Can Your PCs Self-Heal, Check Out the HP Elitebook PC Security
Remote work has your PC fleet out of sight, but endpoint security is on your mind more than ever. And you’re not alone. A whopping 94% of surveyed cybersecurity pros say they’re more concerned about security now than before COVID-19, and 64% say that security visibility is more difficult with employees working remotely. Security risks related explicitly to remote worktop their lists of concerns. Ask yourself the following questions about your business PC security. What if your business PCs were protected from cyberthreats from the inside out? What if you could easily manage your fleet remotely? What if your remote PC fleet could automatically fend for itself?

Source: UGC
Is your PC security built on a firm foundation?
What happens when hackers target your key defences themselves? Can you guard your core defences inside a bunker that malware can’t touch? If cyberattacks can take down the root of your protections, control of your PCs is wide open. Hardware-based security is your best defence, helping you protect, detect, and recover from attacks. The HP Endpoint Security Controller is the foundation of the security architecture that protects HP Elite Pcs. This physically isolated, cryptographically protected chip houses hardware-enforced, self-healing security features like HP Sure Start, HP Sure Run, and HP Sure Recover.
Do your PCs know a threat when they see one?
Traditional virus protection operates by checking code against a list of known malware, stopping anything it recognizes. But more than 350,000 new malware variations are created every day— and many of them use AI to disguise themselves through continuous mutation. Are your conventional defences enough? Fight AI with AI. HP Elite PCs are protected by HP Sure Sense, which uses deep-learning neural networks to recognize and defeat never-before-seen malware. If malware does slip through, HP Sure Click isolates it in a micro-VM container so that it can’t escape—and then destroys it.
Can your PCs self-heal?
Destructive firmware attacks can devastate a PC, fundamentally corrupting it by attacking it at the BIOS level. An OS-level attack can cost hours or days of worker downtime and IT attention before systems are restored and ready to get back to business. If an attack avoids detection, can your PCs fix themselves? A complete solution must consider that eventually, an attack may evade detection defences. With HP Sure Start, HP Sure Recover; an HP Elite PC can automatically self-heal its BIOS from attacks or corruption and quickly recover its OS—from anywhere—with or without a network connection.

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Do your PCs require proof of identity?
Password protection isn’t enough for business PCs—most hacking-related breaches stem from compromised credentials. From spear-phishing attacks that trick users for login information to bad hygiene practices like weak, shared, and reused passwords, how can you guard your greatest endpoint vulnerability—your users? Protect your PCs—and your network—from unauthorized access with multifactor authentication. Configure HP Elite PCs to require up to three verifications for login, including an optional fingerprint reader and an IR camera for facial recognition. These policies are locked in at the hardware level.
Can you manage your PC security from anywhere?
Managing remote devices is complicated, even in the best of times. With a scattered workforce using a mix of personal and business devices, having to handle more remote devices at once now ranks as one of the top five biggest challenges for IT managers. Is your hodge-podge of devices and policies a heyday for hackers? Take control of your PC endpoints with a platform that lets you administer security settings from anywhere. HP Sure Admin gives IT admins a secure digital signature for managing BIOS settings remotely over the network.
Do your PCs protect against prying eyes?
Hackers have more techniques than just digging through your hard drives. From over-the-shoulder coffee-shop lurkers to creepy camera-commandeers, unwanted eyes can watch your workers— and what they’re working on—from either side of the screen. Can your PCs protect your workers and your confidential data? End visual hackers’ game of I Spies with these built-in privacy tools: • HP Privacy Camera a physical shutter that protects users from surveillance •HP Sure View, a one-touch privacy shield that makes the screen unreadable to those nearby •HP Presence Aware, which confirms the identity and unlocks the PC, hands-free.
Although the threat of cyberattacks has never been greater, choosing a business PC that can self-defend against those attacks has never been easier. HP Elite PCs are engineered with deep, hardware embedded security features that protect, detect, and recover from cyberattacks before they can disrupt your remote workforce— and your business. The next move is yours!