460+ unique clan names for you and your gamer friends to stand out
Gaming has become a popular sport for people of all ages and genders. Some games allow one to play alone, while others require players to group themselves into teams. For this reason, gamers find it necessary to use unique clan names to identify their teams.

Source: UGC
An action-adventure video game is a hybrid genre that combines core elements from both the action and adventure game genres. There are many action video game sub-genres, including fighting games, beat-them-ups, shooter games, and platform games.
Funny clan names
Adventure video games allow players to assume the role of protagonists in interactive stories driven by exploration and puzzle-solving. When playing multi-player action, adventure, or action-adventure games, here are some clever clan names to impress other tribes:
- 24 Hour Gamer
- Aesthetic Kills
- Amazing Privates
- Annoyed Warrior
- Assassination Squad
- Axe Marks The Spot
- Band of Alphas
- Basic Queens
- Bleary Eyed Players
- Breakfast Guys
- Carnage Bringers
- Cereal Killers
- Charming Chicks
- Checking Everything Out
- Clan Avenger
- Clan Name Pending
- Clumsy Punks
- Colonizers
- Crate Fishers
- Crazy People

Source: UGC
- Deaf To The World
- Debuggers
- Divide and Conquer
- Electric Shockers
- Fast Fingers Gang
- Fight for Paradise
- Frag Padders
- FreakShowHere
- Front Liners
- Fun Starters
- Game Addicts
- Game Experts
- Game Stoppers
- God's Favourite Children
- Grave Eaters
- Happy Hunks
- Hawk Eyes
- Heart Stoppers
- Here Again
- High Warriors

Source: UGC
- Horse Riders
- In This To Win This
- Jolly Old Gang
- Keyboard Champions
- Keyboard Warrior
- Killing with Vibes
- Les Miserables
- Little Pony Parody
- Lovely Lovelies
- Magical Folks
- Master Spinners
- Moulin Rouges
- Nan's Gang
- Nerd's Chilling
- Not Flops
- Not Noobs
- Not Screwed On Right
- One Hit Hip Fire
- Online All The Time
- Optimistic Gang

Source: UGC
- Order of Phoenix
- Outrageous Players
- Peek-A-Boom
- People Blasters
- Pros Only
- Quick Fingers
- Realistic Gamers
- Salsa with Death
- Salty Spiders
- Sauron's Eye
- Secret Agents
- Simple Pans
- Sleepy Hunters
- Smooth Criminals
- Sweaty Kill Stealers
- Sweet Munchkins
- Team Boss
- Team Chillax
- Team Cute
- Team Everybody Wins

Source: UGC
- Team No Choice
- Team No Sleep
- Team Wide Awake
- The All Nighters
- The Online Tree House
- Tilt Nation
- TokyoGhouls
- Tough Warriors
- Uncivilized Fools
- Dead Forever
- Under Your Skins
- Victory Losers
- Winter Born
- Witches and Wizards
- Woke Keyboard Knights
- Woofing Wardogs
- Yay Team!
- You Missed
- Zen Gamers
- Zero Kill Clan
Best clan names for Clash of Clans

Source: Getty Images
Clash of Clans is a 2012 free-to-play video game developed and published by Finnish game developer Supercell. The clan feature allows donating troops, spells, siege machines, competing in wars, chatting with members, and more. Becoming a clan member or creating one requires repairing the Clan Castle with 10,000 gold. Here are some fantastic names you can use for your clan:
- Abyssal Templars
- Ascendant Goblins
- Astral Renegades
- Blazing Legion
- Blazing Sages
- Brown Mystic
- Burgundy Griffins
- Burgundy Power
- Burgundy Templars
- Caramel Dominion
- Coral Paladins
- Cryptic Tribunes
- Cunning Lions
- Cyan Exiles
- Cyan Order
- Daemonic Watchers
- Divine Dominion
- Ebon Assassin
- Elemental Oathsworn
- Elite Monarchs

