50 good dares for when you cannot come up with something on the spot
Truth or Dare is a game of legends- no sleepover is complete without it, and it is unbeaten as the ultimate drinking game. Another exciting aspect of the game is that anyone can play it. Have you been looking for good dares? You landed on the right page, as we have compiled good dares for Truth or Dare.

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Picture this: You're at a sleepover, and it's time to play the legendary Truth or Dare game. Don't bother racking your brains for dares to ask, as this article has listed the most amazing ones that you can use.
The beauty of this game is that it is totally timeless. Unlike other games which one might outgrow, this one will forever be a favourite for many.
50 good dares
To create a good dare, you need to personalize it according to the personality of the person to whom it is directed. Usually, the dare you pick should go against the person's personality and get them out of their comfort zone.
What are some good dares? Here are some of the most insane, funniest and most embarrassing dares of all time.
Funny dares
If you wish to give someone a hilarious one, here are some humourous dares to ask.
- Pretend you're cutting the grass with an invisible mower.
You can make this one even funnier by daring the person to do this while singing an embarrassing song.
- Call a random number and sing "Happy Birthday."
Make sure the person sings the entire song to completion. If the person on the other line hangs up, they have to call another person until the song is over.
- Call your mom and tell her you can't find a girlfriend or boyfriend in a very panicked voice.
Use this dare on someone who has strict parents for that extra laugh.
- Call a Chinese restaurant and ask if they have sushi.
The basis of this dare is obvious, definitely, a Chinese restaurant will have Sushi, so calling them and asking if they serve the delicacy may annoy the restaurant's workers.
- Try to summon the rain.
Dare the person to go outside the house and do everything to summon the rain, including singing rain chants, dancing around, and making rain noises.
- Dance like a cowboy.
This dare is one of a kind, and it would be best directed to a person who normally doesn't like dancing in public.
- Apply petroleum jelly on your face and sit for 30 mins
This one is for the books- just make sure the person's face does not have an allergic reaction to petroleum jelly. Instead of this, you can dare them to apply petroleum jelly to their hair.

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- Place a hot Cheeto in your nose for 5 minutes.
This is bound to hurt!
- Stop a car that drives by and tell them that their wheels are turning.
Fingers crossed you don't meet an angry driver.
- Call the guy you have a crush on and tell him how many pairs of shoes you have.
Wow...this is definitely one to use during a girls sleepover. Best case scenario: you actually get to talk to your crush, especially if you have been crushing on them from a distance.
- Let the person on your right take an ugly picture of you and your double chin and post it on Instagram with the caption, "I don't leave the house without my double chin."
Yikes! I hope your crush isn't following you on social media.
- While skipping down the street, sing 'Let it Go' from Frozen.
While this dare may be difficult, make some fun out of it by giving the song your all. Hit all those awesome Elsa notes and let the one who dared you know that you are a singer in the works.
To make your dare questions even funnier, combine two crazy ones into one. For example, you could dare someone to do a handstand with a mouth full of water while the rest of the group tells them funny jokes - but they are not allowed to spill the water.
Crazy dares
Truth or Dare dares are known to be crazy, and somewhat even impossible. Usually, adults play this game during a party or when drinking. During such a time, everyone seems to be excited and somewhat naughty. This is why there are many crazy dares to go with this theme.
Here are some wild ones that fit in this category.
- Striptease for thirty whole seconds.
I hope you have on presentable underwear!
- Knock on the neighbor's door and ask if you can park your helicopter in their driveway.
This dare is even funnier if your neighbor is one of those angry neighbors with no time for nonsense.
- Rearrange everything in the food pantry in alphabetical order.
To make this one more exciting, set a time limit, like 2 minutes for a relatively small pantry. I hope you live alone because no mom will be pleased with this.
- Make an obscene phone call to a random number.
This one is practically easy, as the random person you call doesn't have to be someone you know, so no shame there.
- Put on someone else's bra.
Cringe..you should have chosen 'truth'.
- Name five body parts that your partner likes to kiss.
This is an excellent one when you are playing with close friends - you don't want your relationship's intimate details getting out there.
- Lick someone's foot 2 times.
Prepare to barf right afterwards.
- Remove your pаnties and give them to a guy.
I hope you showered and changed them!
- Call your crush and tell her mom that you like her daughter.
I hope you won't get her in trouble.
- Do a handstand for one minute.
If you aren't physically fit, then this will be an impossible dare to fulfill - but you have to try.
- Send a text message to your crush, telling them your feet usually smell like rotten tomatoes and ask if they would put up with that.
I hope you can text them afterwards and assure them that it was just a dare.
- Write your name on the floor with your tongue.
Woe unto you if you didn't clean the floor as your mom asked you to do days ago.
- Open Facebook, go to the account of the first person you see, and like every post on their wall going back to a year.
Prepare to be blocked as this has 'stalker' written all over it.
- Lift the couch cushions, and if there is anything under it, you need to put it in your mouth for 10 seconds.
I bet you'll wish that you had done some spring cleaning before the game.
- Write a letter to your doctor describing an embarrassing rash you have, and post it on Facebook.
For your sake, I hope it's a facial rash.

