100+ funny school jokes for kids (and teachers) to enjoy
Even though kids go to school to learn, there is always time for other fun activities. Telling a funny school joke will make everyone laugh and uplift everyone’s mood. Interestingly, school jokes are not only for kids; teachers and parents can also enjoy them. Here is a compilation of funny school-appropriate jokes your kids can relate to.

Source: UGC
Laughing eases things up, especially in tense situations. As the saying goes, all work with no play makes Jack a dull boy; telling jokes is one way you can have fun moments as a student, teacher, or parent. If you want to put a smile on your kids' faces, try the kid jokes about school below.
Funny school jokes
School jokes for kids will tickle their funny bones and help improve their social skills as they interact. You can make everyone chuckle with these funny and witty school-related jokes.
Witty back-to-school jokes
School-appropriate jokes are excellent for catching up with friends when you return to school. Here is a list of jokes you can share with your schoolmates.

Source: UGC
- What did the teacher say about the pizza student? There’s mushroom for improvement!
- How do you get straight A's? By using a ruler!
- What vegetables do librarians like? Quiet peas.
- Which school does an ice cream man go to? Sundae school.
- Why do magicians score well in exams? Because they can handle tricky questions.
- What is a snake’s favourite subject in school? Hisssssstory.
- What time would it be if Godzilla came to school? Time to run!
- What’s the best place to grow flowers in school? In kindergarden.
- Why did the egg get thrown out of class? Because he kept telling yolks.
- Why did the kid eat his homework? Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.
- Name the dinosaur that has the best vocabulary. The thesaurus.
- How do bees go to school? By school buzz.
- Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven ATE nine.
- What did the paper say to the pen? You have a good point.
- What is black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty? The Blackboard.
- What tests do vampire teachers give? Blood tests!
- What did the fish get on his math test? A sea plus.
- Why did the teacher wear sunglasses? Because he has bright students.
- What is the longest word in the dictionary? Smiles, because there is a mile between each “s”.
- Why did the students run to school? The spelling bee was chasing them.
Funny end-of-school jokes
Kids are always looking forward to vacation after a long time at school. The last days of school are exciting and perfect for telling funny school jokes for kids to have fun. Here is a compilation.

Source: UGC
- Who only goes to school during the summer? Surfers–they go to boarding school.
- What stays in the school during summer vacation? The alpha-bat.
- Will you have a statistics class next year? Probably.
- How can you make the last day of school fly by? Throw a clock!
- What U.S. state teaches math class all year long? Mathachusetts.
- What do teachers use to light a campfire when school’s out? Arithma-sticks.
- How did you find the school on the last day today? I just got off the bus, and there it was!
- Why did the teacher shed tears on the last day of school? They were tears of joy.
- Why do the teachers give End-of-Year Assignments? It is their method of determining how bright parents are.
- What was the Algebra teacher’s favourite sum? Summer.
- Why did the school bus honk its horn on the last school day? It was saying, “Hooray, no more early mornings!”
- Do fish go on summer vacation? No, because they’re always schooling.
- Which friend do students never see during vacations? Their princi-PAL.
- What do teachers use to light a campfire when school’s out? Arithma-sticks.
- Why did the Lifesaver go to summer school? It wanted to be a Smartie!
- Which animal cheats in the exams? CHEATah.
- What did the teacher say her three favourite words were? June, July, and August.
- Why did Jimmy's grades drop after the holidays? Because everything was marked down!
- Why did the teacher go to the beach? To test the water.
- What did the student say when his teacher handed him his final report card of the year? Do you want me to sign it now or later?
- Why did the teacher forget to take attendance on the last day of school? She was absent-minded.
Cool elementary school jokes
You can grab people’s attention with funny kid jokes about school when there isn't much to do. These cool jokes will quickly light up people.

