150+ funny shower thoughts to ponder while you shampoo your hair

150+ funny shower thoughts to ponder while you shampoo your hair

Many shower thoughts are normal and pass through a person's mind without leaving an imprint. You sometimes find yourself meditating on random topics to which you might never find answers. These thoughts make you think deeper and are a good exercise for the brain. Find below funny shower thoughts to ponder when you are relaxed.

funny shower thoughts
The shower can be a stress-relieving time where you can freely think about silly and weird things. Photo: pexels.com, @Katie Cerami (modified by author)
Source: UGC


Shower thoughts are random ideas that usually pop into your mind unbidden when doing ordinary activities like bathing, driving, cooking, or walking. The more you try to push the thought away, the more it persists. When a random thought comes to mind, accept it and don't try to make it disappear. Know that having such thoughts is normal and can lead to creative and interesting perspectives.

Funny shower thoughts

Shower thoughts are insights from the subconscious part of your mind and result from not thinking deliberately about anything. When showering or walking, you may start having hilarious ideas that can make you laugh at yourself. Below are some of the funniest shower thoughts you can contemplate:

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  • Do ghosts give us privacy in the shower? If aliens come to earth, we must explain why we made so many movies fighting and killing them.
  • Lawyers hope you get sued, doctors hope you get sick, cops hope you're a criminal, and mechanics hope you have car trouble, but only a thief wishes prosperity for you.
  • Usually, you empty your drink from the top, but when you use a straw, you empty it from the bottom.
  • Deaf people don’t know why farts are funny.
  • The sun you see every day is the same as anything has ever seen.
  • The first person to say the word cool must have been cool because everyone started saying it.
  • Actors pretend to work.
  • If someone asks you where the beach is, you can point in any direction and not lie. (Everywhere is surrounded by water)
  • People cover their laptop cameras for fear of hackers but never their phone cameras.
  • Theme parks can snap a crystal clear picture of you on a roller coaster at 70 mph, but bank cameras can't get a clear shot of a robber standing still.
  • The oldest sibling is the emergency designated adult.
  • Once we have self-driving cars, wipers will no longer be essential because the vehicle doesn't need a clean windshield to drive. Only humans do.
  • Your alarm sound is technically your theme song since it plays at the start of every episode.
  • Searching for a new laptop online forces your current computer to dig its grave.
  • You see people every single day that you'll never see again.

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Weird shower thoughts

funny shower thoughts
Random thoughts that occur to you in the shower tend to be creative but strange. Photo: pexelss.com, @MART PRODUCTION (modified by author)
Source: UGC

The next time you shower and find yourself in a serene trance, try paying attention to the random things that cross your mind! Random ideas that occur to you in the shower tend to be creative but strange. Here are some peculiar shower thoughts you might want to deliberate over:

  • Turtles can never have sleepovers because they always sleep at home.
  • Brushing our teeth is the closest we ever come to cleaning our skeleton.
  • Suppose your shirt isn't to be tucked into your pants, but your pants should be tucked into your shirt.
  • Nothing is on fire; fire is on things.
  • Firefly is the opposite of a waterfall.
  • Honey is just bee throw up.
  • You've never seen your face before–only in pictures and reflections.
  • Fire trucks are actually water trucks!
  • Humans are the only species that pay to live!
  • If a morgue worker died, they'd still need to come to work one more time.
  • If we never talked to strangers, we would never have friends.
  • Coffee makes you hyper, but coffee shops are intended to make you slow down and relax.
  • Alcohol is a depressant, but clubs and bars are designed for people to be lively and energetic.
  • If my calculator had a history, it would be more embarrassing than my browser history.
  • Biting your tongue while eating is a perfect example of how you can still screw up, even with decades of experience.

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Insane shower thoughts

funny shower thoughts
Crazy thoughts seem strange but can make you laugh when critically meditating. Photo: pexels.com, @Ksenia Chernaya (modified by author)
Source: UGC

From time to time, everyone gets strange thoughts that do not make much sense. These crazy thoughts seem strange but can make you laugh when critically meditating. Below are some crazy shower ideas and thoughts that will have you shaking your head in disbelief as you smile subconsciously:

  • If you're watching the sunrise, someone on the opposite side of the Earth is watching the sunset.
  • Whatever happens inside our bodies happens in pitch-black darkness.
  • Depression is like being in an emotionally abusive relationship with your brain.
  • When you are young, you sneak out of your home to parties. When you are old, you sneak out of parties to go home.
  • People who are allergic to dust are allergic to themselves.
  • Maybe dogs lick us because they know we have bones inside.
  • Christmas feels more like a deadline than a holiday.
  • We aren't scared of the dark; we are afraid of what's at night.
  • Your first birthday is your second birthday.
  • You can't stand backward on stairs!
  • Math is the only place someone buys 60 watermelons and 40 cantaloupes, and no one asks any questions.
  • If tomatoes are fruit, then ketchup is a jam.
  • You've never actually seen a whole movie because you're constantly blinking.
  • Your life can't fall apart if it was never really together in the first place.
  • The blinks of your eyes get removed from your memory.
  • 'Coffee flavored water' doesn't sound good, but that's what coffee is.
  • Technically, almost every mirror you buy at a store is in used condition.