Source: UGC
- Emerald Hogriders
- Fabled Warlords
- Fireborn Hellfire
- Fireborn Hogriders
- Firebound Reckoning
- Grey Corsairs
- Grey Warlocks
- Haunted Golems
- Haunted Samurai
- Iceborn Warlords
- Imperial Champions
- Imperial Rebels
- Immortal Outriders
- Indigo Exiles
- Ironborn Corsairs
- Ironborn Outcast
- Lavender Eclipse
- Magenta Avengers
- Magenta Corsairs
- Majestic Seekers

Source: UGC
- Maroon Darkwatch
- Mauve Ninjas
- Mauve Tribunes
- Mighty Arbiters
- Mighty Griffins
- Ninjas
- Oathbound Enigmas
- Pearl Wolves
- Pewter Berserks
- Phoenix Warlords
- Pine Mavericks
- Placid Crowd
- Purple Redshift
- Resilient Mavericks
- Royal Talons
- Ruby Defenders
- Ruby Wolves
- Ruthless Power
- Rust Dragons
- Savage Seekers

Source: UGC
- Serene Slayers
- Stars Coalition
- Stars Warlocks
- Stormborn Fangs
- Stormborn Harbinger
- Storm Penguins
- Swamp Beggars
- Tidal Ninjas
- Thunder Guardians
- Thunder Owls
- Turquoise
- Untamed Redshift
- Valiant Exiles
- Vicious Berserks
- Violet Ironclad
- Violet Outcast
- Viridian Vanguard
- Vortex Arbiters
- Wild Lords
- White Riders
Good clan names

Source: UGC
Video game clan names can help a player link with players in a group setting. They also provide a sense of solidarity among players of the same team as they take on opponent clans/tribes. Here are some cool names you can use for your video game tribe:
- 1K Late Hitters
- Ace Champion Duelists
- Aim Down Deaths
- AWMLover
- Blackstock
- Brash Thugs
- Bulletproof Sharpshooters
- Champion of Seas
- Chicken Terminators
- Chill Frag Receivers
- Dark Wrath Mob
- Dead Poggers
- Delayed Ninjas
- Dodgy Gliders
- Dying Frenzy
- Eagle Eye Spotters
- Electric Tank
- Embers Rising
- Flaming Fighters
- Freezing Squad

Source: UGC
- Frosty Bashers
- Gods of Undead
- Hawk Masters
- High Ping Squad
- Hungry Occupation
- Icy Paladins
- Inaccurate Tilts
- Incognito In Daylight
- Infinity Laggers
- Jazzy Deadly
- Kings of Clutches
- Last Minute Hitmen
- Loading Warriors
- Loose Characters
- Loser Hunters
- Merciless Cobras
- Mighty Flankers
- Missing Shooters
- Nasty Shanker
- Ninja Dharmaputras

Source: UGC
- No Scoping Campers
- Noobies Choosies
- One Second Corpses
- One-Shot Musketeers
- Ping Me At The Disco
- Power Feeders
- Quickest Sharpshooters
- Ruthless Battalion
- Salt of the Fields
- SkyDecay
- Snipe the Hype
- Stone Cold Stunners
- Sweltering Corps
- Tank Busters
- The Big Bangers
- The Feral Squad
- The Firewall Armory
- Thoughtful Criminals
- Unbreakable Slowpokes
- Victory Disruptors
Short clan names

Source: UGC
Action games are popular because players can jump, run, shoot, and bash enemies and experience an adrenaline rush in real life. Unlike films, these games usually give you limited lives and unlimited powers. That's what makes these games so engaging and challenging at the same time. To stand out from your other opponents, consider using these stylish names:
- Brawlers
- Brotherhood
- Bruised
- Busted
- Chaos
- Choosers
- Crashers
- Crazy
- Death
- Dropstotzz
- Enemy
- Executioners
- Fenton
- Fighters
- Gangsters
- Grenade
- Gruesome
- Immortals
- Killer G69
- King-Pins

Source: UGC
- Landminers
- Legend
- Mayhem
- Moncreiffe
- Skywalkers
- Terrors
- Thunder
- Thunderstruck
- Troll
- Oceans99
- Psycho
- Reapers
- Resistance
- Seekers
- Untamed
- Vandals
- Victors
- Vipers
- Warriors
- Zombie
Sweaty clan names

