175+ fun hypothetical questions to bust out when you are bored
Hypothetical questions can make a Q&A session a thousand times better. They spark exciting conversations that would have never come up if the questions were general. Discover below fun questions that can open up thrilling and entertaining conversations.

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A hypothetical question revolves around an assumption, imaginary scenario, or unproven situation. The question stimulates your mental creativity as you explore future possibilities. Whether serious or silly, hypothetical questions are a great way to start exciting conversations.
Fun hypothetical questions
Funny hypothetical questions create an open environment where people can share their thoughts and feelings. You get to know the person you are talking to better with these questions:
- What would you wear if you had to wear the same outfit for the rest of your life?
- If you were to pick one movie to be your life, which one would it be?
- You can transport one furious elephant to any point in history; where would you put it?
- If a turtle has no shell, is he homeless or naked?
- What would your name and identity be if you were a professional WWE wrestler?
- What would you choose if you could go back and be any age you want for a month?
- If animals could talk or at least communicate in a basic, intelligent manner, how would the world change? Would you still eat meat?
- Who would you choose if you could be any living person for a day?
- What would you choose if you were to return as anything other than a human after death?
- What would you eat for your last meal?
- What would you change if your life was a game where you spawn back after death?
- If you were a superhero, which of your friends would you pick as your sidekick? And what would your respective powers be?
- If you could choose one, would you rather be famous or rich?
- Which would you pick if you were to be named after one of the planets in the solar system?
- If you were to have either a teleporter or a time travel machine, which one would you want?
- If you were going to a famous historical figure dress-up party, who would you go as?
- If you died and were asked to choose between finding out what is next after death or roaming the Earth alone as a ghost for eternity, which would you choose?
- Would you rather know all human languages or be able to communicate with animals?
- If you were a fashion icon, and whatever you wore would become a fashion trend, what trends would you start?
- Would you rather be 3 foot or 9 foot tall?
What would you do questions

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It's nice to talk to strangers, but chatting can quickly get boring when you stick to small talk. So, save your small talk and try out intelligent hypotheticals the next time you want a real conversation. Here are some good hypothetical questions to start conversations with people you just met:
- What would you do if you were to pick a job or business you would do for the rest of your life?
- What would you do if there was an alien invasion on Earth?
- What would you do if you found out that you were adopted?
- What would you do if a time traveler told you you were to become a president ten years ago?
- What would you do if you only had one month to live?
- What would you do if you found an emaciated baby dragon in a deserted area?
- What would you do if you had to work at one job for the rest of your life?
- What would you do if you could be immortal but unhappy or live for five more years and be incredibly happy?
- What would you do if a teaspoon of your tears could be used to cure cancer in one person?
- What would you do if two aliens approached you?
- What would you do if you could go back 100 years ago or in the future?
- What would you do if given the power to make one person's wish, other than yourself, come true?
- What would you do if a zombie apocalypse occurred?
- What would you do differently, or not, if you had to start life all over again?
- What would you do if you were a billionaire?
- What would you do if you saw a unicorn in a rarely explored forest?
- What would you do if you got too drunk and cheated on your partner? Would you confess?
- What would you do if your only options were to live in jail for the rest of your life or die now?
- What would you do if it was somehow proved that there was no god and every religion is pointless?
- What would you do with the ability to become invisible for a day?
Hypothetical questions for adults when bored

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Posing a couple of hypothetical questions can quickly turn a dull chat into a refreshing conversation. Chase the boredom away with these fantastic questions for adults:
- Would you preferably end all wars or world hunger?
- What would you do if all jobs paid the same amount of money?
- Would you rather be incredibly witty, outgoing, quiet, or intelligent or stay the way you are now?
- What would you eat most often if every type of food were healthy?
- What would be your first five moves if you won a $10 million lottery?
- Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?
- What would it be if you were given the superpower to control one thing?
- If you could ask your future self from the year 2050 one question, what would it be?
- Why do our feet smell, and our noses run?
- What if everyone on Earth jumped at once?
- Would you rather be blind or deaf?
- What if humans had eagle vision?
- Would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was?
- If you could kill anyone in history, who would you kill?
- What if there were no seasons?
- What if humans were twice as intelligent?
- If we have free speech, then why are there phone bills?
- If you were the opposite gender for a month, how would you spend it?
- What if the moon had never formed?
- A building is on fire; do you save a sibling or four strangers?
Fascinating hypothetical questions

