What is a star child: who are the crystal, rainbow, indigo babies?

What is a star child: who are the crystal, rainbow, indigo babies?

Children are complex by nature. Over the years, they have exhibited a rare combination of traits standing out from the previous generations. However, special groups of children spring from the 70s and are characterized with unique personality features. Their natural abilities supersede those of other children. They are commonly referred to as star children.

Star child
A photo of a beautiful girl on the grass. Photo: @pixabay.com, (modified by author)
Source: UGC

What is a star child? Who are these star children? Let’s take a look at the star child meaning as well as star children characteristics.

Star child meaning

Star children are gifted human beings with unique abilities, and their mission on earth sets them apart from the rest. A star child's role is to actively take part in transitioning the world into a new existence.

As change-makers on the forefront, the star child paves ways for humankind to thrive. They assist in raising human frequency, which is pivotal to the development of humanity.

Starseed child is another term coined to refer to the metaphysical concept of a star child.

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The star child

What is a star child?
A baby in yellow shorts lying on a yellow textile. Photo: pexels.com, @ Anna Shvets
Source: UGC

It is estimated that the star child has been incarnating on earth for over 100 years. The first wave of star children on the planet was tracked as early as the 1970s.

From the 70s, the star children have come in three generations, namely indigo children, crystal children, and rainbow children.

Indigo children were the first of the three waves of the star children. Each generation has borne subsequent generations.

Indigo parents bore crystal children, whereas rainbow children were borne to crystal parents

In as much as indigo children, crystal children and rainbow children possess similar special abilities and traits.

Each generation of the star child dawns with its unique features in abilities and traits.

Star children characteristics

Arguably, everyone has met a child who they thought was wise beyond their years. The star child exhibits certain features that differentiate them from the rest.

Interestingly, each new wave of the starseed child displays unique characteristics and abilities.

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Regardless of the generation, they belong to; the star children share common features. They understand their common purpose is to assist humankind as they rebuild the earth.

What are some of the star children characteristics to look out for?

  • Emphatic and aware - They see individuals who are emotionally hurting and want to help. They are focused observers and sensitive to body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice.
  • Wise beyond their years - They fathom things that transcend their physical form and limits of the earth. Regardless of their age, they grasp large concepts.
  • Find love everywhere - They have a high degree of emotional intelligence. Their aura of unconditional love helps them spread positive emotions to those hurting.
  • Creative and expressive - They express themselves freely and wordlessly through brain activities such as creative arts. They draw, paint, sing, dance, and even immersed in the world of poetry.
  • Impatient and highly intelligent - The starseed child always seems faster than the world's pace around them. They are still waiting for the world to catch up with them.
  • Generous - Material things do not particularly interest star children. They clearly understand that everything on the planet is connected and belongs to everyone.
  • Feels they do not belong on earth - They feel disconnected from others because of their unusual thoughts and behavior.
  • Knows they have past lives - The concept of reincarnation is predominant with star children. They feel as if they have lived in several previous lives.
  • Have a great connection to nature, animals, night sky, moon and stars - They can spend hours looking at the sky, moon, and stars.
  • They love nature and can take strolls to look at the forest or look beyond the horizon of large water bodies. Besides, they amazingly connect with animals.

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Star children are always inclined to push boundaries that were set by their predecessor generation. Each incoming generation tends to go beyond traits and characteristics boundaries.

It is a way to distinguish them from previous and forthcoming starseed child.

Who are Indigo children?

Starseed child
A baby wearing a grey beanie. Photo: pexels.com, @Todd Trapani
Source: UGC

Indigo children are intuitive, strong-willed and very sensitive. They are the first wave of the starseed child and first dawned in the 1970s.

The term Indigo refers to their auric field. Indigo star children were born from 1970 to 1992.

Just like other starseed children, they share the common purpose to make humankind better. The main task for this starseed child is to fight for justice and expose the truth.

