Funny cat names: 200+ ridiculous pet nicknames for your feline friend
Are you looking for the best funny cat names to give your newly acquired kitten? Numerous cat names are available to choose from. Instead of choosing ordinary names, a funny and unique name makes it interesting. Moreover, it is not easy to forget a name that has some sense of humour in it.

Source: UGC
When choosing a cat name, you can be inspired by different things such as movies, food, colour, and sometimes, temperament. It does not matter what inspires your choice of a pet name; just make it interesting. Here are some funny cat names you can consider.
Funny cat names
Ever heard a cat’s name and burst into laughter because it sounded funny? Here are some funny names for cats you can choose from for your feline friend.

Source: UGC
- Bob Meowley
- Jenifurr Clawpez
- Meowly Cyrus
- Dolly Purrton
- Brad Kitt
- Catbus
- Jude Paw
- Trixie
- Nero
- Beltza
- Oedipuss
- Houdini
- Ajax
- Khaki
- Baguette
- Tiny Tim
- Dottie
- Grigio
- Dipsy
- Catrina
- Clawdia
- Figgy
- Wahoo
- Mousse
- Tabbytha
- Aggie
- Ambrosia
- Purrnelopy
- Tonto
- Button
- Tibbs
- Catsby
- Ramona
- Margaret Scratcher
- Paul McCatney
- Pawdry Hepburn
- Ravenclaw
- Rosa Pawks
- Santa Claws
- Stephen Pawking
- Taylor Pawtner
- Abracatdabra
- Achoo
- Al Pawcino
- Alanis Meowisette
- Alexander Hameowlton
- Ameowlia Earhart
- Anakin Skywhisker
- Apawllo
- Aspirin
- Avocado
- Babaganoosh
- Babe
- Baboo
- Babs
- Babushka
- Baby
- Bacon
- Badger
- Banana
- Barcode
- Barfolomeow
- Beans
- Beluga
- Benjameow Franklin
- Big Tuna
- Biggie
- Bing Clawsby
- Birdie
- Blimpy
- Bob Scratchit
- Boiled Egg
- Boogers McGee
- Bowie
- Bowser
- Bruce Flea
- Bubba
- Buck Nekkid
- Buddha
- Bullseye
- Bumblebee
- Butterbean
- Butterface
- Candy Cane
- Captain Meowvel
- Carrot Top
- Cashew
- Casserole
- Cat Benatar
- Cat Damon
- Cat Middleton
- Catalie Pawtman
- Catamari
- Catman
- Catnip Everdeen
- Catrick Swayze
- Catserole
- Cattie Bradpaw
- Catzilla
- Chairman Meow
- Charles Lickens
- Chatterbox
- Checkers
- Cheddar
- Cheeky
- Cheeseball
- Chewpawcca
- Chicken Nugget
- Chickpea
- Chiclet
- Chili
- Chipmunk
- Chowder
Famous cat names
Cute cat names are popular, and despite being around for a long time, they do not get old. Even though they are widely used, you will find them interesting. Here are examples worth trying out.

Source: UGC
- Bear
- Zeus
- Chester
- Prince
- Pumpkin
- Tucker
- Cooper
- Blue
- Ziggy
- Frankie
- Romeo
- Archie
- Lucky
- Benny
- Joey
- Midnight
- Merlin
- Casper
- Tom
- Ash
- Goose
- Murphy
- Oreo
- Cappuccino
- Wasabi
- Mango
- Mocha
- Kiwi
- Cookie
- Tito
- Mochi
- Clementine
- Ginger
- Maple
- Pepper
- Pickle
- Waffle
- Chip
- Miso
- Peanut
- Brownie
- Honey
- Jameson
- Butterscotch
- Cheerio
- Godiva
- Kit Kat
- Nilla
- Truffle
- Java
- Meatball
Unique cat names
Tired of common and monotonous cat names and looking for something extraordinary? These cat names are not easy to come about, and naming your cat would mean that it is special to you.