Source: UGC
Sweaty clan names can make your team appear tough, brave, and intimidating. As a result, other teams playing the same action-adventure video games as yours will be attracted to play with you. Here are some fantastic names you can give your team:
- Absent Thugs
- Absurd Force
- Blood Bashers
- Blood Thirsty Squad
- Born from Ashes
- Bounty Seeker
- Carnage Bringers
- Chaos_is_a_ladder
- Champion Snipers
- Chilled Samurais
- Cloudy Outlaws
- Cool Shooter
- Crazy Owner
- Demons of Dispatch
- Divine Angels
- Drunk Shankers
- Free Thinkers
- Frenzy Destroyers
- Fortnite Prophets
- Front Liners

Source: UGC
- Fun Starters
- Glistening Gang
- Golden Archers
- Grim Leaders
- Grim Noob
- Grenade Launchers
- Gun Lords
- Hard Drive Looters
- Headshot Cleaners
- Keyboard Warrior
- Killing Sprees
- Killers Unleashed
- Lagging Experts
- Lasting Impressions
- Mauling Monsters
- Mighty Moguls
- Night Ravens
- Organic Gangsters
- People Blasters
- Problematic Latencies

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Source: UGC
- Psycho Vipers
- PUB Gamers
- PUBG for Life
- Quarrelsome Strategy
- Quarrelsome Voltiac
- Raging Demons
- Risky Hawkeyes
- Risky Whiskey
- Royal Alliance
- Ruddy Warfare
- Secret Detonators
- Selfish Veterans
- Sniping Legends
- Spanking Legends
- The Titans
- Ugliest Privilege
- Untamed Soldiers
- Wazir Killers
- Worried Butchers
- Zealous Enemy
Good 4-letter clan names

Source: UGC
Adventure games help children improve their cognitive ability due to their innate design. As children progress through the various game levels, they are forced to make decisions based on their character's situation, just like in real life. Each decision they make has consequences. Here are some four-letter best clan names you can recommend for children to motivate them to play these games:
- AITZ: Always In The Zone
- BBAS: Battlefield Brawlers and Strikers
- BOTB: Best of the Best
- BRED: Battle Ready Every Day
- BSFL: Best Squad For Life
- CAPG: Cool And Psychedelic Gamers
- DTPS: Defend, Take, Protect, Serve
- FLOT: Fearless Leaders of Tomorrow
- GFBA: Geared For Battle Always
- GGFK: Girl Gamers for Keeps
- GGWL: Good Games Well Lost
- HFTG: Here For The Game
- HFTR: Here For The Raids
- HUVD: Hell’s Ultimate Village Destroyers
- INJG: It’s Not Just A Game
- MGOT: Master Gatherers of Terror
- MIOB: Magic In Our Blood
- NBFM: No Begging For Mercy
- OHPD: Online Hunks Playing Daily
- OTTS: Our Time To Shine

Source: UGC
- PGOL: Psycho Gamers On the Loose
- RADG: Ride and Die Gang
- RAFK: Running Away From Kills
- REAA: Ready Everything and Attack
- SOTA: Special Ops Team Always
- TBAW: The Brave Alpha Wolves
- TBBE: The Big Brainy Enforcers
- TBFE: The Best Forces Everyday
- TBOP: The Barbaric Online Players
- TBUC: The Best Untitled Clan
- TBWW: The Best Weapon Wielders
- TCFC: The Cold Force Clan
- TCIV: Team Crazy Immortal Victors
- TDLW: The Dangerous Lone Wolves
- TEOO: The Extremely Overrated Overlords
- TGMB: The Great and Mighty Battalion
- TGSW: The Great Silver Warriors
- THSP: The Hidden Secret Power
- TIDM: The Insane Dragon Masters
- TLHS: The Legendary Heroic Soldiers
- TMFY: Too Much For You
- TMKW: The Mighty Keyboard Warriors
- TMSS: The Mighty Secret Strategists

