Legit.ng weekly price check: Traders reveal top seasonal fruits in Lagos market
- The cost price of fruits in markets across the state, depends solely on their seasons
- This week, Legit.ng visited Ketu fruit market to find out from traders the fruits that are in season and their cost of purchase
- In a chat with our correspondent, the sellers gave a hint on the availability of the fruits and their supply level as well as the increment in the cost of purchase

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There are benefits attached to eating seasonal fruits. One of such benefits is the affordability in their prices.
Asides the pricing, seasonal fruits are very healthy to consume but the supply of fruits in Lagos market depends on their seasons and their availability at the farms where they are grown in most part of the country; as some fruits that are purchased from neighbouring countries tends to be much more available and affordable.
Often when fruits are in season, their cost of purchase drops and their supply rises. Some fruits are available during dry season and some are available during rainy season. presently, most fruits are expensive in the market due to the happenings around where they are grown and within the country.
In the market this week, Legit.ng had a chat with some fruit sellers’, and they gave a list fruits that are in season and their supply level at the market now;
They further added that the cost price of fruits is determined by their availability and supply level;

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The two type of garden egg that are seen in the market this period are the whitish garden egg and the greenish garden egg. They are both healthy for consumption and are serve various health purposes.
Garden egg is a natural source of vitamin b such as niacin, thiamin and pantothenic acid that helps the body in the proper use of fat and protein as it also contributes to the nervous system positively.
The greenish garden egg is beneficial for weight management as it contains carbohydrate and calories essential for weight loss.
Garden egg is still in its season now and they are displayed in affordable prices at the market this week and in reasonable quantity but the traders hinted that it has been in the market for some time now but the cost of purchase is not stable; adding that a bag of garden egg is sold from N6,000 and N7,000 upwards from the big-sized ones as against its old price of N4,000 and below.
In previous weeks, garden egg is sold from N50, but now it is sold from N100 upwards and some traders sell theirs from 200 depending on how fresh it is and their shop location.

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As a native fruit, indigenous to countries like Nigeria, African star apple popularly known as agbalumo, contains lots of nutrients that are numerous and beneficial to the body system. Due to its numerous health benefits, its demand is always very high in the market.
The consumption of this fruit helps in the prevention of the most dangerous health problem like cancer of the colon. This fruits sometimes is sweet or sour as it can be chewed and transformed into a gum.
Presently, at the market now, African star apple is the in thing now. It is one fruit that is loved by all, irrespective of your social class.
It is available in the market because this is its season and the cost of purchase is at a reasonable rate.
A basket is sold from N3,000 upwards for the smashed ones while the big-sized fresh ones that taste good are sold from N5,000 upwards. it is sold from N50 upwards and some sell from N100 upwards.

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Mangoes come in different colours, shapes, sizes and taste with loads of nutritional benefits. As a tropical fruit, it helps to fight against certain diseases and prevent risks of other health conditions.
The vitamin and mineral content of this fruits aids hair growth and nourishes the skin.
Now, the supply of this fruit is still very low in the market due to some issues surrounding the transportation of the item from other neighbouring states to markets in the state.
Although the fruit is available in some market in Lagos state but sellers informed that the supply level is gradual.

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Some enjoy eating this fruit as snack, others enjoy incorporating it to make salads and other cooked dishes.
Carrot is crunchy, tasty and highly nutritious. It is one fruit that contains a good source of beta carotene, fiber and vitamin B6, K1, and A, potassium and antioxidants.
Due to its seasonal benefits, carrots are freshly displayed in good prices at various market across the state.
A bag of fresh carrot is sold from N10,000 upwards as against its old price of N5,000 and N6,000, at Mile 12 international market, Lagos or Jakande market, Lagos.