Source: UGC
- Why don’t giraffes go to elementary school? Because they go to high school.
- Why do we measure a snake in inches? Because it does not have feet.
- Why is beer never served at a math party? Because you should never drink and derive.
- Two days of the week that start with ‘T’. Today and tomorrow.
- Which letter is hidden in a cup? The letter T.
- Why is the obtuse angle always upset? Because it can never be right.
- Why is a geometry lesson so adorable? Because it has a lot of aCUTE angles.
- Your essay on the COW is similar to that of your friend. Have you copied it? No, teacher. It’s about the same COW.
- How did the music teacher get locked in the classroom? His keys were inside the piano!
- What did the pencil sharpener say to the pencil? Stop going in circles and get to the point!
- What happened when the wheel was invented? It caused a revolution!
- Why didn't the sun go to college? Because it already had a million degrees!
- What do you get when you throw a lot of books in the ocean? A title wave.
- Who was in charge of the school during summer vacation? The rulers.
- What do you call a square that's been in an accident? A WRECKtangle.
- What did one pencil say to the other on the first day of school? You look sharp.
- Why was the broom late for school? It over-swept.
- Which building has the most stories? The library.
- What does your computer do for lunch? Have a byte.
- Why do calculators make great friends? You can always count on them.
Hilarious middle-school jokes
Looking for jokes about school you can tell to middle school kids? He is a collection of the best jokes to make their day.

Source: UGC
- What did the math book tell the pencil? I've got a lot of problems.
- Can you tell us where they signed the Declaration of Independence? At the bottom of the page.
- When is a theatre clumsy? When the curtain falls.
- What did you learn today? Not enough. They're making me go back tomorrow.
- Why was school easier for cave people? There was no history to study!
- What do you call a train carrying bubblegum? A chew-chew train.
- How did the geography student drown? His grades were below C-level.
- Why wasn’t the geometry teacher at school? Because she sprained her angle!
- What's a witch's favourite class? Spelling!
- Why won't the elephant use the computer? He's afraid of the mouse.
- Why do we write etc at the end of a sentence? Because it means the End of Thinking Capacity.
- The girl had 60 cookies. She ate 25 of them. What does she have now? A Tummy ache.
- Why did the teacher write on the windows? He wanted the lesson to be clear.
- Dear Math, I am tired of finding your X. Just accept that she is gone.
- Why did the music teacher need a ladder? To reach the high notes.
- How can we keep the school clean? By staying at home.
- Why did the kid study in the aeroplane? Because he wanted a higher education!
- What did the triangle say to the circle? You’re pointless.
- What room can a student never enter? A mushroom.
- Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet? Because they spend years at C!
Funny kid jokes about school
You can make a joke out of almost anything in school. Here are humorous jokes you can enjoy with children inside or outside the school environment.

Source: UGC
- What are the coolest letters in the alphabet? The AC.
- What plant is mathematical? Any with square roots!
- Why isn’t there a clock in the library? Because it tocks too much!
- What school requires you to drop out to graduate? Sky-diving school.
- Why can’t you use glue on your math homework? Because you’ll keep getting stuck on the same problem.
- Where do math professors choose to spend their vacation time? Times Square!
- What do librarians take with them when they go fishing? Bookworms.
- What’s a frog’s favourite year? A leap year!
- What time is it when the clock strikes 13? Time to get a new clock.
- An English teacher’s favourite breakfast? Synonym rolls.
- Why were the students doing multiplication on the floor? The teacher asked them not to use tables.
- Why is history a sweet subject? Because it has many dates.
- Why did the student throw her watch out of the school window? She wanted to see time fly.
- What is the blackboard’s favourite drink? Hot CHALKolate.
- Why is 2 + 2 = 5 like your left foot? It is not right.
- Why did the square and triangle go to the gym? To stay in shape.
- What are the ten things teachers can always count on? Their fingers.
- How do you make seven an even number? By removing S.
- What did the ghost teacher say to the class? Look at the board, and I will go through it again.
- What’s a math teacher’s favourite kind of dance? Square dancing?
School jokes are hilarious and make you see the funny side of something you learn at school. They are suitable for school-going kids, and you can also share them for fun with your loved ones as you recall your days in school.
Legit.ng recently published funny dad jokes for kids. These jokes are a great way for a father to connect and bond with his kids. In the process, they understand each other better and enjoy the moment.
Dad jokes motivate children to think outside the box, embrace their humour, and get creative in many ways. Here is a compilation of dad jokes you can use for fun.
Source: Legit.ng