Read why men get bored of their wives soon after wedding

Read why men get bored of their wives soon after wedding

In the society, it has been observed that men often get tired a few months after wedding. They simply lose the zeal to stay with the woman they swore before God and man to be with forever soon after the wedding.

Read why men get bored of their wives soon after wedding

Men often feel detached after a while as they start to see things as being normal. The duties they perform become perfunctory as the euphoria of the wedding wears off soon after the wedding. This is a bit puzzling as one could wonder why men get bored of their wives in a such a short time.

Women, on the other hand, would still be basking in the glory of being a married woman and would be eager to let everyone know their status has changed. The moment the wedding is done, everything goes back to normal for the men. They resume back to their duties and some to their old ways of life.

At times, it may be hard to tell if a man is married because of the attitude and behaviour he puts up in public while a woman would want people around to address her with her new name. Could it be that marriage matters more to the women?

It is important for us to carefully review some of the factors that could be responsible for the boredom and change of attitude in the men soon after their marriage. This would help treat many issues and prevent such marriages to break up eventually.

Find below some of the reasons why men get bored of their wives soon after the wedding:

1. They detect the change in body shape

Read why men get bored of their wives soon after wedding

Men expect their wives to remain fabulous; they want them to remain the girlfriends they got married to forever. Some women also do not try when it comes to this aspect; they simply blow up and become bloated after being married.

Some of them do not even see the need to hit the gym and keep their bodies in shape. They become so relaxed because they feel they have gotten to their bus stops and do not need to stress themselves when it comes to being in shape.

They console themselves by saying the men have to love and take them as they are. Even though men do not like this, they simply put up with it and carry on with their wives.

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2. Things change after child birth

Read why men get bored of their wives soon after wedding

Things tend to change before and after childbirth for some couples. Not every man has the patience to tolerate all the tantrums that some women throw during that period.

The last stage of pregnancy could be emotionally draining on the men because of the lack of intimacy some women subject them to.

Some women also lose the zeal to get down and do stuffs with their husbands who are usually edgy about issues like that. It is just a few people in the society that are able to keep the fire burning during this period. Some men would have had side chics by this time because they want something new and different.

3. Things sizzle or cool down because of cohabitation

Read why men get bored of their wives soon after wedding

It is important for newly wedded couples to stay together as much as possible in order for them to know each other more.

However, living with your partner may tamper with your level of excitement as things may not be the way they used to be before getting married.

Men particularly love it when their girlfriends visit them from time to time. In marriages, it is a different ball game. The twists and turns may go missing and things may just sizzle down. Men get bored this way and desire a new challenge.

4. Familiarity when they see each other's nakedness

Read why men get bored of their wives soon after wedding

Marriage is a life long journey; couples constantly have to work it through in order to get the best out of it. Some men get bored of their wives because they see them all the time.

Women also do not try in this aspect as they keep showing skin every little chance they get. We understand that being married makes you a unit but then, it would be nice for women to be smart while in the bedroom.

There are some things men do not want to see in the room even though they are sharing space with their wives. Having to complain about these things wear the men out. They simply leave the women alone and perform their duties as the men of the house.

5. Women stop packaging

Read why men get bored of their wives soon after wedding

Some women actually are to be blamed in this aspect; the moment they get married, they let their guards down. They stop paying attention to their looks, they do not dress up because they feel there is no need to dazzle the men anymore.

Some women tie wrappers from money to night, some stop shaving and expect the men to put up with them. Men want their wives to look ravishing all the time so that they would always remain attracted to them.

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6. They see the lapses and faults

Read why men get bored of their wives soon after wedding

Some men get tired of their wives because they start to see all their faults; some women pretend to be what they are not in order to get men to marry them. Some nag a lot and frustrate the men who have worked hard all day.

During courtship, they would visit the men to cook, clean, and help the men with other chores. As soon as they are married, they show their real attitudes and start to misbehave. Some of them become lazy and annoying; the whole house would be dirty and they would not bother cleaning it up until the men complain.

When men see they have been tricked like that, they lose interest in the marriage and step out in dire need of a new adventure.


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Temitope Popoola