Everyday 5 Rules To More Happiness

Everyday 5 Rules To More Happiness

As humans, we wake up every day with our minds set on various tasks that lie ahead of the day waiting for us to attend to them.

Most times, we even forget about ourselves, we forget about many special dates, treats we need to give ourselves all in the name of the these four words "I am very busy". We get busy that we forget to give ourselves reasons why the busyness is necessary not minding if we are happy about our lives or not.

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Some people keep managing their lives, go through the day's official work and end up getting back home without any fulfilment within them. Here are five short 'not-so-significant' things we need to do to make our day worthwhile and even make us appreciate life the more.

1. Do Stuff You’re Good At

It has been noticed that people who deliberately exercised their signature strengths on a daily basis, those qualities they were uniquely best at, the talents that set them apart from others – became significantly happier for months.

2. Help Someone!

Pick one day a week and make a point of committing five acts of kindness. But if you want to reap the psychological benefit, make sure you do these things deliberately and consciously: you can’t just look back over the last 24 hours and declare your acts post.

3. Create Something To Look Forward To

One study found that people who just thought about watching their favourite movie actually raised their endorphin levels by 27 percent. Often, the most enjoyable part of an activity is the anticipation. If you can’t take the time for a vacation right now, or even a night out with friends, put something on the calendar – even if it’s a month or a year down the road. Then, whenever you need a boost of happiness, remind yourself about it.

4. Spend Time With Friends

Having a better social life has equivalent level of happiness. There is substantial evidence in the psychology and sociology literature that social relationships promote happiness for the individual. Yet the size of their impacts remains largely unknown. This paper explores the use of shadow pricing method to estimate the monetary values of the satisfaction with life gained by an increase in the frequency of interaction with friends, relatives and neighbours.

5. Appraise Your Day

Before bed, write down three good things that happened today. Every night for the next week, set aside ten minutes before you go to sleep. Write down three things that went well today and why they went well. You may use a journal or your computer to write about the events, but it is important that you have a physical record of what you wrote. The three things need not be earthshaking in importance.

All these and more can enhance how you view life, influencing a healthy decision from you day by day!

Source: Legit.ng

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Khadijah Thabit (Copyeditor) Khadijah Thabit is an editor with over 3 years of experience editing and managing contents such as articles, blogs, newsletters and social leads. She has a BA in English and Literary Studies from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Khadijah joined Legit.ng in September 2020 as a copyeditor and proofreader for the Human Interest, Current Affairs, Business, Sports and PR desks. As a grammar police, she develops her skills by reading novels and dictionaries. Email: khadeeejathabit@gmail.com
