6 Things Every Father Should Know About Their Daughters
Parenting sure looks like it's fun but not without its own challenges.
It is however imperative to know that aside from the general upbringing of children, the girl child is somehow attached to her father. It is more of a privilege to raise a girl than a burden.
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While taking care both sexes of your children is of utmost importance, the girl child is especially important because of her affiliation to her father. She looks at how her father treats her mum, how he goes about his fatherly duties and many more. These in turn have a way of drawing or carving out what kind of man she wants to be attracted to and many more.
Here are however 10 crucial things you should know when fathering a girl child.
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#1 She wants to be loved. Much more than you can imagine, your daughter want a father figure that can be much more than an instructor, father-head and other things expected of a father. She wants you to love her even when she makes mistakes and let you down.
#2 You have an influence on her future partner. Just like it was made known earlier, it is so scary to think that the kind of man you are to her will have a direct impact on who she chooses to marry someday. But 'sadly',. that's the truth. Be a good father and a good husband to her mother, then, she will want to marry someone like you!
#3 Make memories. Fill up your daughter's emotional journal with memories of being with her dad. Most times, it is not only boredom or teenage exuberance that pushes young girls into untold events, it is all in the name of wanting to catch some fun with friends, making memories with people you do not even trust as a father. Go street cycling with her, go to the cinemas, let her be eager when weekends are approaching!
#4 Show up to her events. Yes, we live in a very busy era but as dads of young daughters, career building shouldn't take the whole of your time. In fact, not showing up at your daughter's event is a great sin. Make efforts always.
#5 Teach her that it's not about her. Something amazing happens when we realize that the universe doesn't spin around us. We're not modeling it perfectly for our girls, but we're trying to show them that life is best lived when we give ourselves away. To serve others. To go last. To not always have to be right.
#6 Don't shrink back as she grows up. Most fathers believe when their daughters are of a particular age, then, they have less work. No! Actually as they grow, your work grows as a father. Engage your teenage daughters. Periods, boyfriends, shaving armpits, Facebook, whatever it is. Be their best friends. Don't disappear when their emotions and bodies start changing.
Source: Legit.ng