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Pineapple is more than just a delicious tropical fruit; it offers significant health benefits as well.
Eating a good slice of pineapple, a day can defend your body from diseases. It also helps to clean the body’s organs and blood, increase your energy intake and boost metabolism, nourish your hair keeps the body healthy generally.
In Lagos market, we have the local pineapple and the imported pineapple; the one purchased from neighbouring countries. The imported ones according to sellers are often very much available compared to the local pineapple and their cost price differs. The local one, grown in Nigeria is very healthy and also very expensive while the imported ones are sold at reasonable prices. Most buyers prefer the local despite the price variation.
Pineapple is offered for sale in dozen price and a dozen depending on the size, is sold from N3,000 upwards for small sized imported ones while the dozen of the local ones is sold from N6,000 upwards for the big sized ones, while the dozen of the small ones are sold from N4,000 upwards.

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Drinking water is an important way to keep the body hydrated and eating fruit that have a high-water content can also help keep the hydration in check. Surprisingly, water melon is that fruit with a high combination of water and fibre.
Watermelon is a refreshing and delicious fruit that can be eaten raw or processed as juice. It is very high in vitamin C, A and contains many health plants compounds. Its seed is also very nutritional.
At the market now, watermelon is very expensive, fruit sellers informed. Just like other fruits, watermelon is given for sale at the market in dozen prices from N12,000 for the medium sized ones and the big sized watermelon is sold from N25,000 upwards, sellers informed.

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Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of dietary antioxidants, and bananas are no exception.
Banana is one of the most popular fruit in the world. Banana vary in colour, size and shape. It contains an amount of fiber with several antioxidants.
Extremely healthy and delicious, banana provides benefits for digestion, heart health and weight loss. They contain important health nutrients especially nutrients that moderate blood sugar levels.
The carbs in green, unripe bananas consist mostly of starch and resistant starch but as the banana ripens, the starch turns into sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose).
Asides eating it raw, banana can be enjoyed as snack food with groundnut. At the market this week, the supply of banana and plantain is very high, thus both items affordable.
The cost of purchase of this fruit and its availability at the market when visited, influences to a large extent its cost price.

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While the list of fruits is long, one fruit that you must include in your diet and consume daily is pawpaw. This is because it is considered to be an excellent source of fibre aside being low in calories.
As a rich source of vitamin C, papaya can be enjoyed raw when it is ripe and can also be added to desserts and smoothies to make a filling treat.
Pawpaw is very cheap at the market, that you can get one from N200 upwards and the dozen price ranges from N2,000 and N3,000 respectively; some even higher than this price, depending on the size of the pawpaw, the market visited and the cost of purchase but the big sized pawpaw is sold from N5,000 upwards especially when they are very fresh.

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Cucumber is a low-calorie fruit that is free from fats hence it is a great choice for everyone. It also contains dietary fibre and a good amount of water which help aid digestion. The vitamins in cucumber also help to improve the functioning of the digestive system.
Eating cucumber daily can solve issues relating to bowel movements thereby helping you to develop healthy regularity.
At the market, cucumber is offered for sale in bags, and the cost price is given depending on the size, its freshness and the size of the bag. A bag is sold from N15,000 upwards and some from N20,000 upwards as the bags are always very big but you can get it at a reduced price in major markets like Mile 12 international market, Lagos.

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Avocado pear has a range of benefits which extends from the internal parts of the human body to the skin. It is one fruit that contains monosaturated fatty acid, vitamins and other vital nutrients which helps to moisturize the skin and treat skin flaws.
At the market this season, avocado pear is displayed I reasonable price and can be offered for sale to buyers who can bargain well. It is sold in smaller baskets from N2,000, N3,000 and even more.
Listed above are fruits in season now and others are available all year round. These are fruits whose demand is high as well but there are other fruits that are also available in the market this period but are expensive and their demand very low; fruits like apples, grapes, lime, lemon, coconut and oranges to mention but a few. The fruits are all offered for sale in baskets, some in bags and others in dozen prices depending on the market visited and the level of supply.
INTERVIEW: Can N5000 feed a Nigerian family for a month? via Legit TV
Source: Legit.ng