Kazakh names: 100+ examples with meaning and pronunciation
A person’s name often says much about them. In some cultures, a name represents whoever one was named after, while in others, kids are named after seasons, weather, events, animals, and local sites, among others. Similar to other countries, there are numerous Kazakh names given to children in Kazakhstan when they are young.

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In Kazakhstan, children were traditionally named by their grandfather or another highly regarded person in society. There was a widespread belief that a kid often grows up to be as good as whoever named them. In modern-day parents take it upon themselves to name a baby. Kazakh names are divided into masculine, feminine, and unisex variations.
Common Kazakh names and meanings
Contrary to popular belief, Kazakh names pronunciation is not complex since most of them are simple Arabic and Persian names. Here is a look at some of the typical Kazakh names.
Gender neutral Kazakh names

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Here are some unisex Kazakh names.
1. Ainar
When given to a boy, the name means ‘male moon’. When assigned to a girl, it means ‘pomegranate moon.’
2. Aizat
The name is solely male in Tatarstan and exclusively female in Kyrgyzstan. It means a child or offspring.
3. Aset
The name Aset is derived from the Arabic language and means lion.

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4. Bekzat
Bezkat stands for master or chieftain. The name is derived from the Turkish language. It is also a variant of the name Behzad.
5. Didar
Didar means vision or sight. In Persian, it stands for visit or encounter.
6. Dildar
Dildar means ‘a person who holds a heart.’ It is a combination of the Persian noun ‘dil’ that means heart and the suffix ‘dar’ which means to possess.
7. Dilnur
Dilnur means’ heart of light’. As a solely male name, it can be considered a variant of the name Gunduz.
8. Lashyn
The name means peregrine falcon in the Kazakhstan culture.
9. Lyazzat
Lyazzat means happiness. It is derived from the Arabic phrase for beautiful, pleasant, or sweet.
10. Rakhat
It is the Kyrgyz and Kazakh variant of the common name, Rahat.
11. Sagadat
The name means happiness and is derived from the Persian language.

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12. Salamat
Salamat means safety or good health.
13. Tumar
Derived from the Kazakh noun, tumar, the name means amulet.
14. Turar
This name was often given to a child who was not expected to live long after birth. It means alive, lively, survive, or ‘will live.’
15. Ulzhalgas
This is the combination of the Kazakh words for son and prolongation.
16. Umitzhan
Umit means hope in Kazakh, while Zhan means essence or soul.
17. Zhanat
The name Zhanat comes from the Arabic name Jannat which means heaven, garden, or paradise.

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18. Zubaira
It is the unisex variant of the name Zubair.
Kazakh names male
In Kazakhstan, men are regarded as defenders, and male children are thus named after poets, noble people, and war figures. Male Kazakh names often reflected the nomadic lifestyle of traditional Kazakhs.
Here is a look at some of the most common Kazakh names given to boys.
1. Abruy
Abruy comes from the combination of the words standing, prestige, honor, and reputation. The name means ‘the face of honor.’
2. Abubakir
Abubakir means ‘father of.’
3. Ainar
Ainar is derived from the Kazakh word ‘ay’ meaning moon, and the Persian word ‘nar’ meaning male. Ainar, therefore, means the male moon.
4. Aisultan
Aisultan means the sultan king.

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5. Aitmukhambet
Aitmukhambet comes from ‘ayt,’ meaning feast, festival, or holiday and the popular name Mukhambet.
6. Amirbek
Combination of Arabic أَمِير (ʾamīr) meaning “prince, commander” and the Turkish military title beg meaning “chieftain, master”.
7. Amirkhan
Amirkhan is derived from the Arabic (ʾamīr) meaning commander or prince, combined with the Turkic title khan meaning leader or ruler.
8. Anarbek
Derived from Kazakh (anar), meaning “pomegranate” combined with the Turkish military title beg meaning “chieftain, master.”
9. Atabek
Atabek means ‘father chieftain’, or ‘father master.’
10. Aubakir
Abubakir is one of the common Kazakh names with an Arabic background. It means ‘father of a quick learner.’
11. Aydar
Aydar refers to the topknot or forelock hairstyle that was common with Turkic warriors.
12. Beibut
Beibut means peace or peaceful.

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13. Bekarys
Bekarys is derived from the Turkish title meaning master and the Kazakh word for support or foundation.
14. Beket
Beket means port or station in Kazakhstan.
15. Beksultan
Beksultan means king sultan.
16. Daniyar
Daniyar comes from the word ‘dana’ which means learned, educated or wise, and ‘yar’ meaning companion or friend.
17. Darkhan
Darkhan refers to the ancient Turkic-Mongolic era and in particular to those who were exempt from taxes.
18. Dastan
Dastan is of Persian descent and means legend, or story.