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Practice asking open-ended questions that start with "who," "what," "when," or "how" instead of binary questions that lead to a yes or no answer. Here are some fascinating questions you can ask people:
- If you became a high school teacher, what subject would you teach?
- If you could be one age forever, what age would you choose?
- What would you want to know if you could have complete knowledge of any five things?
- Would you rather know a lot about little or a little about a lot?
- What would you want to dream about if you could control your dreams tonight?
- What would your name and identity be if you were a professional wrestler in the WWE?
- Would you sacrifice your life to save a stranger?
- What animal would be the cutest if it was the size of a chihuahua?
- What would you pick if you were to select one luxury item you can never sell?
- If a ghost approached you, how do you think you would react?
- What would you pick if you could be your gender of choice?
- What sound do you think you would miss most if you went deaf?
- If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
- Where would you be right now if you could be anywhere?
- What would be the first thing you would change if you became president today?
- What would you do if you found a bag of cash on the street?
- If you could say one last thing to only one person, what would you say and to whom?
- Do you think humans would win a war against aliens?
- Which place on the planet would you never want to live, and why?
- Which bitter drink would you take for the rest of your life if it were the only medicine for your illness?
Hypothetical questions for friends

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Focus on genuinely getting to know someone when you ask them deep hypothetical questions. The best way to learn about their life's details and what excites them is to pay attention to their answers and avoid judging them. Here are some intriguing what-if questions to ask your friends:
- What would you do if your friend came to class with no pants on?
- What would you say if I told you I loved you?
- How would you die if you could choose?
- What would you do if you thought two of your friends would make a great couple?
- What if you could become the world's best athlete? What sport would you be playing, and why?
- What if you had three wishes? What would you wish for?
- What if you could get a lifetime supply of any food worldwide? What would it be?
- What if you were a monster? What monster would you choose to be?
- What if you were offered one superhuman ability? What would you choose?
- What would you do if someone said bad things about your friend?
- What would you do if you were the last person left on Earth?
- What if you could fly? Where would you go first?
- What if you were to drop dead five minutes from now?
- What if we had to sing instead of talk?
- What if you could walk on the ceiling?
- What if you woke up tomorrow morning and could only hop everywhere you went?
- What if you could read what everyone was thinking?
- What if you could be any animal?
- What if you could choose how you were going to die?
- What if you could relive any day from your past? Which day would you pick?
Thought-provoking hypothetical questions

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Choose hypothetical questions that lead to a conversation about shared experiences or things you have in common. The best conversations involve talking about the things that enliven you both. Here are some thought-provoking hypothetical questions you can ask someone:
- It will only be spring, winter, autumn, or summer for the rest of your life. Which one would you choose?
- If you could be born again in any country, as any race, and as any gender, what would you choose?
- What if you could become invisible, but it would mean being in this state permanently? Would you do it?
- If you were on death row but could choose any way to be executed as long as you died within a couple of days, how would you want to die?
- What if you were to live on an Island alone for the rest of your life with food only? Would you reject or take the offer?
- What if you could have access to free vacations for the rest of your life, a loving and romantic partner till death, or never have to work for the rest of your life? Which one would you choose?
- You have the power to gain twenty years of extra life by leaving a stranger to die; would you do it?
- If you had to suffer through a massive natural disaster but could choose which disaster to face, which would you choose?
- What if you could bring any fantasy creature into the real world? Which one would you choose?
- What if you woke up one morning in another country and were unfamiliar with their language?
- What laws would change if you could make one legal thing illegal and one unlawful thing legal?
- What car would you turn into if you were a transformer?
- What crazy dictator things would you do if you were the dictator of a small country?
- Would your partner still want to be with you if they could read your mind?
- Which social media platform would you choose to own, and what would you change about it if you could?
- What do you do when you notice an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?
- What would you choose if you had to choose between nighttime and daytime? What is the reason for this?
- What three items would you take if your ship wrecked on a desert island?
- What strange thing would you make appropriate in society if you had the power?
- What if you woke up one day and realized you switched families and bodies with your celebrity idol?
Hypothetical questions for parents

