Man rapes 5year old girl

Man rapes 5year old girl

A Jalingo Chief magistrate court has arraigned a 27-year-old man for raping a 5-year-old girl.

The accused, Williams Julius a resident of Abuja  Phase 2 in Jalingo was arraigned on Tuesday.

According to the prosecutor, Mr Godfrey Moses, the victim's father Mr Joseph Ubandoma reported the incident on 25th December at the Taraba Police Command.

Mr Joseph said the accused lured his daughter into an uncompleted building and forcefully raped her, leaving her with injuries.

The accused however denied the charge read to him.

The magistrate, Aliyu Baffa, ordered the accused to be remanded in prison and adjourned the case to January 20.


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Nkem Ikeke (Copy editor) Nkem Ikeke is currently a copy editor who also writes for the politics and current affairs desk on weekends. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication degree from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (2010), and has over 10 years of work experience in the media industry (Reporter, News Agency of Nigeria). Email: