22 qualities of a good man: how to identify and become an outstanding man
Being in a relationship is one of the best feelings. It is even better when you date a high-quality man. Since women outnumber men, there is a smaller pool of good-caliber men. Discover some of the qualities of a good man women want.

Source: UGC
- Qualities of a good man
- 1. Commitment-minded
- 2. Vulnerable
- 3. He supports you
- 4. Emotionally available
- 5. Respectful
- 6. Kind and loving
- 7. Good communicator
- 8. Trustworthiness
- 9. Faithful
- 10. Romantic
- 11. Generous
- 12. Sense of humor
- 13. Confident
- 14. Goal-oriented
- 15. A good man likes to show you off
- 16. Should responsible
- 17. Motivates you
- 18. He is a good listener
- 19. He is caring
- 20. Should be ppreciative
- 21. Values the same thing as you
- 22. He is positive
- What are the characteristics of a high-quality man?
- What are the qualities of a good boyfriend?
All women want to find a good man to date and to marry. However, finding a quality man is like hitting the jackpot, as they are a rare breed—not all men possess them. Therefore, views on the qualities of a good man to marry or date below are subjective and vary greatly. This piece reflects a singular perspective and should not be considered a universal standard.
Qualities of a good man
What qualities define a good man? Once you know the qualities and traits to look for, you can eliminate the bad from the good and make the right choice. Below is a list of qualities to look out for when dating.
1. Commitment-minded
One of the qualities of a good man in a relationship is commitment-oriented. A good guy is ready to commit to you. He should not be the type to string you along and waste your time.
From the beginning, he will let you know he wants to be exclusive and discuss the future with you. A commitment-phobic man does the opposite, as he doesn't make plans ahead and makes you feel like you are not his priority.
2. Vulnerable
Although men don't like showing their emotions, a good guy should be able to put aside his ego and be vulnerable with you. He should be comfortable enough to express his feelings and thoughts to you. This will make you understand each other better, and you will be able to know his strengths and weaknesses.
3. He supports you
One clear sign that you have a high-value man is that he supports you. This could be through your study, work, business or career. A guy who shows up for you and motivates you to achieve your dreams is a keeper. It means he wants you to succeed at everything you do.
4. Emotionally available
When choosing a man to date or marry, you are looking for someone who will be there for you emotionally and physically. Emotional support is one of a man's most essential forms of support. He should be able to show you love and affection and offer a shoulder to lean on.
If he exhibits hot and cold behaviour, he is emotionally unavailable. However, he is emotionally available if he is comfortable sharing his personal life with you and allows you to discuss issues.
5. Respectful
Respect is paramount in any relationship, whether platonic or romantic. Any form of disrespect from a man is a red flag. Pick the respectful one when looking for a man to marry or date. A high-quality man respects himself and the people around him.
There are various ways a guy could show that he respects you. It could be by valuing your opinion, treating you right in public and private, respecting your loved ones, etc.
6. Kind and loving
A kind and loving man is a keeper. Kindness and genuine love go hand in hand and are among the bare minimum qualities of a good man. Kindness is seen in how he treats people around him, including those with a lesser status. A kind guy is compassionate and will never do anything to hurt you.
7. Good communicator

Source: UGC
Communication is an integral component of a relationship. A healthy relationship is where couples find things to talk about and communicate effectively. If you date someone poor in communication, there will be a lot of narcissistic traits and passive-aggressive behaviours.
8. Trustworthiness
You hit a jackpot if you find a trustworthy man. Trustworthiness is one of the qualities of a good guy when it comes to dating. This is because the trait encompasses many traits, such as honesty and integrity.
Characteristics of a trustworthy guy include consistency, reliability, and dependability. You must have a trustworthy guy if you intend to have kids with him, as you are sure he will treat them well.
9. Faithful
This is perhaps the most considered quality of a man every lady seeks. You have struck gold if you have a faithful man, as they are rare. A faithful guy is one whose loyalty to you doesn't waver. Whether in good or bad times, he stands by you and always chooses you no matter what.
10. Romantic
Romance is the main spice of a successful love relationship and helps to keep things exciting. A good guy should be romantic and should always find ways to show you affection. Romance is more than just physical gestures; it involves loving, serving, and expressing what he feels on the inside.
11. Generous
There is nothing as tiring as being involved with a mean guy. A good man is generous with his love and material wealth. He loves sharing his time and meeting the needs of others. A generous guy will want to buy you gifts, assist in any need, and offer you treats occasionally.
12. Sense of humor

