30+ exciting relay race ideas for adults and children
A relay race is a competition in which equal team members race against each other. Team members take turns completing a lap or task, tagging the next team member to complete the same task. It is a fantastic game for kids and adults, bringing people together. This article has some exciting relay race ideas for kids and adults.

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- Relay race ideas for kids
- 1. Spoon and egg relay
- 2. Fill the bucket
- 3. Three-legged relay race
- 4. Newspaper relay race
- 5. Beanbag relay
- 6. Potato sack relay
- 7. Scavenger hunt relay
- 8. Water balloon relay
- 9. Over and under relay
- 10. Banana pass
- 11. Rabbit race
- 12. Leapfrog race
- 13. Spider race
- 14. Wheelbarrow relay
- 15. Tunnel race
- 16. Mummy wrap race
- Hilarious relay games for adults
- 1. Cotton nose race
- 2. Hula hoop relay
- 3. Tickle the Lemon relay
- 4. Tissue go-round relay
- 5. Stilt relay race
- 6. Popcorn relay race
- 7. 3-legged drinking race
- 8. Stamp or drink
- 9. Cotton ball race
- 10. Three Musketeers relay race
- 11. Fill the Bottle relay
- 12. Shoe hunt race
- 13. Pull the Blanket
- 14. Conveyor belt relay
- 15. Hunting for coins relay
- 16. Burst the balloon
- How do you make a fun relay race?
A relay race can be an indoor or outdoor activity. However, it depends on the space you have in case of an indoor activity. Relay race games can be played at team-building events, kids' parties, school sports days or summer barbecues. These games are entertaining and trendy and allow you to interact with new people and make friends.
Relay race ideas for kids
Relay race games serve as icebreakers, fostering deeper connections among the kids. Below are some kids' relay race ideas and instructions for playing them.
1. Spoon and egg relay
This is one of the best kids games. There are two teams, and each team is given a spoon and an egg, which can be real or plastic. Each player from each team is supposed to carry their egg on the spoon from the start line to the turnaround point and back again.
Then, the egg is passed off to the next teammate. If the egg drops, the player has to retrieve it. The team that its members complete first wins.
2. Fill the bucket
The participants are divided into two groups. Each team is given two buckets: one empty, which is kept at the turnaround line and one full of water at the start line. The players take turns filling the empty bucket with the full one using a cup or a sponge with water. The team that empties its bucket first emerges as the winner.
3. Three-legged relay race
The three-legged relay race is a fun game with two teams. The participants are grouped into pairs. Using a piece of clothing, a scarf, or a bandana, tie the inside legs of the two together to create a shared third leg. The two should run to the turnaround point and back until all the players have participated. The team that all its members complete first wins.
4. Newspaper relay race
There should be two teams, and each player is given two pieces of newspaper. The player should put one piece of paper down and step on it, then pick it up and place the other down. The rule of the game is that one should step on the piece of paper and not the ground.
5. Beanbag relay
Group the kids into two teams. Each team is given two buckets, one with beanbags placed at the start line and an empty bucket at the turnaround point. The players should pick up the beanbag, drop it into the empty bucket, and return to tag the next teammate. The team that empties its bucket first wins.
6. Potato sack relay

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This relay game never gets old. Divide the kids into teams, and a player from each team will get into a potato sack. They hop to the turnaround point, back to the starting point, and hand over to the next teammate. The first team that finishes wins.
7. Scavenger hunt relay
The scavenger hunt relay game has two teams. Each team is given a list of things to locate in the field, gym, or classroom. The players should take turns finding an item and then handing off the list to the next teammate. The first team to locate all the things wins.
8. Water balloon relay
There are two teams, and each team is handed a bucket of water balloons. A player from each team picks and runs with a water balloon to the finish line and back. They should toss the water balloon to their teammate to do the same. The teammate has to catch the water balloon without breaking it. The team that completes first with a few breaks of the water balloons wins.
9. Over and under relay
Have the players stand in two teams. Give the first player in each team's lineup a ball or a balloon filled up. The first player should pass the balloon through their legs to the player behind them, and then the player should pass it overhead to the next player. The pattern should continue until the last player in the line.
10. Banana pass
The banana pass is an outdoor fun activity where kids are in two teams. The players lie down on the ground, head to toe, in a straight line, with each person's toes about two feet away from the next teammate's head.
The banana is passed over the player but using their feet. When the last person gets it, they eat it up and must run back to the starting point, finishing the race for the team.
11. Rabbit race
This is a fun game in which kids jump like rabbits. The players in the two teams run to the finish line and back to the starting point, putting their fingers on their heads to symbolise ears and jumping quickly like rabbits.
12. Leapfrog race
This is an exciting game for children to play. There are two teams, and the participants are divided into pairs. The pairs jump over one another like frogs, one pair at a time. They run to the finish line and back.
13. Spider race
In this game, divide the participants into two teams. Then, group them into pairs, make them stand with their backs facing each other, and lock their arms. They are supposed to run to the finish line with their arms interlocked the whole time and back to the starting point.
14. Wheelbarrow relay