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Mind-boggling shower thoughts

funny shower thoughts
A good shower relaxes your imagination and your body. Photo: pexels.com, @Dijanynni Kiratza (modified by author)
Source: UGC

If your brain has ever been hit with mind-boggling epiphanies amid your scrub-a-dub time, you have experienced the common phenomena of shower thoughts. Here are funny thoughts to contemplate while you shampoo your hair:

  • When you close both eyes, you see black, but when you open one, you see nothing.
  • When you give someone food, you're feeding them. When you provide them with water, aren't you watering them?
  • We should have a holiday called Space Day, where lights are shut off for at least an hour at night to reduce light pollution so we can see the galaxy.
  • If life is unfair to everyone, it means life is fair.
  • Scientists are adult kids stuck in the "why phase."
  • The only part of your reflection you can lick is your tongue.
  • Most of the sky is actually below your feet.
  • Punishment for honesty is what makes us lie.
  • Tall people use their reach to help shorter people, but if a tall person asks a short person to hand them something they dropped on the floor, it'd be insulting.
  • Finally is pronounced "final-e", and finale is pronounced "fi-nally."
  • Once you have a PhD, every meeting you attend becomes a doctor's appointment.
  • When you're alone in a room, you're the only person who can see what you can.
  • A telephone makes sound travel faster than the speed of sound.
  • Even though s*icide is illegal, you can only be charged with attempted s*icide.
  • Teenagers drive like they're on borrowed time. Older adults drive like they've got all the time.
  • People who are good-looking but have terrible personalities are real-life clickbait.
  • Your lips move in those directions when you say 'Forward' or 'Back.'
  • Someone who says "I'll be there in 6 minutes" will generally arrive before someone who says "I will be there in 5 minutes".
  • When people think about traveling to the past, they worry about accidentally changing the present, but no one in the present really thinks they can radically change the future.
  • We were taught as kids not to get in strangers' cars or meet strangers from the Internet, and now we literally summon strangers from the Internet and get in their cars.

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Funny random shower thoughts

funny shower thoughts
When something funny comes to mind when showering, give it your full attention and see how happy you will feel. Photo: pexels.com, @Diva Plavalaguna (modified by author)
Source: UGC

A good shower relaxes your imagination and your body. It also releases a stream of creative thoughts that disconnect you from reality for a while. When something funny comes to mind when showering, give it your full attention and see how happy you will feel. Here are some funny things to think about while in the shower:

  • If everyone blinked in sync, nobody would know that other people blinked.
  • Only one sock goes missing because you wouldn't notice if both did.
  • Taxes are like a subscription to your country that you can't cancel, no matter how bad the service gets.
  • If heaven exists, it's probably going back and doing your life over, but fixing all your mistakes.
  • People should celebrate 29th February instead of 31st December because it only happens once every year.
  • It is impossible to touch a reflection that is not your own.
  • Pets don't understand that we make mistakes. If we trip over them, they think we did it for a reason.
  • The youngest picture of you is also the oldest picture of you.
  • "Do not touch" must be one of the scariest things to read in braille.
  • Most people aren't scared of being alone in the dark—they're afraid of not being alone at night.
  • Eye drops are technical blinker fluid.
  • We know more about space than what's deep in the ocean.
  • History classes will only get longer and harder as time goes on.
  • Being scared to check your bank account is the adult version of being scared to check your grades.
  • The only difference between being murdered and assassinated is your importance in the public eye.

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Dark shower thoughts

funny shower thoughts
Shower thoughts free the mind of deliberate thoughts and make room for creative insight. Photo: pexels.com, @RDNE Stock project (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Dark shower thoughts can become meditative, relaxing intervals that bring new ideas and perspectives. They free the mind of deliberate thoughts and make room for creative insight. Here are some creepy shower thoughts:

