Rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Go: what are they and where to find them?
Legendaries are among the rarest creatures you can add to your group in the story-driven main Pokemon games. One is available, but you will have to finish the game to find it. Things have, however, changed a bit now with the in-game Pokemon Go. Check out some of these rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Go.

Source: UGC
Some Pokemon can only be captured on special occasions, while others only spawn in specific world areas. Therefore, it would help if you were defeated before being caught.
If you are curious about the Pokemon, below are some of the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Go in 2022. You must know where to look for them so that you can get one step closer to finishing your Pokedex.
Rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Go
Climate patterns, seasonality, distinct biomes, spawn cycles, and other factors make it more challenging to obtain a particular Pokemon. It is also tough to select the rarest, most desired Pokemon due to the dozens of Pokemon and over six decades of filtering through.
1. Goomy

Source: UGC
Goomy is a rare Pokemon Go. Every player in the most recent XY event wished Goomy good luck. So Niantic made sure the gooey little guy was a valuable prize, so you can imagine how uncommon the species is in everyday life.
Goomy is the most vulnerable of the dragon-type Pokémon, with a primarily watery body and a germ-infested nasal mucosa covering it.
Goomy's horns are equipped with advanced sensors that allow it to detect even the tiniest hint of an assailant, enabling it to withstand any threat. The Goomy is immune to fire, water, grass, and electric-type attacks. However, it has limited unique attack efficiency recovery options.
2. Noibat

Source: UGC
Noibat has a dragon-like ability to fly. It is susceptible to ice, fairies, dragons, and rock movements. The Dragon Pulse and Wing Attack combined have a CP of 667 for Noibat. These are its two most potent attacks.
Noibat gives rise to Noivern. They stay in entirely dark caves. They have enormous ears that can generate ultrasonic vibrations at 200,000 hertz. Changing Noibat into Noivern will be the most challenging endeavour.
Noibat, like Magikarp, is a rare Pokemon in Pokemon Go that costs a lot of money to evolve. Therefore, Noivern may not be a good fit for all players. Hatching the 10km eggs is the surest option to get the candy. It's not the most straightforward method, but it yields the most candy, with 30 candies per 10km egg.
3. Meltan

Source: UGC
Meltan, although being perhaps the first Pokemon to appear in Pokemon Go, isn't easy to locate. It's one of the rarest Pokemon Go in 2022. Melmetal has a complex and robust mass, making it a reliable backbone for many Master League teams.
Its primary purpose is to counter Lugia, Dialga, and Togekiss. Melmetal is also a force to be reckoned with on the offensive, boasting slightly more ATK than Togekiss and Giratina-O and incredibly spammy charge techniques with excellent coverage.
4. Tirtouga

Source: UGC
Tirtouga is a Pokémon that looks like a baby flatback sea turtle. It has a blue body and black dots on the tips of its flippers. In addition, Tirtouga features six round dents in its black shell and has a black top beak and facial sections resembling a mask.
Despite being slow and clumsy on land, they could dock themselves onto coasts to capture unsuspecting prey. Tirtouga should have died out because it couldn't compete with other chelonians.
Tirtouga is a physically minded Pokemon with a solid physical attack and defence but low speed and health. As a result, it is significantly weaker against special-attacking Pokemon than it is against physical-attacking Pokemon.
5. Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf

Source: UGC
Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf are three legendary Psychic-type Pokémon you can first discover in Sinnoh. Because each mythical Pokemon is unique to a rare Pokemon Go location, the one you see in raids will determine where you are.
Because Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie are all true psychic-type Pokemon, they all have the same bug, dark, and ghost vulnerabilities. That implies that the identical countermeasures will work regardless of the three rares you're fighting.
Players must complete the storyline and conquer the Elite Four in Pokémon BDSP before catching Mesprit, Azelf, or Uxie. The Lake Trio does not need to be seized by the National Dex, but they must be taken first before the Elite Four are beaten.
6. Pikachu Libre

Source: UGC
Is Pikachu rare in Pokemon Go? Yes, it is scarce. You can quickly obtain an event-specific Pikachu, but a shiny one is quite unusual. 'Finding Pikachu' motivates us to play the game.
However, players should be aware that certain Pokemon are only valid for a short .period of time. So it comes to this; one does not get all sorts of Pokemon when playing.
When Pikachu gets the Light Ball item, its special attacks are generally matched and have a high-speed stat. It has the potential to be a powerful and adaptable sweeper of the electric kind.
7. Axew

Source: UGC
Axew is a monotype dragon Pokemon introduced in Generation 5 with the Pokemon Black and White games. It is Haxorus's base evolution, and once it reaches the level threshold, it evolves into Fraxure.
While developing this, Haxorus requires a significant amount of sugar for developing Axew and boosting it up. It starts as a cute little creature but soon matures into a terrifying Haxorus.
Its odds of appearing in the anime have always been slim as a version five Pokemon. A powerful Haxorus can be evolved from an Axew with 100 per cent IV stats. It's excellent for ranked matches, raids, and combat.
8. Unown

Source: UGC
Unown first appeared in the handheld games Pokémon Gold and Silver. In Pokémon Go, you can catch 26 types and two new forms- a question mark and an exclamation mark. You can find Unown in many areas throughout the Hisui region.
They usually stick flush against cliffs and walls, although others may be suspended from trees or other structures. So, what can you do to improve your chances of getting one? First, check your in-game barometer, web radar, and trackers closely.
9. Sandile

Source: UGC
Sandile is a gloomy ground pokémon that you can find in Unova. It evolves into Krokorok after being fed 25 candies and then into Krookodile.
This dark/ground-type can only be obtained by hatching the unusual strange eggs delivered by Team GO Rocket Leaders Sierra, Cliff, and Arlo. Under typical circumstances, these eggs need 12km to hatch, and there's a slim possibility they'll contain a candle.
What is the rarest shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go?
Shiny Pokémon with hats, costumes, festive items, or flower crowns are the rarest. It is because the Pokémon were just available for a brief time, and in some circumstances, they will never return, limiting your options for exchanges. Pikachu Libre and Detective Hat Pikachu are the two most rare dressed Shines.
What is the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Go?
Getting rare Pokémon and completing the Pokédex is one of the main goals of playing Pokémon Go. Raise your trainer levels to obtain rare Pokémon. When your variety increases, so do the variety of Pokémon you can encounter.
In this case, a level 30 player has a better chance of getting a rare Pokémon than a level 10. Hatching eggs is another simple and efficient method of locating some of the more elusive Pokémon.
What is the rarest Pokemon in the world?
There are already over 800 rare Pokemon available for players to collect. Furthermore, some of these Pokemon are far rarer than others, and this pattern has been present since the late 1990s when the first generation was released.
Pokemon Red and Blue introduced some of the most elusive Pokemon. They assist in setting the stage for future games to have game-locked, reduced, and mechanics-based Pokemon hunting.
How to find rare pokemon in Pokemon Go
Are you wondering how to get rare Pokemon in Pokemon Go? One of the most significant objectives of Pokémon Go is to collect uncommon Pokémon and complete the Pokédex as a result. To obtain rare Pokémon Go locations, raise your trainer levels. As your trainer level rises, the number of Pokémon you can experience expands.
For example, it indicates that a level 30 player has a better chance than a level 10 player of catching a rare Pokémon. Hatching is one of the simplest and most successful ways to obtain some of the most elusive Pokémon.
Even though fossil Pokemon are rare and can only be resurrected from fossils, it's still annoying when you are attempting to finish your Pokedex and can't discover these rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Go. On the other hand, both are reasonably obtainable in the wild, although you're unlikely to come across them.
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Source: Legit.ng