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For almost a decade,, an independent media organisation, has used journalism to positively transform the lives of ordinary Nigerians for the better.
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Now, we want to go even further to give you more deeply researched news reports and more entertaining content. However, we cannot do this alone.
This is why is seeking the support of our loyal readers to sponsor the worthy cause of providing more accurate, sincere and undiluted news reports as part of our contribution to making Nigeria an even better place.
Picture a scenario of a 13-year-old boy in Calabar, Cross Rivers state, who survived by selling irons on the streets to take care of his basic needs. But after reporters published a story about him, kind-hearted Nigerians reached out to help him get out of the streets and pledged to sponsor his education.
Toyin Lawani: How many Nigerians have styled Ciara, Kelly Rowland? I opened the doors, designer declares
What of another instance where a mother of four kids, who returned from Libya received a donation of over N500,000 from Nigerians after a Legit TV interview.
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How about an 80-yr-old woman and her orphaned grandchildren who received a brand new mattress as a Christmas gift from a generous Nigerian following a report by showing pictures of the family while washing their old mattress on Christmas Day.
The above accounts are some of the many instances where positively touched thousands of lives through the support of newsreaders.
Today, intends to positively touch the lives of more people and we ask you to join us in that journey of changing lives for the better.
Why your support matters?
We keep our work open and free to all Nigerians. We do not put up a paywall as we believe everyone deserves equal access to quality journalism, at a time when factual reporting is critical.
As a responsible media company, we feel a responsibility to provide the country and the world with honest news about Nigeria. However, being an independent media company sometimes means uncertainty. has never been influenced by any millionaire owner or politician. We are influenced by you and work for you. This is why we ask you to support us to sustain independent journalism in Nigeria.
How you can contribute?
Join our Patreon community in 3 easy steps
Step 1. Select any tier you wish at
Step 2. Choose a donation amount you would like to give monthly (you can choose any amount, not necessarily those indicated in the tier)
Step 3. Connect your card, PayPal or choose other suitable payment methods
You do not need to be a superhero to change lives, all you need is a kind heart willing to positively impact one life at a time.
Now you have become our supporter. Thank you! See you soon in the exclusive behind-the-scenes from our team.