  • We'll never really know what it smells like underwater.
  • We pass the anniversary of our death every year without knowing it.
  • Salt is the only rock that is socially acceptable to eat.
  • Every birthday you have is a celebration for getting closer to death.
  • Whenever you sleep at night, someone is probably staring at you.
  • You could have been born in another family, country, or world.
  • There will be a time when no one remembers who I was.
  • You're never truly safe with anyone. Anyone could go crazy and harm you at any time.
  • I wonder how many pre-historic people died in the exact spot I'm sitting in.
  • Good ghosts are the ones scaring you to keep you away. The bad ones want to draw you in.
  • No one has any idea of what it feels like to be dead.
  • The scariest stories are the ones that aren't told.
  • A really good liar will have you believing they are a bad one.
  • There's no way to prove that we all actually see the same colors.
  • We get sweaty palms in situations where we need them dry most.
  • Black Friday deals really put into perspective how much companies could sell items for.
  • Most parents' funny stories of their kids being bad are actually stories of them being bad parents.
  • We know more useless facts than useful ones.
  • The purpose of a lock is to turn a door into a wall.
  • Could you accept a letter inviting you to join a school for witchcraft and wizardry?

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Dumb shower thoughts

funny shower thoughts
Dumb shower thoughts incubating in your head seem silly but can trigger great ideas. Photo: pexels.com, @RDNE Stock project (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Dumb shower thoughts can create a perfect opportunity for meditation, introspection, and reflection. These thoughts incubating in your head seem silly but can trigger great ideas that are more interesting than the things you do in your daily life. Here are some dumb shower thoughts to think about:

  • Even when a balloon is half inflated, it is completely full.
  • I wonder how many grains of rice I've eaten in my lifetime.
  • Someone dreamt about you last night, and you have no idea.
  • I wonder what my dog named me.
  • You probably have a doppelganger living the same life as yours.
  • Can you daydream at night?
  • Your stomach thinks that all potatoes are mashed.
  • When you drink alcohol, the alcohol is getting drunk, too.
  • We're lucky blinking doesn't make a noise.
  • Are those who sneeze a lot the most blessed?
  • Larger people have more skin, which makes them skinnier.
  • If the Earth were flat, the edge would probably be a tourist attraction.
  • Someone's mom probably used you as a bad example for her kids.
  • Nightmares are probably stories the brain makes up, and it is funny that we get scared.
  • Clapping is just hitting yourself repeatedly because you like something.
  • Making a typo in an online argument is the same as cracking a voice in a verbal argument.
  • Millions of people are doing the exact same thing as you are right now.
  • Painkillers are the "Mute Notification" option for the body.
  • At one point in my life, I was exactly pi years old.
  • When you buy and eat half a chicken, you secretly share a meal with a stranger.
  • I correct autocorrect more than it corrects me.
  • Pregnant women are the only true bodybuilders.
  • The objective of golf is to play the least amount of golf.
  • Every broken clock tells you the exact time it passed away.
  • Can I buy myself a birthday cake when it's not my birthday?

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Deep shower thoughts

funny shower thoughts
Meditate funny things when feeling relaxed to refresh your mind. Photo: pexels.com, @Monstera Production (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Taking a shower relaxes the body and the mind. As the brain winds down, your complex thinking and decision-making go into autopilot, and your mind wanders aimlessly. Here are some funny, deep thoughts to ponder when feeling relaxed:

  • What if heaven is underground and hell is above the sky?
  • One day, you'll be someone's ancestor.
  • A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows you.
  • The people who need to be loved the most are often very hard to love.
  • Your future self is talking cr*ap about you.
  • There are time combinations on the clock that I've never seen.
  • Someone vividly remembers something you said that you have completely forgotten.
  • It's likely that over 99% of the trees that you look at will still be here when you're dead.
  • Some stranger remembers you for being kind to them when no one else was.
  • Having a toddler in their "Why?" phase makes you realize how much you know and don't know about things.
  • Your inner monologue is an unreliable narrator.
  • Every single human in history has witnessed the same sun and moon as you have.
  • What if your face is different from the reflection you see in pictures and reflections?
  • You only have one birthday; the rest are congratulations for surviving each year.
  • Every single decision you've made has led you to where you are now.
  • Security at every airport is high until you claim your lost baggage.
  • Finding worms in fruits has been much less of a problem than I experienced as a kid.
  • Every word in every language started as gibberish until someone convinced enough people that what they said was a real word.
  • On any given day in a hospital, people have the best day of their lives, the worst day of their lives, the first day of their lives, and the last day of their lives.
  • The Internet almost killed the postal service with email but they made it more necessary than ever with online delivery.
  • April Fool's Day is the one day a year when people critically examine every piece of news before accepting it as true.
  • Caution messages on products were likely put there because someone tried them out.
  • When you feel stupid, you're expanding your knowledge and getting smarter.
  • You're the only one who remembers your embarrassing experiences because everyone's got their own to remember.
  • Normally, you empty your drink from the top, but when using a straw, you empty it from the bottom.

