthy, and help them thrive. I thank you that you know every hair on their head. You know precisely when they rise and when they fall. Watch over my child in every area of their life and keep them safe, I pray. Amen.
  • Heavenly Father, thank you for all the good gifts you gave me. I thank you for trusting me for the future of my family. Please guide my child in every step they take. I pray they know your provision and protection. Make their steps steady. I pray. Amen
  • Almighty God, Thank You for entrusting me with this precious gift of my son. I pray that his faith will grow and he will be blessed with guidance and knowledge. I pray for safety and protection as he steps into adulthood. I ask that You place a hedge of protection around him, keeping him from harm’s way. May his life be filled with Your peace and presence so that fear has no place in it. Keep evil far from him, even when he makes foolish choices. Help him stay focused on Your truth and not be swayed by the world's ways.
  • Lord, I ask that You rescue, guide, and protect my son today. Answer him when he calls on You, and be with him in times of trouble. I know that Your plans for him are good and not for his harm. Guard and protect him, and cover him with Your favour as with a shield. Amen.
  • Dear God, I lift my son to You, knowing You are his ultimate protector. Surround him with Your love and shield him from any harm or danger. Guide his steps and guard him in all his ways. May Your presence be a constant source of comfort and strength for him, and may he walk in Your protection all the days of his life.

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Powerful protection prayers for the family

Powerful protection prayers
The safety of your loved one is a priority, and praying for their safety brings them God's protection. Photo: Andrew Holt (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

Family comes first in everything; whenever they are safe and sound, you have peace of mind. These powerful prayers for family protection will shield your loved ones from harm.

  • Lord, spread your protection over my family. Guide and keep them, and help them trust you each day. Be with my family as they go about their daily lives. Cover them with your protection, and guard their going out and coming in now and forever. Amen.
  • Dear Father, You are like a wing that shelters my children, strong with protection and soft with grace. You are like a shield that encircles them each day. They run free, and you are with them as they adventure. You are like a crown placed upon their heads, a symbol of sonship, belonging, and their adoption into your family. Lord, I place them into your great care and declare they are yours. Amen.
  • Lord, help us to be thankful for one another. Help my children to be thankful for each other, for our family to be grateful for each member and to pray for one another continually. Our gratitude for one another will bind us together as a family, and our prayers for each other will further unify us in gratitude and love.
  • Our Father God, we come before You today to ask for Your protection over our families. Let no trouble fall on them today. Keep them away from accidents. O Lord, allow no evil to influence their hearts. Cover them with the precious blood of Christ. Protect those we love, Lord God. Take charge of them so they don't strike their foot against a stone. Let our devotions to You bring us down the right path. God's will be done, Amen.
  • Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus, acknowledging your power and sovereignty. I pray for your divine protection over me and my loved ones. Surround us with your angels and create a hedge of safety around us. Guard us from both seen and unseen harm, and keep us secure in your loving care. I trust in your promise that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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What are the powerful hours to pray?

According to Apostolic traditions, Christians should pray at least seven times daily. Prayer times should be on waking up, at the lighting of the evening lamp, at bedtime, at midnight, and ninth hours of the day (9 a.m., 12 p.m., and 3 p.m.)

Should I pray in the morning or at night?

Christians can pray at any time of the day, whether it is morning or evening. However, most people prefer morning prayers when they rise and evening prayers when they are about to go to bed.

Prayers for protection express profound trust and faith in God’s safeguarding presence. They comfort and reassure you every time you are in danger or fighting spiritual warfare. The prayers bring a sense of peace and security in your life, knowing that God protects you from anything that might harm you.

Legit.ng recently published a compilation of the best prayer messages and blessings for encouragement. When life seems difficult and impossible, sometimes it takes a prayer to realise your potential and return to winning ways.

Prayers are a great source of encouragement. So, how do you write a blessing message to encourage someone? Here is a compilation of the best prayer messages and blessings.

Source: Legit.ng

Muhunya Muhonji avatar

Muhunya Muhonji (Lifestyle writer) Muhunya has been a writer for more than three years. He graduated from Egerton University in 2014 with a degree in Agricultural Economics. He is also a certified public accountant and tax expert. Muhunya joined Legit.ng in July 2021 and writes about various topics such as entertainment, technology, business, and biographies. In 2023, Muhunya finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. In March 2024, he completed the Google News Initiative course. Email: muhunyah@gmail.com