35 biggest turn-offs for women that you should avoid at all cost

35 biggest turn-offs for women that you should avoid at all cost

When it comes to dating, there are traits women look out for in men before proceeding with the relationship. When they get turned off by men, they lose interest in the relationship. If you want your relationship to last, as a man, it is vital to know the common turn-offs for women to avoid.

turn offs for women
An emotional woman yelling and touching the head. Photo: pexels.com, @lizasummer
Source: UGC

Women often have standards when it comes to the men they want to date. They are clear about what their needs and wants are in a partner. Thus, knowing the biggest turn-offs for women will help you relate with your woman better.

What are some of the major turn-offs for ladies in a relationship? Some of the common ones include infidelity, disrespect, lying, bad mannerism, bad grooming habits, and lack of confidence. Check out the list below for more and how to avoid them.

35 biggest turn-offs for women

They say men from Mars and women are from Venus. This saying is true when it comes to their likes and dislikes. Here is a list of turn-offs for women all men should avoid so they can relate better.

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1. Bad breath

Being in a romantic relationship means that you're going to kiss your man. Bad breath is a big no, and no woman will tolerate this. It's a romance killer, so make sure your breath is good if you want her to stay.

2. Ignoring her

One of the biggest turn-offs for girls is the lack of attention from their men. There is no woman who doesn't crave attention from her man. Ignoring her will jeopardise your relationship so give her your time.

3. A pushover man

A woman wants a man who is not easily manipulated by others. A man who is a pushover is a complete turn-off to a woman.

4. Cheating

One of the major turn-offs in a relationship is infidelity. A cheating man is such a turn-off to a woman. Things never go back the same once the man has been unfaithful.

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5. All talk and no action

A man will promise you heaven when you start dating. However, not keeping his word is a big turn-off. Always keep your word if you want your woman to stay in the relationship.

6. Lying

I'm sure no one likes being lied to. Lying is a vice everywhere, but when it comes to a relationship, it is a grave mistake. A woman is turned off when they realise you don't value the truth.

7. Low self-esteem

A man should be the leader in the relationship. A guy with low self-esteem is a big turn-off to a girl as most ladies cherish a confident man. Someone who believes in themselves.

8. Unkempt hair

Unkempt hair is not neat and clean. Unkempt hair makes a man look like he doesn't care about his appearance. Women love men with neat and clean hair, which means they care about their appearance.

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9. Bad shoes

Many ladies can tell a lot about a man by their shoes. Bad footwear is a bad reflection on the man, and this is a big turn-off for a girl. Make sure you put on nice clean shoes to impress her.

10. Being stingy

One of the ways a man can show a woman he loves her is by being generous. Stinginess is one of the biggest turn-offs in a guy. Most ladies will not tolerate men who don't take them on dates or give them gifts.

11. Cockiness

turn offs for women
Aggressive black man grabbing an offended lady. Photo: pexels.com, @keiraburton
Source: UGC

What could be a big turn-off for a girl? A man who is cocky is the biggest turn-off. His overconfidence and arrogance when dealing with other people will not make a woman stay. Assuming you are a Mr know it all will put off the woman of your dreams.

12. Reckless driving

A man who knows how to drive well speaks volumes to a woman. On the flip side, a reckless driver is a turn-off to a woman. This is because women value safety and are not risk-takers.

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13. Giving mixed signals

Most guys tend to give mixed signals, especially early in the relationship. This is a turn-off to most women as they don't like this yo-yo behaviour. It's either you want to be in a relationship or not. Don't give mixed signals to a girl you love; they will flee from you like a bad disease.

14. Chauvinism

Any man who utters derogatory remarks about gender roles is a sexist and a big turn-off to women. Whether subtle or outright sexist remarks from a man will make his woman rethink the whole relationship.

15. Flirting with other women

A lot of women understand that men have a tendency of checking out other women. However, being outright disrespectful to your woman with other women is a turn-off.

16. Lack of respect

Good relationships go hand in hand with respect. Men who don't respect people are a turn-off to women because they'll disrespect their women too. Respect is part of good mannerism; get some if you want to keep a good woman.

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17. Pessimism

Nothing is as draining as a man who always sees a half-empty glass in everything. Negative men are such a turn-off for girls as they always look at the bad side of things. Pessimism is contagious, and no one likes to hang around such negativity.