Source: UGC
- Elodie
- Caspian
- Magnus
- Saoirse
- Alistair
- Casimir
- Azriel
- Nyx
- Linus
- Guinevere
- Ignatius
- Orson
- Avalon
- Amadeus
- Mordecai
- Agatha
- Groot
- Guacamole
- Guava
- Guinness
- Gumbo
- Hairy Maclary
- Hairy Pawter
- Hashbrown
- Hashtag
- Hedgehog
- Hippo
- Hoagie
- Hot Lips
- Hunter S. Tomcat
- iCat
- Jaffa Cake
- Jailbird
- Jaspurr
- Jellybean
- Joker
- Kalua
- Katbuki
- Kelso
Cartoon cat names
Cats and cartoons go hand in hand, and you will realize that cats are likely not to miss in cartoon movies. If you love cartoon movies, these names will remind you of the characters; you can also find one that can suit your feline friend.

Source: UGC
- Felix
- Shaggy
- Scooby
- Snoopy
- Brian
- Angelica
- Susie
- Lillian
- Kimi
- Didi
- Charlotte
- Betty
- Plankton
- Mr. Krabs
- Patrick
- Gary
- Larry
- Scar
- Timmy
- Cosmo
- Sheen
- Figaro
- Sergeant Tibbs
- Tigger
- Duchess
- Marie
- Berlioz
- Toulouse
- Mufasa
- Simba
- Archer
- Beavis
- Stewie
- Goku
- Dexter
- Wile E.
- Porky
- Cartman
- Bart
- Charlie
- Skeeter
- Squidward
- Popeye
- Chuckie
- Arnold
- Homer
- Rocky
Food cat names
If you are looking for food-inspired cat names, you will come across many, but in picking one for your pet, ensure it is your favourite food. Here are some suggestions you can consider.

Source: UGC
- Nugget
- Nacho
- Churro
- Dorito
- Cheeto
- Frito
- Burrito
- Ramen
- Taco
- Wonton
- Butter
- Olive
- Sugar
- Margarita
- Nutella
- Juniper
- Muffin
- Rosemary
- Dim Sum
- Tabasco
- Biscuit
- Lentil
- Dumpling
- Caesar
- Dill
- Lasagna
- Croissant
- Cocoa
- Pudding
- Macaroni
- Granola
- Fudge
- Vanilla
- Sorbet
- Caramel
- Strudel
- Sashimi
- Chopstick
- Mirin
- Matcha
- Bento
- Dashi
- Sake
- Nori
- Hershey
- Tootsie
- Licorice
- Marshmallow
- Pixie
- Willy Wonka
- Milky Way
Weird cat names
Weird is not necessarily bad, and if you love weird things, you can name your cat any of these strange names.

Source: UGC
- Quirk
- Bilf
- Spoom
- Thunderpaws
- Bombalurina
- Bustopher Jones
- Carbucketty
- Griddlebone
- Grizabella
- Growltiger
- Jellylorum
- Jennyanydots
- Pouncival
- Rumpleteazer
- Rumpus
- Bandit
- Beauregard
- Danger
- Monarch
- Chonkers
- Cindy Clawford
- Clawdius
- Cocoa Puff
- Copy Cat
- Cottage Cheese
- Crookshanks
- Cucumber
- Cujo
- Cypuss Hill
- Darth Meowl
- David Meowie
- Demi Meower
- Diesel
- Diva
- Dobby
- Dog the Cat
- Dr. Furasier Crane
- Draco Meowfoy
- Ducky
- Dude
- Eggs
- Elvis Purrsley
- Fabio
- Fartalicious
- Fatty Bumbum
- Fetuccine
- Ferris Meowler
- Fleabag
- Fleas Witherspoon
- Fleayonce Knowles
- Flounder
- Fluffernutter
- Flufferton
- Frankenpuss
- Freddie Purrcury
- Furcules
- Fuzz Lightyear
- Fuzzball
- Fuzzbo
- Fuzzinator
- Garfunkel
- Garlic
- Gazzy Colon
- Genghis Khat
- Gigabyte
- Gizmo
- Gravy
- Gremlin
Cat pun names
Cat pun names are hilarious. Below are pun names you can give to your cat.

