How to tell him I like him: surefire ways to confess your feelings
Do you feel like you are running out of patience because he is not aware that you are interested in him? It is not time to give up yet because he might be clueless about your feelings towards him. You can still convey your message without looking desperate. These helpful tricks on how to tell him I like him without being obvious may come in handy.

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Often, ladies find it challenging to confess their feelings to the men they like. Most of them consider it a weird thing because of the assumption that men should always make the first move. For this reason, some ladies end up losing potential partners to other ladies.
How to tell him I like him
Having a special person in your life may make life more worthwhile. Here are surefire tricks on how to tell a guy you like him:
1. Try to be confident when you are together
It is natural to become shy whenever you are with/around your crush. Often, the majority of ladies are likely to think irrationally when they are with them. They tend to be careful because they do not want to make a wrong move that may send a wrong signal.
Most men love it when a lady is bold enough to express herself. In other words, exuding confidence might help you to convince him about your personality and intentions. Boldness implies that you are determined and know what you want in life.
2. Use eye contact to convey your intentions
Prolonged eye contact has its hidden magical powers. You can try the trick on him whenever you meet him. It is one of the best ways of seducing a guy – he will always be thinking of you even when he is alone. Perhaps, this way, he will try to figure out your intentions.
3. Flirt with him
Flirting is another excellent way of how to tell your crush you like him. Play around with words whenever you are together. Tell the guy how he is your favourite distraction. Complement him to boost his ego and feel special around you.
You can tell him how good his beard looks. Also, a flirty touch will come a long way in driving the message home. However, ensure you touch him in appropriate places. It will not take long before he starts to notice you, and before you know it, he will be yours.
4. Ask him if he is in a relationship

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Do not be afraid to ask him if he is seeing another lady already. Someone might be having the same intention as you do. Obviously, it will not be an easy thing to do, but it is somehow necessary. After all, you are likely to be heartbroken once you discover he has a girlfriend already.
Any guy will have a clue of your intentions once you ask him this question. Please do not wait until it is too late. It is the right time to put behind the "Should I tell my crush I like him?” question.
5. Ask the guy out
It does not harm to do something sweet for the guy you like. Many ladies are used to men inviting them for dates. However, that is changing slowly because now we are living in a modern era. Asking him out will prove to him that you are genuinely interested in him.
Ensure it is a two-people date. After all, you want his attention on you alone. Again, try new different ideas. In other words, order something else than coffee. Instead of beverages, go for something strong such as a beer. Also, inviting him to a party instead of a café will be an incredible idea.
6. Seek the help of his close allies
You can also make use of his friends to make him aware of your interests. Go for that one friend who you trust the most. Once he notices you are into him, he will support you to win him over. It may sound like an old school idea of how to tell a boy you like him, but it is a crucial trick that you do not want to avoid.
7. Try to laugh at his jokes
Most guys like it when a lady laughs at their jokes. Thus, you can take advantage of this ‘weakness’ to catch his attention. Ensure you laugh at his jokes.
8. Smile a lot

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In case you have not noticed yet, a smile is a powerful tool. Believe it or not, he will not stop thinking about you even when he is alone. At times, ensure you maintain prolonged eye contact while smiling at him.
Smile when you are having a conversation too. Also, send him smile emojis over texts when you are chatting. This is among the best ways to tell your crush you like them over text. Before you know it, he will confess his feelings ahead of you.
9. Ask for his help
Is it a good idea to ask for his help yet? Yes, of course. Make him feel needed in your life. For instance, you can ask him to come over to your place to help you to repair something or change a bulb, maybe.
Also, ask for small favours from him, such as tying your shoelaces. With time, he will start to notice that you need him. In turn, he will begin to reciprocate the feelings.
10. Open up to the guy
Should I tell my crush that I like him? Yes, but in a creative way. Start by sharing your personal secrets with him. For instance, you can tell him about your childhood secret. Tell him how you wanted to date a super handsome guy like him when you became of age. You can also make fun while telling him the stories.
He will open up too because he will notice he is special to you. This way, you will get to learn more about his likes and dislikes. In the process, he will start to get close to you.
11. Try to be attentive when he talks
Overall, many people like it when someone listens carefully when they are speaking. Once they start to notice your attention is somewhere else, they will consider it a sign of disrespect.
Be keen and try to ask him questions whenever he is telling you a story. He will genuinely feel valued. Besides, you are interested in him, so it will not be difficult to express your interest in what he is saying.
12. Text him over the phone

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How do you let your crush know you like him over text? If you are shy to confess your feelings in a one on one conversation, a text will do the magic. You will be surprised when he texts you back that he has also been thinking about you.
Undoubtedly, you will be less anxious when texting him than when chatting with him face to face. Also, he will not see your reaction in case he says no.
13. Let him see your positive side
Anytime you get a chance to have a conversation with him, ensure you show him your positive side. In other words, try as much as possible to talk about your positive attributes. Show him your strengths and potential.
For example, if he ever mentions his ex in your conversation, do not be jealous. Instead, use it to your advantage. While it is not good to compare, you may find it necessary here. Make him aware that you are not the type of girl who will break his heart like his ex.
14. Follow him on social media
This is another trick on how to let a guy know you're interested in him. For instance, go ahead and send him a friend request on Facebook. Remember, you are not stalking him, but instead you are trying to strengthen your connection with the guy.
Once he accepts your friend request, you can try a few tricks such as reacting and commenting on his posts. Also, you can try to add cheeky comments on his posts to let him know that you are interested in him.
15. Offer him friendly favours
Once in a while, you can buy him lunch or a drink. This is among the simplest tricks on how to show a guy you like him.
With time, the guy will begin to notice your intentions. Importantly, ensure you do not overdo it because he will notice if you are desperate.
16. Ask for his number

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This is another creative way of how to show a guy you're interested in him. Even the dumbest guy will notice that you are into him. Usually, most men use this trick on ladies when they want them. Of course, you can ask for the number indirectly. For instance, tell him you would like to remind him about your next meeting through a call or text.
17. Be yourself
It is advisable to depict your true character whenever you are with him. You can hug your crush if you get the opportunity, and show him that you are happy it happened. Also, never fake your lifestyle because you can scare him away. This is one of the best ways on how to let a guy know you like him genuinely.
He may not always respond positively to all your wishes. So, it is advisable to prepare yourself for both outcomes. In other words, it will not be the end of the world if he says no.
We are living in a modern era. Thus, it is not weird for a lady to make the first move on a guy. You can try applying some of the above tips on how to tell him I like him, and you will be surprised by his reaction. Good luck as you try to win him over.
READ ALSO: Most touching love messages for girlfriend recently shared an exciting piece containing the most touching love messages for girlfriend. The list contains moving messages that will help a man express his sincere feelings to that one special girl they love.
You can send them to her any time of the day to put a smile on her face. She will feel valued, wanted, and loved by you. In turn, she will continue to love you back.