Indigo children traits

The star child from the indigo generation shows a myriad of characteristics, including;

  • A higher sense of self-worth - These star children are born knowing that they are unique, making them confident.
  • Insightful - Indigo children see the world differently and offer better ideas and new methods, especially better ideas for existing methods. They possess innate knowledge to do things better. They are change-makers.
  • High expectations on self and others - They are hard on themselves, which poses a challenge in their relationships and interaction with others. They came to challenge the world.
  • High sensitivity and psychic capacity - Indigos have a strong sense of knowing about people and their situations.
  • They love nature.
  • Resistant to authority - They are free thinkers and have a hard time putting up with rules and authority.
  • Desire a more fair and just world - They stand up against compromised integrity.
  • Feel as old souls - Indigos feel like they have lived a handful of lifetimes, and they have wisdom unlike others of their age.
  • Strong-willed -They do everything to achieve set goals.

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What are crystal children?

What are crystal children
Unemotional woman with freckles and blue eyes. Photo: pexels.com, @Francesca Zama
Source: UGC

What is a crystal child? Crystal kids are gentle, loving, and forgiving. They are the second wave of generation after indigo babies, their predecessors.

They are highly sensitive as a result of their global consciousness. They are very linked to the world and are considered pure spirits.

Although the first crystal baby can be traced to the late 80s, a major wave of crystal kids was born in the 90s to early 2000s. They possess an Octarine-like aura that the human eye cannot see.

Their aura is therefore referred to as crystal.

The main purpose of crystal kids is to make the earth a better place by leading humanity to love and peace. They are tasked to teach the world unity as they live by the law.

Crystal children traits

One of a crystal baby's unique characteristics is that they are guided with their hearts and not their minds. Here are the unique features and characteristics displayed by crystal children.

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  • Crystal children are forgiving.
  • They have a calming aura with a penetrating gaze. They are caring, fun-loving and love to hug.
  • They live in the present and are affected by neither the past nor the future. They are connected to humankind.
  • They display magical abilities, and as a result, they make it possible to work on energy in new ways.
  • Intuitive and empathic - They relate with others very well, and from time to time, they can tell what others are feeling and thinking.
  • Late developers - Crystal children tend to speak later than their appropriate age. As a result, they are telepathic.
  • High sensitivity - Crystal children are sensitive to sound, colors, the environment, and others' emotions. They suffer from allergies as a result of their sensitivity.
  • They are affected by adverse events on an individual level and other world occurrences.
  • Autodidacts - Crystal kids prefer to teach and equip themselves with skills; thus, they are multi-talented.

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Who are rainbow babies?

Rainbow children characteristics
A baby holding a Maple leaf. Photo: pexels.com, @Andy Kuzma
Source: UGC

The last wave of the starseed child is the rainbow babies. They are also the rarest type of star children; therefore, their abilities and characteristics are not widely known.

Their scarcity makes them different. Rainbow babies are also special because they are the highest example of true potential. They are the last star children.

This wave of rainbow children sprung in the 2000s. They are born with a bundle of positive emotions and have no karma. They have not lived on earth before.

Their purpose is to raise human vibration and frequency. They came to heal and realign humankind.

They possess a rare quality of quickly recovering from negative emotions. They are not affected much.

Rainbow children characteristics

  • They reveal the truth.
  • They are not affected by negative emotions; hence they are easily forgiving.
  • Clean slate - They have no earthly karma. This makes them more focused to bring more happiness, harmony and defy odds.
  • Deep connection - They are kind and loving. Full of empathy, they seek to help others. They are well-attached to their mission.
  • Strong-willed - These star children are fearless and are not easily distracted from their mission on earth.
  • Energy - They have constant high energy and, therefore, do not require much sleep.

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There are no actual times for star children to be born. They are only are born when the world needs to evolve. The starseed child is on the lead to make the world a better place.

READ ALSO: 100+ incredible names that mean fire in different languages

Legit.ng published a well-compiled list of unique names that mean fire. As reported, there are many incredible names that mean fire that you can give your newborn or soon-to-be-born child.

Such monickers have great meanings, ranging from light, warmth, fiery spirit, wisdom, or the generative power of life and change.

Source: Legit.ng

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Mercy Mbuthia (Lifestyle writer) Mercy Mbuthia is a content writer with five years of experience writing on various topics, including biographies, entertainment, and lifestyle. She joined the Legit team in 2019. Mercy earned a Master of Science (Food, Nutrition & Dietetics) from Dedan Kimathi University in 2022. Her articles have appeared on several media sites such as The Health Channel, The Nation, Tekrati, ValiantCEO and Celebrity Leader. In 2023, Mercy finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email: mercymmbuthia18@gmail.com