Source: UGC
- Bagel Face
- Best Fur-end
- Cameow
- Careless Whisker
- Catastrophe
- Catillac
- Catsup
- Cat Sajak
- Catticus
- Cattitude
- Chubby Bunny
- Clawsome
- Fish Bait
- Furmiddable Fury
- Furrari
- Glamourpuss
- Hairy Mulligan
- Kittles
- Kitty Banshee
- Kitty Kitty Bang Bang
- Lucifurr
- Meowsie
- Meowntain
- Meowtini
- Pawden Me
- Pawjamas
- Purrty
- Radiclaw
- Sourpuss
- Thinking Cat

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Mischievous cat names
Cats are known to be mischievous, especially when they are young. Some can be destructive, playful, or cunning. Depending on the mischief that the cat portrays, you can name them as follows.

Source: UGC
- Dennis (Dennis the Menace)
- Bugs (Bugs Bunny)
- Daffy
- Yogi
- Sly
- Garfield
- Goofy
- Harley (Harley Quinn)
- Jerry (Jerry Mouse)
- Woody
- Elmer
- Ren (of Ren and Stimpy)
- Pinky
- Rambo
- Rascal
- Ravioli
- Razzmatazz
- Rhubarb
- Ringo
- Runty
- RuPaw
- Salsa
- Santa Claws
- Sassy Pants
- Scampi
- Schmoopy
- Screamer
- Seymour Buttz
- Shakespurr
- Sheeza Freak
- Shortcake
- Sir Coconut
- Sir Isaac Mewton
- Skittles
- Skunk
- Slinky
- Smeagol
- Smudge
- Snickers
- Snoop Cat
- Snowman
- Socks
- Sour Cream
- Spanky
- Spider
- Splat
- Squirrel
- Sugar Britches
- Sriracha
- Stache
- Stiffler
- Stinky
- String Bean
- String Cheese
- Supaw Meowrio
- Sushi
- Taffy
- Tango
- Tater Tot
- The Flash
- Theoclaw Roosevelt
- Thor
- Thunder Paws
- Tinkywinky
- Tic Tac
- Tiny Tim
- Toast
- Tofu
- Toothless
- Toothpaste
- Tootie Booty
- Tortellini
- Trouble
- Tubby
- Tumbleweed
- Turkey
- Turtle
- Tux
- Twinkletoes
- Velcro
- Veronicat
- Vodka
- Whiskey
- Yeti Spaghetti
- Yoda
- Yoshi
- Yuri Nator
- Zebra
- Ziggy Stardust
- Zippo
- Mac Daddy
- Mackerel
- Mammoth
- Marmalade
- Mashed Potato
- Maya Buttreeks
- Meowley Cyrus
- Meowstard
- Meowth
- Milkshake
- Mischief
- Miss Muffet
- Miss Piggy
- Monkey
- Monsieur
- Monster
- Moo
- Moose
- Mouse
- Mozarella
- Mr. Bean
- Mr. Bojangles
- Mr. Meowgi
- Mullet
- Nermal
- Nibs
- Ninja
- Noodle
- Obi-Wan Katnobi
- Pablo Picatso
- Pancake
- Paw McCartney
- Pawverotti
- Pebbles
- Pee Wee
- Pepperoni
- Piddle Pants
- Piglet
- Pingu
- Pistachio
- Pogo
- Pooper Noodle
- Popcorn
- Porkchop
- Pot Roast
- Puddingface
- Puddy Tat
- Pudge
- Puma Thurman
- Purrincess Fluffybottom
- Puss in Boots
- Q-tip
- Rabbit
- Raisin
If you are a cat person, nothing brings joy to you more than having feline friends around you. It is even more interesting when they have funny names. The above suggestions will be a good starting point if you are looking for funny cat names.
READ ALSO: Unique nicknames for guys: 200+ cute, cool, and funny names with meanings published an article about unique nicknames for guys. Like ladies, men also feel nice when they are called sweet names. Calling your guy by his real name may not seem romantic, but a unique nickname adds affection to the relationship.
You will find common nicknames for men, but a unique nickname is the best as it shows your man's uniqueness. If you need a nickname for him, these suggestions will help you pick the best.