100 random questions to ask people to get to know them better
Talking to strangers is no walk in the park. Random questions to ask work magic when used as conversation starters. Not many people have the courage to engage and sustain a conversation with new acquaintances, but these questions will make even the timidest appear like a pro.

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Choose interesting questions to ask if you want to avoid being seen as nosy and petty. Fortunately, asking the right questions can help ease the tension that usually exists among people who are meeting for the first time.
You also have to take the process gradually, moving from super casual to personal questions that shed more light on a stranger's personality, family, friends, and work.
Which are the random questions to ask strangers?
The questions vary depending on whom you are dealing with. You need to be smart and note the kind of personality each person you are dealing with possesses.
Some individuals will not mind being asked funny questions because they are open and outgoing. However, this may not work for people who are guarded and secretive.
With the second type of people, working on winning their trust and confidence and can get them to open up with ease. Know who you are dealing with and approach them accordingly.

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Conversations that start with random questions usually almost end in strangers becoming friends or great acquaintances. In case you have to work together, or will cross paths with each other frequently, it is advisable to be in a good rapport with each other.
Asking the right question when you first meet can help set the pace of future engagements. Below are some of the best random questions to ask people without feeling awkward about the situation.
1. What shows are you into?
This is an excellent question because there is a possibility that he or she will mention a show you are into. Even if they mention unfamiliar shows, it is possible to get them to talk about the shows, and you are likely to pick one or two things that you will love.
2. What is your claim to fame?
Most people's nature is to talk about themselves. Asking this question gives them a chance to open up about the things that excite them, hence allowing you to know what makes them proud.
Almost all people will grab the opportunity to brag about their achievements. This is a great starting point whenever you are trying to size them up as new friends or acquaintances.
3. What sports do you love?
You should only ask this one if you are sure that they enjoy sports. If not, you may want to consider avoiding this question because they may fumble and feel uncomfortable with it.
4. Would you rather be late or early for a meeting?
Although this may be a simple and odd question, it may reveal a lot about the person you are conversing with. You can ask this question if you are going to see them again, hence managing any disappointments just in case they show up late.
5. What drink does it for you?
This information can be valuable not because you want to judge their choice, but because you could use it to treat the new friend to their favourite drink. Appreciating the difference in preferences goes a long way in accommodating others.
6. What do you hope never changes?
This is a popular open-ended question that can take any direction, depending on how far you are willing to take it. You are likely to get mixed answers, some of which will be more interesting than others.
7. What is your favourite car?
You never know if you share any interests until you ask. This could be a great conversation starter, especially if they are into cars.
8. What job would be unfit for you?
Rather than going for the most common question about their favourite job, a flip of the same can help start an interesting conversation. You may learn about the person's dislikes or weaknesses when it comes to certain jobs.
9. Which movie title best describes you?
Not all people have similar self-images. Even so, most people are likely to identify with a specific character in a movie or TV show they enjoy watching because they can see themselves in the character.
10. What takes up most of your time?
You can easily tell the things they like or dislike as they respond. You may also be able to discover what they would rather be doing.
Random yes or no questions to ask
In some instances, all you need is a yes or no answer. You can get to learn a lot about a person from these simple questions and answers.
What is the most random question? This would be 'How are you?' You may want to start your conversation with random quizzes because it makes the person you are talking to feel relaxed.
Keep it simple and straightforward, but make sure it is unexpected and surprising. Random, unexpected questions tend to portray you as a mysterious and interesting person, especially if introduced in the middle of a serious subject. For instance, when talking about cars, ask him or her about something they enjoy doing.
Below are interesting examples to consider.
- Have you taken a picture naked?
- Can you walk into a boardroom meeting uninvited?
- Have you ever touched a snake?
- What cracks you up?
- Would you ever paint your room?
- Can you cry when watching a movie?
- What are your views about intimacy?
- What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
- If you could kill off any character from a current TV show, who would it be and why?
- Would you approach a crush first?
- Which parent are you closer to and why?
- Who do you know that really reminds you of a character in a TV show or movie?
- Would you steal money from a friend?
- Would you ever get into a car with people you do not know?
- What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner?
- Have you had feelings for someone who did not have them back?
- Did you ever leave your house without telling your parents?
- Do people pay for their mistakes?
- Did you ever ditch school to do something more fun?
- Would you take a roller-coaster ride?
- Are second chances worth it?
- Would you sleep during the day?
- Do you love someone or miss someone right now?
- Have you ever played dress up as a child?
- Would you cheat while playing a game?
- Have you ever been clubbing?
Random questions to ask a guy

