Amnesty International Report Splits Nigerian Society
Amnesty International report on alleged war crimes committed by Nigerian military in the northeast has split country’s public opinion. Read different reactions by ordinary Nigerians.

Amnesty International accuses the Nigerian military, including senior military commanders, of committing horrible atrocities in northeast of the country.
In a report published on June 3, Wednesday, Amnesty International blamed the army of widespread torture and extrajudicial killings in the war against the Boko Haram insurgency.
The Defence Headquarters has denied yesterday’s accusation by Amnesty International against senior military officers of the Nigerian Armed Forces.
At the same time Nigeria’s president, Muhammadu Buhari, has assured Nigerians that his government will study the report by the human rights group.
But what Nigerians think about this report themselves? Read their reactions on social media.
"Despite the fact that no innocent Nigerian citizen should be tutored or killed without trial and due process, either in war zone or even at home as wives and mothers, Amnesty International should please be careful not to incite the people against the Nigerian military, especially at this precarious time or phase of our life as a nation." - Simon Okube Ekwy.
"This is the problem, Amnesty International is only talking about one side, where is their video about the torture by the Boko Haram group? Both groups should be investigated and Amnesty should push for that. Some countries don't have the luxury of monGeorge Edafe Alakpa.
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"Europeans [are] helping America to fulfil its prophecy of Nigeria's disintegration. They know if the soldiers are prescuted, the rest fighting Boko Haram will withdraw and [Boko] Haram will take over the northeast and that's the end of Nigeria!" - Nonso Onyebuchi.
"God, this is not real, how can the innocent suffered a crime they knows nothing about?... Professionals can not do things such as this. If they are fighting the [Boko] Harams they should fight them and not killing innocent Nigerians." - Don Fasky.
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"Too bad that some people in our society are in support of extra judicial killing, if I may ask what is the difference between the Nigerian military and the Boko haram if you watch that video!!! Boko Haram are killing innocent people at will, so are theMoses Ikpefua.
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"[This is] a western world gimmick. Amnesty International - give us documentary on Boko Haram atrocities against the military and defenseless citizens of Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad. Further, that of US atrocities in Iraq, Syria and Libya. Amnesty International, who is fit to die? Well, I just prayer that President Buhari should apply utmost wisdom on this gun powder call and correct mistake of the past, if any. Thank God he was an army General." - Emmanuel Ibordor.
"Why is this Amnesty not busy in the US and Europe, where the weapons and machines used by Boko Haram are manufactured?
Why is Obama, Cameron and other western world leaders, with their military commanders, not arrested and hanged for their sins in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Ukraine and other hot spots for sending tons of weapons to Jihadists, terrorists, thieves, Fascists elements and other degenerates?
Which effort has Amnesty made to get in touch with Boko Haram and lecture them on the need to stop their madness? Can they help the Nigeria Army in the front lines by identifying Boko Haram members and make things easy for the nations fighting these terrorists? Amnesty should not limit herself to sneaking around detention facilities, liberated villages, towns and should stop giving dollar bills to poor people to come up with scripted stories drafted in Amnesty office!
Amnesty love crisis, wars, conflicts and chaos! That's where they make money and survive, peddling rumors, releasing false information and sowing more seeds of discord!" - Ebony Rock.
According to the Amnesty International report:
At least 20,000 – people, mostly men and boys, arrested by the Nigerian military since 2009.
More than 7,000 – people who died of starvation, suffocation or torture while held in military detention since March 2011.
More than 1,400 – corpses delivered from Giwa barracks to one mortuary in Maiduguri in June 2013.
At least 1,200 – men and boys extrajudicially executed by the Nigerian military in the states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa since February 2012.
Up to 1,700 – men and boys between 14 and 30 years old that are registered as members of the civilian militia, the Civilian Joint Task Force. Thousands more are believed to be unregistered members.
More than 800 – number of official documents reviewed by Amnesty International. More than 700 letters and memos between military headquarters and the field, daily reports from military units based in the northeast, and dozens of documents.
57 – letters Amnesty International sent to the Federal and State authorities since 2013, sharing research findings, raising concerns about ongoing violations and requesting information and specific action, such as investigations.
13 – responses received from the Nigerian government.