18. Lack of ambition

A man who has ambition is a darling to women. Women love when a man knows what he wants in life and has a plan to get it. If you want to keep your lady, have goals and work on them.

19. Bad body odour

Any guy who doesn't shower and has a bad body odour is a big turn-off to any woman. Grooming well is a plus to a guy, so make sure you smell nice for your lady.

20. Bad sense of humour

A guy with a sense of humour is very attractive to a woman. Bad humour is, however, offensive to many people. Girls like clean jokes only, and they get put off when you take jokes too far.

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21. Rudeness

biggest turn offs for girls
Man in black long sleeve shirt standing beside a woman in black long sleeve dress. Photo: pexels.com, @rodnaeprod
Source: UGC

Everyone likes to be around polite people. Some guys are very rude, which is a big turn-off for girls. Avoid rude behaviour if you want to stay in a relationship with a decent girl.

22. Taking things too fast

Ladies like to take their time when it comes to new relationships. This will enable her to figure out if you are Mr Right or not. Trying to move too fast will put her off.

23. Spending more time on the phone

Naturally, ladies love to be the centre of attention. A man who is always busy on his phone will definitely put off any lady, especially on a first date. Understanding what your woman needs is key to a successful relationship.

24. Belching at the table

Some men lack good table manners and belch at the dinner table. Others do not even think it's a turn-off. Girls do not appreciate guys who belch at the table so avoid it.

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25. Insecurities

Most men tend to be overprotective when it comes to the woman they like. It is, however, a turn-off if he is too much. A little trust will come a long way if you want to keep her.

26. Unreliability

Girls like a guy they can count on. Call in advance if you feel like you can't show up. It shows that you care and they can rely on you.

27. Lack of initiative

Some men will never initiate anything. They wait for their women to take the lead. Such behaviour gets girls turned off because a man should be the head. To keep a girl interested, initiate dates and be the leader in your relationship.

28. Wearing torn clothes

There is a crop of men who don't care about how they look. Some will wear torn clothes out of sheer laziness. Sometimes it's torn socks or a shirt, but generally torn clothing is a turn-off.

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29. Narcissistic behaviour

One of the biggest turn-offs for women is a man with narcissistic behaviour. A narcissist only thinks about himself in a relationship. A narcissist will gaslight and shift blame to their partner.

30. Unhealthy habits

Men who don't take care of their health are a big turn-off. They don't eat healthy food, don't go to the gym, and engage in unhealthy things such as excessive drinking and smoking. Taking care of your health makes you attractive to your woman, strengthening your relationship.

31. Unsupportive

biggest turn offs
A couple arguing at home. Photo: pexels.com, @alexgreen
Source: UGC

The true meaning of a relationship is being there for each other. Failure to support your partner will make her have second thoughts about you. Make sure you support her whenever she needs you. However, small the support might be, she will appreciate that you came through for her.

32. Trying to control/manipulate her

A woman is put off by a man who tries to control her life. This includes her decisions, career, and her friends. Women need to feel equally independent and not held back by men. Watch out for excessive control because it's a deal breaker, so don't do it.

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33. Being boring

Having fun is a great ingredient for a good relationship. Being boring and party-pooping is such a turn-off. Make sure that you and your girl are having fun in the relationship.

34. Being rigid

Some men are very rigid and cannot change their minds. It is challenging dating a rigid man; ladies love a fluid personality, so don't be uptight.

35. Being a smug

A confident man is very attractive, but too much of it is a total turn-off. When a man keeps bragging about his things, it completely dries off the conversation.

Men say that women are complicated when it comes to knowing what they like or don't like. The above points will show you some of the common turn-offs for women. Working on them will ensure a high chance of keeping a healthy relationship. It will also help you avoid unnecessary conflicts with your woman.

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Legit.ng recently published an article about 100+ favourite things list questions to get to know someone better. Starting a new relationship can sometimes be tricky. These favourite things questions will give you a head start.

Knowing what to ask on your first date will bring you closer to your potential partner. Asking about their favourite things is a great start. Open the post for more questions that you can ask.

Source: Legit.ng

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Peris Wamangu (Lifestyle writer) Peris Wamangu is a reporter who also has experience working as a content writer for three years. She joined Legit 's team in 2021. Peris graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Nairobi in 2019. She enjoys writing about various topics such as fashion, currency, biographies, entertainment and business. In 2023, Peris finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email: wamanguperis@gmail.com