Source: UGC
A sense of humour comes on top of the list of qualities of a good man. Your man should be able to crack funny jokes and make you laugh even when you don't feel like laughing. A good sense of humour can brighten a gloomy day and diffuse tension.
13. Confident
Confidence is one of the key qualities of a high-value man. You want a guy who believes in himself and is comfortable in his skin. He knows how to balance between confidence and ego and is not abrasive.
14. Goal-oriented
A man with goals that he sets out to achieve is a keeper. Having goals shows that he is trying to improve himself and his circumstances. It is also a demonstration that he faces life head-on and doesn't take life lying down. A goal-oriented man is bound to win because he has a vision.
15. A good man likes to show you off
When a guy finds someone he likes, he loves to show them off. Therefore, a good man will want to show you off to his loved one to make you feel loved. He will be looking forward to taking you places where he knows people can see you.
16. Should responsible
Responsibility is one of the crucial characteristics of a good man. Dating an irresponsible guy is nothing but trouble. If a guy is often cluings, doesn't take care of himself and doesn't take responsibility for himself, he is in a no-go zone.
17. Motivates you
Everyone needs a little motivation in life, and a relationship is no different. When choosing a man to date, look for the one who motivates you. He should lead by example and be able to encourage you to keep pushing on your dreams.
18. He is a good listener

Source: UGC
Communication is not only about talking but also about listening. Active listening is another sign of a good man. Your guy should lend you an ear when you rant or want to talk about something. A great guy will ensure you know you can always talk to him and offer you a safe space.
19. He is caring
A good partner cares for you and also other people around him. There are various ways a partner can show you he cares. They include spending time together, caring for you when you are sick, helping when you need help, and checking up on you regularly. When you date a caring man, you are sure he will go out of his way for you.
20. Should be ppreciative
A good guy is appreciative of things. He sees the good in people and commends you when you do good. Being grateful and seeing the good in every circumstance is a vital quality of a good man.
21. Values the same thing as you
His principles should align with you. Are his convictions the same as yours, and where does he draw the line on things? The values may not be the same, but they should be similar in some way.
22. He is positive
There is nothing as exhausting as a negative person. When looking for the qualities of a man to date, one must consider his outlook on life. He should be optimistic about things and have a positive energy. This is because energy is contagious, and you don't want the negativity bug to catch you.
What are the characteristics of a high-quality man?
A high-quality man has the following characteristics.
- He is goal-oriented.
- He has a sense of humour.
- He supports you.
- You share the same principles and values.
- He respects your opinions and listens to you.
What are the qualities of a good boyfriend?
Some of the qualities of a good boyfriend you should look out for include the following:
- Faithfulness
- Kindness and loving
- Emotionally available
- Generosity
- Romantic
- Respectful
Finding a suitable gentleman to date can be challenging. However, connecting with a good guy is easier when you know the qualities to look for. You can spot what you don't want from a mile away. If you are looking for a high-value man, check out the above qualities of a good man.

Source: Original
Legit.ng published an article about signs he likes you but hiding it. Men have a hard time sharing their feelings. It gets even more complicated when romance is involved.
Men are complicated beings, and understanding what they want can be challenging. This is more so when they like a girl but don't know how to express their feelings. Instead, they show by action that they say the words, especially in the beginning. Find out the telltale signs that a guy likes you without saying a word.
Source: Legit.ng