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While there are numerous questions to ask different people, some are gender-sensitive. Whenever you are dealing with a guy, specific topics appeal to them.
Focusing on such topics can help foster a great friendship in future. Consider the examples below.
- What would you tell the world if you had its attention for 30 seconds?
- What makes men who they are?
- What is something that is really popular now, but in 5 years everyone will look back on and be embarrassed by?
- Have you ever been scared of anything in life?
- If you had to choose one animal to help you win a fight, which animal would you choose?
- Would you rush home when your lady or mum calls?
- When was the last time you climbed a tree just for fun?
- What's exciting about being with your boys?
- Would you kiss a random girl just for fun?
Questions to ask when meeting for the first time
Getting to know someone is not easy, especially if they are not willing to open up because they have personal issues. However, it is possible to get even the most private people to open up with time.
There are useful random questions to get to know someone that you can use. Asking the right questions can make the process easy.
When your aim is to know someone more, then focus on things that will prompt them to talk about themselves without feeling pressured or interrogated.
The questions below can come in handy in such instances. Make sure to ask sincerely.
- How best would you describe yourself?
- Describe your childhood dream and if it is still achievable
- What would you rather travel in, a ship, aircraft, or speed car?
- How do you like your current life and what would you change given the chance?
- Do you have any special baby names up your sleeve?
- Is anyone in your family in the army?
- Whom would you say is the person you emulate most in life?
- What do you think about friendships?
- Is the idea of investing time in others profitable?
- Would you choose endless love or endless money?
- What makes you want to wake up every morning?
- What would you go for - struggles in self-employment or in the corporate world?
- What is your least favourite mode of transportation?
- Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
- What would make you blow up?
- What kind of exercises works for you?
- Do you love homemade food or would you rather eat in a hotel?
- Is your father bald?
- If you were to choose, would you go for exotic scenarios or the outdoors?
- What does your dream home look like?
- Name the celebrity you like most
- Do you read and if you do, whom will you recommend as a great author?
- Are you into TV shows or movies?
- Are you a family person?
- Where is that special place you would only share with someone you value most?
- When was the last time you broke someone’s heart?
- What would you go for between a British and an American accent?
- Why did you choose your current girl/boyfriend?
- What would you describe as the best meal for you?
- If you were born as the opposite sex, what name would your parents give you?
- How many pairs of shoes do you have?
- Where do you buy your jeans?
- What is your greatest achievement, and why?
- What do you regret most and wish you had done differently?
Funny random questions

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What are some fun questions to ask? Choosing the right questions to ask friends means that you have a better understanding of their likes and dislikes.
Throwing in a bit of humour in the questions to ask your friends shows some level of familiarity. While there are many questions to ask a friend, you need to be careful not to cross the line. Below are funny, and sometimes weird questions to ask.
- Have you ever wondered why Greenland is called Greenland when it is in fact covered by ice which is white?
- If money does not truly grow on trees, why do all banks have branches?
- Do mermaids give birth to live children, or do they lay eggs?
- Do you think hummingbirds hum because they cannot remember any of the words?
- Can blind people see their dreams?
- When will I get back all the time I saved?
- Why do feet smell and noses run?
- Is crying underwater a thing?
- How many chickens would it take to be able to kill a lion?
- How do bankruptcy attorneys make any money?
- Can you envision a world with no hypothetical situations?
- Why do they say ‘giving my two cents’ when it’s only a penny for your thoughts?
- If roses are red, why are violets blue?
- Why are cigarettes sold at filling stations when smoking is prohibited there?
- Why do we serve square meals on round plates?
- Why is drowsiness listed as a side-effect for sleeping pills?
- Why are chickpeas called chickpeas when they’re neither chicks nor peas?
- Why do grapefruits look and taste nothing like grapes?
- Why do we say that we have the weight of the world on our shoulders, but when we try to express it, we say we have to get it off of our chests?
- If you can say that you’re speechless, doesn’t that mean that you were able to talk, and are thus, not speechless?
You are likely to get very diverse answers to every question you ask several people, no matter how similar they are. The fact that human beings have different preferences affects their experiences, which is why questions can form a great basis for knowing each other.
The answers supplied offer a summarized version of the most important things you would want to know before getting close to someone.
There are many random questions to ask both strangers and friends every time you want to start a conversation. You can get creative with questions, as long as you are sure that you are dealing with open-minded people.
Source: Legit.ng