Source: UGC
- TOLO: The Only Lucky Ones
- TRDP: The Real Deadly Players
- TSDM: Team Smart and Daunting Marauders
- TSRD: Team Stealthy Red Devils
- TTWP: Through The Warriors’ Perspectives
- VDAP: Village Defenders and Protectors
- WAAB: We Are Always Bulletproof
- WAHW: We Are Hungry for War
- WATP: We Are The Phoenixes
- WCIP: We Come In Peace
- WLFB: We Love Fresh Blood
- WMAO: We Move As One
- WMSB: We Mean Serious Business
- WOTG: We Own The Game
- WOYL: We Own Your Land
- WPEO: We Play Everything Online
- WRTB: We Raise The Bar
- WTGG: Wizards, Trolls, Giants, Goblins
- YCSH: You Can’t Sit Here
- YCTU: You Can’t Touch Us
- YDDC: Your Dream Destroyer Clan
Good 3-letter clan names

Source: UGC
Gamers love action and adventure video games for their unique mix of storytelling, puzzle solving, and exploration. Here are some three-letter clan name suggestions for those who like playing these video games:
- 24KM: 24 Kills Per Minute
- AFP: Alive and Fiery Phoenixes
- AHH: Ambitious Heroic Hunks
- ASA: Amazing Strong Admirals
- AWS: Always Winning Squad
- BAC: Big Arsenal Collectors
- BAD: Brave Angel Destroyers
- BBD: Big Bad Destroyers
- BBG: Breakfast Before Games
- BBH: Booming Blood Hunters
- BBK: Bloody Beastly Killers
- BBS: Boiled Blood Suckers
- BOG: Bunch of Gamers
- BTF: Born To Fight
- BTS: Big Terrifying Slayers
- CFH: Crazy Fast Hands
- CFS: Cool Funky Strategists
- CMA: Cool Martial Artists
- CPK: California Pizza Killers
- CPM: Crazy Psycho Mutants
- CQM: Close Quarters Melee

Source: UGC
- CRF: Close Range Fighters
- CWT: Crazy Wild Tactics
- CYC: Crazy Young Combats
- DWW: Dragons, Warlocks, & Witches
- EBU: Expert Battlefield Unit
- ESF: Epic Strong Fighters
- FGG: Fun Gamer Girls
- FIA: Fed In Action
- FOC: Fan of Clans
- FOW: Frag Of War
- HAS: Hitmen Armed Services
- HCS: Hungry Chicken Seekers
- HFF: Hot and Fiery Fighters
- HFH: Hilariously Fun Hooligans
- HPM: Happy Peace Makers
- HWS: Hitting While Sleeping
- ICS: Insanely Cool Strategists
- IFP: Impressive Fire Power
- IGG: International Group of Gamers
- LBH: Lethal Bounty Hunters

Source: UGC
- LOQ: Legion of Queens
- LOT: Locked on Target
- LPC: Last Place Champions
- LSS: Last Sniper Standing
- LTK: Love to Kill
- MAD: Military Assault Divers
- MFS: Master Force Squad
- MGD: Monsters, Ghouls, & Devils
- MIB: Men In Black
- MVP: Mission Victory Possible
- NMG: No More Gas
- NRM: No_Remorse_Kills
- OBK: On Bended Kills
- OHW: One Hit Wonder
- OMA: One Man Army
- OTG: Off The Grid
- PBG: Point Blank Guardians
- PMM: Powerful Masters of Mutation
- POP: Pistols Only Please
- QBD: Quick Bounty Deliverers

Source: UGC
- QWB: Quick Work on the Battlefield
- RAS: Revive Assassination Squad
- RBK: Raging Beastly Killers
- RFS: Rapid Fire Shooters
- RGF: Real Game Force
- RTD: Refuse To Defuse
- ROTG: Royal One-Tap Guardians
- SDD: Scary Demolition Dragons
- SPC: Spawn Peek Club
- SPF: Silent Podium Finishers
- SSS: Smart Sneaky Strategists
- SST: Strategic Survival Team
- TCS: The Choking Shooters
- TCO: The Chosen Ones
- TDC: The Deadly Crew
- TEA: The Evil Army
- TFB: The Fire Brigade