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Deep shower questions

funny shower thoughts
If you've experienced shower thoughts, you know how reflective they can feel in the moment. Photo: pexels.com, @Jonathan Borba (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Deep thoughts and steamy showers apparently go hand-in-hand. If you’ve experienced shower thoughts yourself, you know just how introspective they can feel in the moment. Challenge yourself with these deep shower questions as you shampoo your hair:

  • Does a straw have one hole or two?
  • If you drop soap on the floor, is the floor clean, or is the soap dirty?
  • If a liar tells you they are lying, are they lying or telling the truth?
  • Is it possible to know everything, or is something always left unknown?
  • Is the expression "it's raining cats and dogs" relevant to the weather?
  • When we yawn, do deaf people think we're screaming?
  • If ghosts can't be seen, how do we know what they look like?
  • Is "Go to bed, you'll feel better" the human version of "Turn it off and on again?"
  • Were oranges named oranges because they are oranges or because of their orange color?
  • Which name came first, the fruit orange or the color orange?
  • If you weigh 99 lbs. and eat a pound of nachos, are you 1% nacho?
  • Do clothes in China say, "Made down the road?"
  • How does the brain remember you forgot something but can't remember what it was?
  • What was the first guy to milk a cow trying to do?
  • If a fly loses its wings, is it now called a walk?
  • Are our thoughts and actions predetermined, or do we have free will?
  • If there was an earthquake on another planet, is it still an earthquake?
  • Why do we say, "I slept like a baby," when babies wake up every two hours?
  • What if oxygen is poisonous and takes 75-100 years to kill us?
  • How do we know the actual time? Who set the first clock?
  • How does your towel get dirty if you get out of the shower clean?
  • What if you were in the shower while your house was on fire? Would you live?
  • If air and water are clear, why can we see water and not air?
  • If you are waiting for the waiter, aren't you the waiter?
  • Who taught the first teacher?
  • If the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?
  • If money is at the root of all evil, why do churches ask for it?
  • If time is an illusion, what does that mean for the concept of cause and effect?
  • What if weekends were weekdays and vice versa, but someone swapped them?
  • Why do we say 'sleeping like a baby' when babies often wake up crying and restless?

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funny shower thoughts
Deep thoughts and steamy showers apparently go hand-in-hand. Photo: pexels.com, @Max Vakhtbovycn (modified by author)
Source: UGC

What are shower thoughts?

These are sudden ideas that occur to a person during an unconnected mundane activity like bathing, walking, driving, etc. A shower thought doesn't only occur in the shower but rather any activity that could be deemed humdrum, dull, or tedious.

Why do you have random thoughts?

Your brain thinks all the time, and you may have shower thoughts for no clear reason. They are subconscious insights resulting from not thinking deliberately about anything.

Why do you have weird thoughts in the shower?

The warm water prevents you from feeling the difference between your skin and the air. This sensory restriction is like an extended brain blink. You cut out the outside world, and ideas bubble up into awareness.

What is the purpose of a shower thought?

Shower thoughts are a very effective way to expand people's thinking and generate a wide range of ideas. These mind-wandering thoughts also improve people's creativity.

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Why do your best thoughts happen in the shower or when walking?

A mundane activity like bathing or walking takes some of your attention and can influence your thoughts, but it doesn't take all of it, so you have no attention for these creative ideas that are incubating in the background.

Everyone gets strange, weird, and funny ideas that make them think deeply. Hope you found funny shower thoughts to reflect on while you shampoo your hair. These thoughts will keep you busy, making you realize time flies so fast.

Legit.ng published an article with funny trivia questions to break out at a party. Trivia questions challenge your thinking, test your skills, and help improve your mental health.

Sometimes you wonder what you will do with your friends the next time you meet. Consider asking each other funny trivia questions that will help you learn new things about each other.

Source: Legit.ng

Brian Oroo avatar

Brian Oroo (Lifestyle writer) Brian Oroo has been working as a writer in Legit.ng since 2021. His main area of specialization is on topics regarding lifestyle, celebrities, news, and many more. He won the Writer of the Year Award on Legit in 2023. Brian graduated with a Bsc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Jomo Kenyatta University (JKUAT) in 2021. In 2023, Brian finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. His email is brianoroo533@gmail.com

Peris Walubengo avatar

Peris Walubengo (Lifestyle writer) Peris Walubengo is a content creator with 3 years of experience in writing informational and entertainment articles, researching, editing, and proofreading. She has a Bachelor of Commerce & IT from the University of Nairobi (class of 2019). She joined Legit.ng in April 2022. She covers bios, marketing & finance, tech, fashion & beauty, recipes, movies and video game reviews, culture & traveling. In 2023, Peris finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email: perisrodah254@gmail.com.