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When asking parents hypothetical questions, avoid conducting it like an interrogation: No one wants to feel like they’re being interviewed or criticized. Check below suitable hypothetical questions for parents:
- What if your child wanted to skip college and start a business?
- How would you react if your child moved to another country after high school?
- What if your child told you they wanted to get married right after high school?
- If your child raises his children in a religion different from ours, how would you react?
- If your child could go on a reality show, would you support him?
- How would you respond if your child changed his major to something you think is impractical?
- What if your child wanted to dedicate a year to volunteering abroad? Would you let them?
- How would you guide your child if she was unsure about which college to choose?
- What would you do if your child decided not to have children and focus solely on his career?
- What would you do if you were to lie to protect your child or tell the truth to uphold justice?
- If your children were to shelter their children from technology completely, what would you say?
- What if your child wanted to take a year off to travel the world before starting college?
- If you found out your child was bullying another child, how would you address the situation?
- What would be your biggest concern if your child were to study on another continent?
- How would you handle it if your child decided to adopt a child while still in their twenties?
- What if your child was offered a dream job across the country? Would you let them take it?
- If your child decided to join the military, how would you feel?
- How would you feel if your child chose a very different career from your family tradition?
- Would you tell your child the truth about a historical family secret that might upset them?
- If you could choose only one value to instill in your child, what would it be and why?
- How would you react if your child adopted a parenting style utterly different from yours?
- What if your child wanted to drop a prestigious job because her passion is elsewhere?
- Would you want to know if you could know every decision your child will make in the future?
- Would you prioritize your child's happiness over the greater good?
- How would you react if your child's spouse came from a background you disapproved of?
Refreshing hypothetical questions for couples

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Use hypothetical questions to spark new conversations that enhance your bond and deepen your understanding of each other’s dreams and desires. Discover each other’s fantasies with these engaging hypothetical questions for a girlfriend or boyfriend:
- If we could relive one date from our past, which would it be and why?
- What would it include if you could plan the perfect day for us?
- Suppose you ask a single question about our future and get an honest answer; what would it be?
- Imagine we could solve one world problem together; which one would it be and why?
- If we could know the future of our relationship through a crystal ball, would you want to look?
- What dance would you want to learn if we could take a dance class together?
- Suppose we had a three-course meal where each course was a different cuisine; what would you choose for us?
- What would be the major plot twist if there were a movie about our relationship?
- What's the most bizarre dream about us that you've ever had?
- Imagine if we never met; where do you think you would be right now?
- Imagine we could swap lives with another couple for a week; who would you pick?
- If you could know the truth behind any misunderstanding we've had, which would it be?
- Suppose we could read each other's minds only during dinner; what conversations would you want?
- What would be our title if every couple had a relationship guide written just for them?
- What would your prank be if you could prank me without any repercussions?
- What song would you choose as our theme song if our relationship were a movie?
- Suppose we had a chance to kiss anywhere in the world; where would it be?
- If we could only use emojis to communicate for a week, which five would you use the most?
- What would be the biggest challenge if we switched roles for a day?
- Suppose every time we hugged, we could feel what the other person was feeling; what do you think I'd learn about you?
Hypothetical questions for a boyfriend

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After asking your partner sensitive hypothetical questions, listen actively and ask follow-up questions to keep the conversation going. You can ask him these open-ended questions to invite him to talk about his feelings:
- Who would you marry if you could marry anyone right now?
- If you could have any superpower, what would you pick?
- Where would you go if you could travel anywhere in the world right now?
- If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?
- If you could befriend any animal, which would it be?
- Suppose we had to teach a class together; what subject would it be and why?
- What would your first reaction be if I told you you had failed?
- If you had three wishes, what would you ask for?
- What's one belief you hold that you think everyone in the world should adopt?
- What's one tradition from our families that you would love for us to carry forward?
- If you could go back in time and witness a historical event, which would you choose?
- If our relationship were a book, which genre would it be?
- Which famous person's body would you take over if you were a zombie?
- If our relationship were a book, which genre would it be?
- Would you rather forget about yourself or forget about anyone else?
- If your fiancée had an accident and turned paraplegic, would you marry them or back out?
- Suppose we could grant each other one personal wish; what would yours be?
- Which actor would you pick to play you in a sitcom about your life?
- What if we found a time machine; which era would you take us to first?
- Who would you pick if you could have dinner with anyone (living or dead)?