Source: UGC
- TFC: The Fun Clan
- THD: The Hidden Division
- TIT: Troops In Training
- TOE: The OP Experts
- TOT: The Order Takers
- TSM: Tricky Silent Masters
- TTR: The Tilted Regiment
- TTR: The Twisted Republic
- TUA: The Undead Army
- VAR: Vicious and Ruthless
- VMW: Victorious Men and Women
- VSD: Victorious Sons and Daughters
- VYP: Vicious Youth Punks
- WGO: Winning Gamers Only
- WSF: Wild & Speedy Finishers
- YEM: Young Experienced Monsters
- YGA: Your Guardian Angels
- YME: Your Mortal Enemy
- YWN: Your Worst Nightmares
Fortnite clan name ideas

Source: UGC
Essential elements of the Fortnite video game include storytelling, exploration, and puzzle-solving. The puzzles are embedded in a narrative framework to create narrative content a player unlocks piece by piece over time. If you are looking for awesome names to help your Fortnite team get started with this adventure video game, here is a list of options to consider:
- Chicky Fighter
- Crazed Constructors
- Crazy Rocketriders
- Crimson Marksmen
- Dark Nightmares
- Demolition Hitmen
- Dizzy Force
- Drunken Wizards
- Fallen Angels
- Flaming Builders
- Floating Snipers
- Galactic Stormchasers
- Gliding Gunners
- HellRaisers
- Hidden Tanks
- Hiding Seekers
- Hostile Baiters
- Killing Kissers
- Last Men Swagging
- Mad Pillagers

Source: UGC
- Midnight’s Children
- Mistake Masters
- Nomad Renegades
- Noxious Looters
- Obscene Noobs
- OP Hitmen
- Overpowered Experts
- Piece Makers
- Poisonous Blood
- Relentless Spies
- Rich Men
- Rubble Miners
- Salty Fraggers
- Sky Builders
- Speedy Builders
- The Clutch Wreckers
- The Fatal Bombardiers
- The Floating Gang
- The Frantic Riflemen
- The Tilted Aces
COD clan names

Source: UGC
Activision began publishing the Call of Duty video game series in 2003. The most recent title, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, was released on November 10, 2023. Here are some cute COD clan names for those who would love to play the game:
- Alpha Rioter
- Angry Wolf
- AK47
- Bruised Soul
- Call of Death
- Call of Demons
- Clan Monsters
- Clansman
- Con Artist
- Death Machine
- Death Truck
- Demon Fire
- Eagle Assassin
- Eagle Slayer
- Fear Master
- Finding Chaos
- Fire Guy
- Ghost Rider
- Hawk Eye
- Head Shots

Source: UGC
- Last Eye
- Legion of Kings
- Lethal Mechanic
- Machine Gun
- Mighty Knight
- Mutated Avengers
- Nocturnal Leaders
- Noob Hunter
- Sergeant Ghost
- Team Buster
- Troll Army
- On_Duty Criminals
- Online Revolution
- Red Dragon
- Royalty Thugs
- Snipping Turd
- Spurious Teleporters
- Vengeful Railguns
- Village Breakers
- Winning Dynasty
If you are a gamer, it is usually a good idea to come up with a catchy name that fits your group. Most video game clan names mentioned in this article can make your team stand out and attract other teams to compete with you.
Legit.ng published awesome paladin names that are perfect for your character. When naming a paladin for your story, choose a name that reflects their war prowess and power.
Picking a unique name for your female and male characters is part of the fun when participating in a fantasy game. Have a look at the article to discover cool names you can use.
Source: Legit.ng

Scholastica Otiende Scholastica Otunga Otiende is a content writer who joined Legit.ng in 2021. She is a qualified and certified laboratory research analyst. She graduated in 2017 with a bachelor's degree in Laboratory Science. Schola is able to work well both in a team environment as well as using her own initiative. She has gained enough experience working on biographies, fashion and lifestyle, guides, and other types of content. You can reach her at: Scholarmelvine@gmail.com.

Peris Walubengo (Lifestyle writer) Peris Walubengo is a content creator with 3 years of experience in writing informational and entertainment articles, researching, editing, and proofreading. She has a Bachelor of Commerce & IT from the University of Nairobi (class of 2019). She joined Legit.ng in April 2022. She covers bios, marketing & finance, tech, fashion & beauty, recipes, movies and video game reviews, culture & traveling. In 2023, Peris finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email: perisrodah254@gmail.com.