77 best Christian pick-up lines to help you impress your beau
Christian pick-up lines come in handy when you want to attract the attention of your God-fearing crush. The lines are good conversation starters and some of them are hilarious. No doubt, they will leave your crush thinking about you all the time. Interestingly, they are easy to memorise and you must not necessarily be a churchgoer to master them.

Source: UGC
Whenever an opportunity to get the attention of your crush presents itself, you better be ready with the right words to tell them. Your first words speaks volumes about you and thus, you have to be cautious with your choice of words. If they are Christians or you are in a church setting, using Christian pick-up lines may work best for you.
Best Christian pick-up lines
There are many things you learnt from Christian teachings that can form pick-up lines. Here are some Christian-related phrases that might just sweep your crush off their feet.

Source: UGC
- Surprised to see you, because I was not aware angels flew this low.
- The 7 plagues are no match to what I’d go through for you.
- Is your name Grace? Because you are so amazing.
- You and me, we’re like loaves and fishes. Together, we might be a miracle.
- I used to believe in natural theology, but since I met you I’ve converted to divine revelation.
- Do you need prayer? Because I’m readily willing to lay hands on you.
- Undoubtedly, you sprouted from the good kind of soil.
- Is your name Faith? Cause you’re the substance of things I’ve hoped for.
- The Bible says to bring all our requests to God and I prayed, and here you are.
- I will sit next to you in the church so that we can hold hands during prayers.
- How many times should I walk around you to make you fall for me?
- Last night I was reading the book of Numbers, and realized, yours was missing.
- Being spirit-led is may sound fictional but it is real because the spirit led me straight to you.
- Want to master speaking in tongues with me? Here is my number. Call me any time for prayers.
- I may not have a job right now and may be living in my parent’s basement, but I swear to you I’m storing up treasure in heaven.
- As I read my Bible the other day, I wondered if you know what Paul meant by “greet one another with a holy kiss?”
- I need to wander the desert for 40 days and 40 nights because you are so tempting!
- Is it a sin that you stole my heart?
- When I count my blessings, I count you multiple times.
Church pick-up lines
The church is a meeting place bringing together people from different walks of life, no wonder many relationships begin in churches. If you want to use church pick-up lines to start a conversation with a crush, below are some lines you choose from.

Source: UGC
- I was told that I’d feel the spirit at church, but did not expect to see an angel!
- Hey girl, I can’t wait to see your body of Christ. When will you invite me to church?
- What are your name and number so I can include you in my prayer list?
- You make me want to be a better tither.
- Let me check your tag. Not surprised – Made In Heaven.
- If we were around with Noah, then you + me = pair.
- Is it hot here or is the Holy Spirit burning inside of you?
- Here I am, your prayers are answered.
- Hey girl, I heard Jesus called you. Can I do the same?
- My friend told me to come and meet you. He said you’re a really nice person. I think you know him. Jesus, yeah that’s his name.
- Look, you’re nearly 22 and many Christians are three years into marriage by your age. Just settle for me.
- You are breaking Old Testament law because you are working it on the Sabbath.
- If you could read my mind, you will discover that it mostly thinks about God and you.
- The Lord told me we’d be together, and therefore, let’s not disappoint Him.
Biblical pick-up lines
Christians draw a lot of teachings from the Bible. As a result, many Christians are conversant with many biblical stories and that forms common ground when starting a conversation with a Christian crush. These interesting pick-up phrases will demonstrate your understanding of the holy book while also expressing your interest.

Source: UGC
- On first dates, I take girls to get BBQ ribs. It feels the most Biblical considering they came from one.
- You must be a Bible verse because I keep memorising you.
- Hey, look! Matching Bible covers!
- The Bible says to hold fast to that which is good. How about a tight hug?
- Hey girl, the Bible said to think about what is pure and lovely and so, I have been thinking about you.
- I’m a Proverbs 32 kind of guy and you’re a Proverbs 31 kind of woman.
- I was going to read Proverbs 31, but then realised I could study you instead.
- Are you one of Job’s daughters? Cause you’re twice as beautiful as any other girl I’ve ever seen.
- Let’s scan the Bible and choose our babies' names.
- I’d like to get to know you Biblically.
- Why should I read Proverbs 31 when you are here in front of me?
- You are the kind of girl who would make Paul rethink his single life.
- I was named after an apostle, and therefore, you should know my history.
- God can bring us from darkness into the light. I think you have the same effect
- I read the Bible cover-to-cover. I’d like to study you the same way.
Funny Christian pick-up lines
A funny pick-up phrase will surely give your crush a nice first impression of yourself. Sometimes, driving your point home packaged with a little bit of humour does the trick because laughter creates a long-lasting impression. Here are some of the funny things you can say to your Christian crush.

Source: UGC
- I consider myself to be a fisher of women. This would be referred to as casting my net.
- You've been waiting for God to grant you the desires of your single heart, and I'm certain to satisfy them.
- My favourite commandment is the one about loving one another.
- Can you touch me so I can tell my friends I was touched by an angel?
- I know you've already invited Jesus into your heart, but do you have a space left for me?
- Charm is deceptive and beauty is deceiving, but that verse has nothing to do with you.
- Am I on the road to Damascus? Because your beauty is blinding!
- Is your name Milk or Honey? Because you seem like something I was promised.
- You must be Egyptian because I'm a slave for you!
- I hope it did not hurt when you fell from heaven.
- If you say no, I will rip out my hair and beard.
- So what did you give up for Lent? I hope I am not on that list.
- I’d like you to sing God’s hymns to our future children.
Cheesy Christian pick-up lines
Keeping your conversation clean may seem the best strategy when approaching your Christian crush, but that may not always be the case. Using some cheesy Christian pick-up lines may communicate your intentions better and the following are some phrases you can use on them.

Source: UGC
- God must have created you on a Saturday because He needed time to rest on Sunday.
- Don’t walk away, babe. You may not think I’m perfect but Jesus thinks I’m to die for.
- Is this the transfiguration? Because you are glowing.
- Unfortunately, I can’t do a miracle, because I’ve only got enough bread and fish for both of us.
- Your spiritual gift must be your good looks since it lifts people's spirits.
- I know it’s absurd, but every time I approach you, it feels like I’m being led to Bethlehem.
- Let me sell you an indulgence because it’s a sin to look as good as you do.
- If you got any hotter, God will not hesitate to send another flood to cool you down.
- If you’re looking for your knight in shining armour, I am here wearing the full armour of God.
- God was just showing off when he made you.
- When you’re finished dating that Jesus guy, let me know because I’m next.
- Are you Thomas? Because I doubt I’ll ever find anyone as handsome as you.
- Call me Judas because I’ll kiss you on the cheek but I will not betray you.
- I can’t part the Red Sea, but I’ll certainly open the door for you.
- Have any relation to Abraham’s nephew, because I like you a Lot.
Christian pick-up lines are great conversation starters if you intend to woo a devoted Christian. The lines help you to express your feelings while also showing how conversant you are with Christian teachings. Feel free to share some of the lines with your friends and memorise a few just in case an opportunity arises.
READ ALSO: 75 quotes for comfort to uplift your friends when they are down
Legit.ng recently published quotes for comfort. People go through difficult times in their lives and they might feel demoralised and lack the enthusiasm to face life. Such are the times when the real value of your friendship should be seen. You must be there to support and encourage them through the challenging phases of their lives.
Even though you might have little to offer, saying to them comforting words can go a long way in uplifting their spirit. These quotes for comfort will help them calm down and give them hope that the challenges will soon be over.
Source: Legit.ng