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Wheelbarrow relay is among the relay race ideas. There is no equipment involved. Make two teams and then allow each team to have pairs.
In every pair, one player will stand and hold the ankles of the other player while that player will walk using their hands. They must head to the finish line as fast as possible and back again to hand over to the next pair.
15. Tunnel race
The participants are divided into two teams. The players in each team stand behind each other in line with their legs apart. The first player in the line crawls under the human tunnel to the last person, then gets up and joins the tunnel. The pattern continues until the first person's turn comes again. The team that finishes first wins.
16. Mummy wrap race
The kids wrap themselves with tissues throughout their bodies to look like Egyptian mummies. They then have to compete in running the race when wrapped. This game can be played during the Halloween season.
Hilarious relay games for adults
A game is not enjoyable if it does not make participants laugh. Here are some relay race ideas for adults and instructions for playing them.
1. Cotton nose race
In this game, participants are into two teams, and each player gets their nose rubbed with Vaseline. Then, each team is given a little ball of cotton wool, which they pass from one player to another without using their hands but their noses. The team that manages to pass the cotton wool to the last player first wins.
2. Hula hoop relay
A Hula hoop is a fun game in which each team player is given a hula hoop. The group leader signals the first player of each group to push the hula hoop with their hands or stick up to the finish line, turn around, and race back to the start line. The next player is handed the hula hoop, and the pattern continues until the last player of each team has played—the first team to complete wins.
3. Tickle the Lemon relay
There are two teams, and the team members line up one behind the other. Each team is given a lemon and unsharpened pencil, which are handed to the first players of the teams. The leader signals the first players to push the lemon using the unsharpened pencil down to the finish line, 10 feet away. They then turn around and push it back to the start line.
4. Tissue go-round relay
This is an indoor relay race game for adults. In the Tissue Go-Round relay, two teams are given a facial tissue and a drinking straw. Players form a circle, placing the straw in their mouths and using it to hold the tissue in place by breathing in. They pass the tissue to the next teammate without using their hands, ensuring it doesn’t fall.
5. Stilt relay race
This is a hilarious relay race game for adults. Each player in the team gets on the stiles one at a time and makes their way to the finish line and back to the starting point to hand it over to the next person. The team that finishes first, meaning all the players had their turns, is declared the winner.
6. Popcorn relay race

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This indoor relay race is perfect for small groups with limited space. An empty trash can is placed at the finish line, and a bag of popcorn is at the start. The first two players from each team scoop popcorn with their hands, race to the trash can to empty it, and then return to tag the next teammate. The first team to fill the trash can wins.
7. 3-legged drinking race
The three-legged drinking race is a classic team game in which players are paired up and have their inside legs tied together. On signal, the first pair runs to a table, fills a glass with liquor, and returns to pass it to the next pair, who drinks it and repeats the process. The first team to complete the race wins.
8. Stamp or drink
Two letter stamps are placed 30 meters away. Players run, stamp a body part, and return. The next player repeats. After time runs out, the team with the most stamped body parts wins. The losing team drinks a shot.
9. Cotton ball race
This field day game is similar to the egg-and-spoon race. Two teams race relay-style, with each team having a spoon and cotton ball. Players transport the cotton ball to the finish line, place it in an empty container, and return to pass the spoon to the next teammate.
10. Three Musketeers relay race
The Three Musketeers game is full of fun and laughter. Participants are grouped into three teams, and the teams are lined up at the start line.
Three team members stand with their backs to each other, forming a triangle. They lock their elbows with their arms interlocked and run to the finish line until the team that completes first wins.
11. Fill the Bottle relay
The Fill-the-Bottle relay is a summer game with two teams, where players pass water from cup to cup until the last person fills an empty bottle. Each player has a cup, and the first player starts with a full bottle of water. The team with the most water in their bottle wins.
12. Shoe hunt race

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In the Shoe Hunt race, two teams throw a shoe each into a large pile. On signal, the first player from each team races to the pile, finds their shoe, puts it on, and returns to the start line. They then tag the next teammate to continue the race.
13. Pull the Blanket
Pull the Blanket is a team-building relay race that requires coordination. Each team is given a blanket and players take turns sitting on it while a teammate pulls them towards the finish line and back. Every team member must have a turn, and the first team to complete the relay wins.
14. Conveyor belt relay
This game requires coordination and quick action. Two teams are given two blankets each and must move from the start to the finish line by stepping on the blankets, not the ground. Players tag their teammates to continue, and the first team to finish wins.
15. Hunting for coins relay
This messy game involves dipping coins in a honey tray placed at the finish line. On signal, the first player from each team runs to the tray and tries to remove the coin without using their hands, using sticks or other objects instead. After retrieving the coin, they return to the start line and tag the next teammate.
16. Burst the balloon
This is a hilarious relay race. In this game, two teams of paired players stand back-to-back with arms interlocked and a balloon between them. They must race to the finish line without popping the balloon. If it bursts, they start over; once they reach the finish line, they pop the balloon.
How do you make a fun relay race?
Several fun activities are associated with relay races designed to be more fun for the participants. For instance, there is a drum solo relay, where players line up to perform drum solos back to back.
Relay race games are among the best boredom-busting activities for kids and adults. They can be done indoors or outdoors. They are games such as spoon and egg, three-legged or scavenger hunt relay. If you want the relay race ideas for kids and adults, this article is for you.
Legit.ng recently published an article on good scavenger hunt clues for indoor and outdoor treasure hunts. The scavenger hunt clues elevate any treasure hunt by providing endless fun and challenge for participants of all ages.
Scavenger hunt clues help participants solve puzzles and riddles, developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They also keep players engaged and excited.
Source: Legit.ng