Source: UGC
What is a hypothetical question?
It is a question based on an assumption, rather than a fact. The answers to such questions are often opinions or beliefs about imagined situations.
What is the difference between theoretical and hypothetical questions?
Theoretical questions arise from something that has been proven and is a fact, while hypothetical questions come from assumptions and imaginary situations that have not been proven.
What are some hypothetical questions?
Here are some deep hypothetical questions to ponder:
- Would you take something that removes your body's need for sleep if it was given to you?
- Would you wish to travel to the future and be present at your funeral?
- Will you be able to give up 30 years of your life in exchange for allowing a stranger to die?
- Every day, 12 new things arrive at your house, beginning with a letter you choose. Which letter would you pick?
- What would you say if you had to sum up your life in 15 words or less?
- Would you kill one innocent child to heal the world's diseases forever?
- What rule would you impose if you were the world's king or queen?
- Would you rather have to say anything that comes to mind all the time or never have anything to say at all?
- What would you choose if you could live for seventy years and be incredibly happy or live forever and unhappy?
- We can select a single color that our eyes can see before birth. What color would you like to choose?
What are some examples of hypothetical questions?
Here are some good hypothetical questions for couples:
- How would our relationship change if we shared the same beliefs?
- If money were no object, what would be your dream vacation and why?
- How would our lives change if we decided to have children?
- How do you feel about trying new things in the bedroom?
- What are your thoughts on public displays of affection?
- Which world would you rather live in: Harry Potter or Twilight?
- What are your favorite ways to show love and affection?
- What actions would make you question the loyalty in our relationship?
- What would you want to accomplish if we could take a year off to pursue personal goals?
- Would you agree to go without personal grooming for six months to win $50,000? You cannot discuss the deal with anyone until the end of six months or the offer is gone.

Source: UGC
What are the deepest hypothetical questions?
Here are some hypothetical questions with answers:
- Would you rather know all human languages or be able to communicate with animals?
Answer: Speaking to people of all cultures is more applicable than speaking to animals. Even if you could talk to animals, the animals' language would be highly simplistic and uninteresting.
- How would you deal with an angry customer?
Answer: I would listen to them calmly and ask questions to understand their issue. If the company was at fault, I would apologize and assure them the mistakes would be rectified.
- How would you resolve conflict with a co-worker?
Answer: I would establish if I did anything to contribute to the conflict and speak to my co-worker in private to seek a mutually comfortable resolution.
- What would you do if your manager asked you to do something you disagreed with?
Answer: I would gather as much factual information as possible about the issue to ascertain the available options and discuss them with the manager before making decisions.
- How would you respond to failure?
Answer: I would assess what went wrong before deciding what to do to fix it. I would also share any lessons I had learned with my manager and co-workers so that the organization could learn from them, too.
When you feel like chatting with someone, pop hypothetical questions and watch where the conversation leads. You might discover something new about each other or, even better, find new reasons to appreciate the unique, quirky love you share.
Legit.ng shared funny quotes about life in Nigeria to remind you not to worry too much about things. Sometimes, it is essential to let go and laugh.
Beyond the laughter, funny quotes about life will remind you of a valuable lesson or teach you something new to apply for a more fulfilling time on Earth.
Source: Legit.ng

Peris Walubengo (Lifestyle writer) Peris Walubengo is a content creator with 3 years of experience in writing informational and entertainment articles, researching, editing, and proofreading. She has a Bachelor of Commerce & IT from the University of Nairobi (class of 2019). She joined Legit.ng in April 2022. She covers bios, marketing & finance, tech, fashion & beauty, recipes, movies and video game reviews, culture & traveling. In 2023, Peris finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email: perisrodah254@gmail.com.

Adrianna Simwa (Lifestyle writer) Adrianna Simwa is a content writer at Legit.ng where she has worked since mid-2022. She has written for many periodicals on a variety of subjects, including news, celebrities, and lifestyle, for more than three years. She has worked for The Hoth, The Standard Group and Triple P Media. Adrianna graduated from Nairobi University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in 2020. In 2023, Simwa finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her through her email: adriannasimwa@gmail.com