Popular Dutch names and surnames for boys and girls (with meanings)
A name could define a child's life path, and this is why parents plan to give their kids the best ones possible. In case you want to get some inspiration from the Netherlands and check out some imaginative Dutch names, you have come to the right place.

Source: UGC
As you pick out a name for your baby boy or girl, it is highly important to research the origins of your options and see what they mean.
In the Netherlands, there are a lot of traditional first and last names that have a rich and fascinating history. Perhaps, this list will give you some new options for your baby that you have never heard of before.
Dutch names for girls
Here, you can get acquainted with some common options that are chosen by many parents from the Netherlands for their baby girls.
Currently, they are the most popular variants and reflect local culture.
- Aleen (Alene, Alina, Aline) - alone
- Aleid - graceful and noble
- Angela (Angelina, Angelique) - God's messenger
- Anika (Anke, Anki, Anneke) - gracious, merciful; Dutch form of Anne
- Arabella - beautiful
- Bente - one who is blessed
- Betje - a promise of God
- Brandy - distilled wine
- Brechtje - bright
- Britt - a native of Brittany or Britain
- Carola (Carolien) - free woman
- Cilla - blinded
- Cornelia - horn
- Dael - a small valley
- Drika - ruler of the house
- Edda - poetic
- Elise (Els, Else) - a promise of God
- Febe - brightest of women
- Francisca - free
- Gerda - strong like a spear
- Gnishilda (Griseldis, Grishilde) - gray battle maid
- Gust (Gusta) - feminine form of Gustaaf
- Hannie - God is merciful
- Hendrika - rules the home
- Ima - universal woman
Exciting Dutch girl names
Are you in search of something unique to grant your baby girl? You are lucky, as here, you can observe some meaningful names that could be perfect for her.

Source: UGC
- Isa (Isabella) - a promise of God
- Jan (Jen) - a variant of John
- Janneke (Jantine, Jantje) - God is merciful
- Kaatje (Katelijne, Katrien) - pure
- Lieke - God's messenger
- Lien (Lina) - pure
- Maaike (Marike, Mariska, Meike) - rebellious woman
- Mahault - Dutch form of Matilda
- Marien - bitter; a variant of Mary
- Marysa (Maryse) - a variant of Maria
- Nelleke - a horn
- Neske - sacred, chaste
- Nicoline - people's triumph
- Noor (Noortje) - sympathy, companion
- Rebekka - one who ties and joins
- Renate - reborn
- Rhetta - advisor
- Rozamond - renowned defender
- Sanne - lily
- Schuyler (Schyler) - sheltering
- Sibylla - prophet
- Skye (Skyla, Skylar) - sheltering
- Sofie - wise
- Sybylla - prophet
- Tryne (Trijntje) - pure
Dutch names for boys
Now, it is time to check out some Dutch names that can be used for a baby boy and their meanings.
- Aart (Arend, Arnoud) - as powerful as an eagle
- Abbe (Ade) - nobleman, a man of nobility
- Adrianus (Arie, Arjan) - from Hadria
- Aloysius - well-known fighter
- Ambroos (Ambrosius) - to be immortal
- Andries - virile, manly
- Antoon - worthy of admiration or praise
- Barend - bear
- Bartholomeus - farmer
- Bas (Bastiaan) - from Sebastos
- Basilius - kingly
- Bonifaas (Bonifacius) - your fate is good
- Braam - father of many nations
- Brecht - bright
- Cas, Casper - king of the treasure
- Cecilius - blind
- Christoffel - bearing Christ
- Cobus - following after
- Cortland - royal land
- Daan - the Lord is my judge
- Devisser - fisherman
- Dewitt - white-complexioned
- Diede (Diederik, Dedrick, Diederick) - powerful ruler of the people
- Dwight - blond
- Egidius - youthful
Fascinating Dutch boy names
If you are looking for an outstanding name for your little boy that will help him on his life path, you can have a look at these suggestions of male Dutch names and their meanings.

Source: UGC
- Eugenius - noble
- Eustatius - peaceful
- Emerens - deserving
- Faas - your fate is good
- Ferdi - brave, yet peaceful
- Filippus (Flip) - a friend of horses
- Floris (Floor) - thriving
- Funs (Funske) - noble and prepared
- Godewyn - a good friend
- Gottfried - divinely peaceful
- Guus - exalted
- Hans (Hansen, Hanson) - variants of John.
- Hubert, Huub - man with clever mind
- Jager - to chase or to hunt
- Jansen - son of Jan
- Jelle - strong mind and protection
- Karel - strong
- Kobus - following after
- Larry (Lars, Larz, Laurens, Lauritz) - laurel
- Rhett - advisor
- Roosevelt - a field filled with roses
- Ruben - see my son
- Stefan (Steffen) - a man with a crown
- Theodorus - a gift from God
- Zaan - from near the Zaan river
Lovely Dutch surnames
What are some popular surnames in the Netherlands? Here are a few of them to satisfy your curiosity.
- Aafjes - son of Aafje
- Aaldenberg - old mountain
- Abbing (Abbingh, Abbink) - Abbe's farm
- Achtenberg - behind the mountain
- Adrichem - Adrik's home
- Akkerman - field man
- Andriessen - son of Andries
- Asselman - ash tree, woods on sandy soil, hazel tree
- Baardwijk - neighborhood, district
- Bouwmeester - architect, builder
- Bunschoten - raised, enclosed land
- Cruyssen - cross
- Daalmans - dale, valley; man
- Dam - pond
- De Jong - young
- De Vries - the Frisian
- Dirksen - son of Dirk
- Driessen - son of Dries
- Eikenboom - oak tree
- Elzinga - alder tree
- Haak - peddler
- Haanraads (Haanraadts, Haanraats) - a person from Haanrade
- Heijman (Heijmans, Heimans) - patronymic from Hendrik
- Hoedemaker - hat maker
- Holt - forest
Best Dutch last names
These family names have a beautiful sound to them.

Source: UGC
- Hummel - bee; derived from Humbert
- Jonker - young lord
- Kappel - chapel worker
- Klein - small, little
- Kloet - lump, ball
- Koopman - merchant
- Langbroek - wide meadow
- Langenberg - long mountain
- Leeuwenhoek - lion's corner
- Maessen - son of Maas
- Mertens - from Merten
- Muyskens - little mouse
- Nagel - nail, carpenter
- Offermans - offering, donation
- Oomen - maternal uncle
- Peerenboom - pear tree
- Rademaker (Ramaker, Rameckers) - maker of wheels
- Rietveld - reed field
- Schenk - wine server
- Schoorl - forest by the shore
- Segers (Seghers) - son of Sieger
- Slootmaekers - locksmith
- Tiellens - from Thietilo
- Vogel - bird
- Westenberg - west of the mountain.
Dutch people also often use surnames with "Van," which means "from" and signifies the person's cultural origin. Some examples include Van Antwerp, Van Buren, Van Daalen, Van der Berg, etc.
Hopefully, these Dutch names and surnames caught your attention and expanded your worldview.
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You will find plenty of options here, all with their meanings. Check out the most fabulous German names with rich history.
Source: Legit.ng