Source: UGC
Fun dares
For the game to be enjoyable, there has to be some fun Truth or Dares that everyone will enjoy. They include the following:
- Call your mother and tell her "You Know!" and wait to see if she cracks and tells you her secret.
Prepare to hear a family secret that you never knew about.
- Do your best impersonation of someone else in the room and keep going until someone else guesses who you are.
This one is kinda easy - a bit like charades.
- Pick up something from the trash and hold it in your hands for the rest of the game.
I hope you had some clean, empty bottles in the trash, because this dare can turn gross very fast.
- Describe to the group what your last bathroom experience was like.
If someone dares you to do this, get back at them by giving the most vivid description ever. They will regret ever messing with you.
- Get a magazine and go outside. Roll up the magazine, put it on your nose and act and sound like an elephant.
A funny one that will get you the attention of everyone on the street. I hope no one will record it.
- Twerk/shake your booty for thirty seconds.
If you really can't twerk, just shake your booty however you can. It's the effort that counts.
- Go live on Facebook for 8 minutes doing the Macarena.
I hope you don't have so many Facebook friends to see this mess.
- Let each person in the group slap you as hard as they can on your bum.
Will you even be able to sit on your bum afterwards? Sorry.
- For the next 10 minutes, when someone speaks, put your ear up close to them and act as though you can't hear what they are saying.
Annoy everyone in the room by doing this.
- Fill up your mouth with water and sing a song until someone from the group guesses the song.
Just go for a song without lyrics - hum the tune until someone gets it right.
- Knock on your neighbor's door and ask if you can borrow two marshmallows. Five minutes later, knock on the door and give them back.
No harm will come from this dare, maybe just an amused glance from your neighbor.
- Write a Facebook post about your feelings and make it super long and dramatic.
I hope your Facebook account is as dormant as mine.
- Drink three big cups of water without stopping.
One that is actually good for your health..yaay.
- Close your mouth and nose: try to pronounce the letter '"A" for 10 seconds.
Make this dare even more interesting and dare the person to pronounce the word 'onomatopoeia'
- Whoever's name begins with an A in the group must call your parents and tell them what a bad friend you are to them.
I hope your parents are the easy-going type, otherwise, someone will land in a lot of trouble.
- Close your eyes and take a shot of alcohol that your partner picks out for you.
I hope you have some water to chug afterwards.
Good dares for your boyfriend
Here are some naughty dares that can be directed to your bae.
- Tell us a dirty fantasy you would never actually do in real life.
Here's a chance to get to know what your boyfriend secretly wants to do in bed.
- Act as a slave of your girlfriend for one minute.
Girlfriends, prepare to be pampered and treated like the queen you are.
- Whisper in your girlfriend’s ear something you’ve always wanted to do in bed.
Do not hold back!
- Tell a nasty story and use as many dirty words as possible.
Good dares for kids

Source: UGC
Here are some good Truth or Dares for kids
- Do the chicken dance for one minute.
To make this one funnier, ask the person to go outside and dance while singing a popular song completely out of tune.
- Eat a pudding cup without using your hands.
Add a little more excitement to this one by asking the person to finish it in under 3 minutes.
- Do the Renegade for 1 minute.
- Try to lick your elbow
This one is just as disgusting as it sounds.
- Say the alphabet backwards.
- Spin in circles for 10 seconds.
- Take your age, reverse the numbers, and act that age. (If a player is only a single digit, just add a 0 to their age. Example: a player is 8, so they must act 80.)
Other fun games you can play on Zoom
Here are some fun games that you can play with your friends on Zoom:
- Harry Potter Virtual Locations Tour
- Heads Up! -From naming celebrities, to singing, to silly accents -- guess the word on the card that’s on your head from your friends’ clues before the timer runs out!
- Name in the Bag/Guess Who?
- Battleship: The game is played on four grids, two for each player. The grids are typically square – usually 10×10 – and the individual squares in the grid are identified by letter and number. On one grid the player arranges ships and records the shots by the opponent. On the other grid the player records their own shots.
- Houseparty: Houseparty is a social networking service that enables group video chatting through apps.
- Outburst - Outburst is a game of lists. Two teams take turns trying to guess as many of the 10 answers to a topic on the cards. Bonus points can be earned by guessing a Target Answer determined by a die roll.
- Jackbox
Use these good dares to make your sleepover one that your friends will be talking about for days! Make sure you use the rule of thumb: to make the dares even more interesting, go for those that go against the person's personality.
Source: Legit.ng