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19. Ershat
Ershat could mean guidance if it is of Arabic descent, husband if it is of Kazakh descent.
20. Ertugan
Ertugan is a combination of the word ‘er’ meaning husband, hero, or man and the word ‘tugan’ meaning native or born.
21. Erzhan
Erzhan is the combination of ‘er’ meaning man, male, courageous, or brave, and ‘zhan’ meaning essence or soul.
22. Imanbek
The name means master of faith and is a combination of Arabic and Turkish words.
23. Imangali
This is a combination of the name Ali and the word faith.
24. Intizar
Intizar means anticipation in Arabic.
25. Kudaybergen
Kudaybergen means God gave.
26. Kunduz
Kunduz means otter or beaver. It could also be a variant of the Turkish Gunduz.
27. Kurban
Kurban means ‘goft to God’ or ‘sacrifice to God.’ Its in reference to the Islam practice of offering animal sacrifices.
28. Kurmanbek
This is a combination of the word sacrifice and the Turkish ‘master’ or ‘chieftain.’
29. Kurmangazy
Kurmangazy means’ gift or sacrifice to God’ combined with the word hero, warrior, or champion. One of the most famous bearers of the name was Kurmangazy Sagyrbaev, a well-known Kazakh composer and instrumentalist.

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30. Kydyr
This is the Kazakh variant of the famous Islamic name Qadir.
31. Kylyshbek
Kylyshbek is a combination of the words sword or saber, and master or chieftain.
32. Mavlan
Mavlan is derived from the Islamic word ‘mawlana’ which is commonly used to refer to ‘Our Lord’.
33. Mazhit
Mazhit is the Kazakhstan variant of Majid.
34. Medet
Medet means help or support in Kazakh.
35. Nadirbek
Nadirbek is a combination of the popular Nadir with the title ‘bek’ which means master.
36. Nariman
Nariman comes from ‘Nairemanah’ which translates to ‘heroic or manly mind.’
37. Nasirbek
Nasirbek is a combination of the popular Nasir with the Turkish military title of ‘chieftain or master.’
38. Rustem
This is the Kazakh version of the name Rostam.
39. Rysbek
Rysbek comes from the Kazakh word for ‘fortune or happiness’ combined with the title ‘bek’ which means master.
40. Sabirzhan
Sabirzhan is a combination of the popular Persian name Sabir, and ‘zhan’ which means life, being, or soul.

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41. Taimaz
Taimaz is the Kazakh variant of the name Taymaz which means firm or established.
42. Talgatbek
Talgatbek is a combination of the name Talgat and the title of the master.
43. Tanatar
Tanatar is given to a person born before dawn. It means daybreak.
44. Toktar
Toktar means ‘to stay.’ The name was given to newborn babies in households where young kids often died.
45. Tolegen
Tolegen means paid and was often given to sons born to a household in which another son had died.
46. Tolkyn
Tolkyn means wave.
The name means ‘one who is brave and courageous.’
48. Yerik
Yerik means free will, liberty, or freedom.

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49. Zhambyl
Zhambyl means ‘beautiful soul’ or ‘free soul.’
50. Zhangirkhan
Zhangirkhan means leader or ruler in Turkic.
Female Kazakh names
Kazakhs often pick tender, beautiful, and easy names for girls. Here is a look at 50 common names for girls in the country.
1. Ainar
When given to girls, Ainar means ‘pomegranate moon.’
2. Ainara
Ainara is a variant of the more common Ainar, meaning ‘pomegranate moon.’
3. Ainash
Ainash is Persian for a mirror.
4. Dilnaz
Dilnaz comes from the Persian word for ‘heart’ combined with ‘naz’ meaning delight or luxury.
5. Dilnaza
This is the Kazakh variant of Dilnaz, which translates to a sweetheart or beloved.
6. Dilnur
Dilnur comes from the Persian word for ‘heart’ and the Arabic noun ‘nur’ for light.

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7. Gulhumar
Gulhumar is a combination of the Persian words for ‘rose,’ or ‘flower’ and ‘intoxicating.’
8. Gulmira
Gulmira is a combination of ‘gul’ for flower, and ‘amira’ for a princess.
9. Gulshara
Gulshara is a combination of ‘gul’ for flower, and ‘sarah’ for pure, excellent, or fine.
10. Kamshat
Kamshat is Kazakh for ‘wish, desire, or dream, combined with ‘happiness, rejoicing, or joy.’
11. Karakoz
Karakoz is Kazakh for ‘black eye.’
12. Karlygash
It loosely translates to ‘swallow a bird.’
13. Rakhat
It is the Kazakhstan variant of Rahat, which translates to rest or comfort.
14. Raushan
Raushan is the Kazakh version of Roxana, which translates to ‘dawn’ or ‘bright.’

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15. Raushangul
Raushangul is a combination of Raushan (meaning bright or dawn) and ‘gul’ which translates to flower.
16. Sabira
Sabira is Arabic for steadfast or patient.
17. Sagadat
Sagadat is Persian for happiness.
18. Salamat
Salamat translates to ‘safety’ or ‘good health’ in Persian.
19. Shyrailym
Shyrailym is Kazakh for ‘appear glamorous.’
20. Shyryn
Shyryn is the Kazakh version of Shirin, which is Persian for ‘sweet.’
21. Sulushash
Suluhash translates to ‘beautiful braids’ or ‘beautiful hair.’
22. Symbat
Symbat is Kazakh for slenderness.
23. Szandrash
Szandrash is closely associated with the famous name Alexander.
24. Tumar
Tumar is Kazakh for an amulet.
25. Turar
Turar translates to ‘will live.’ It was given to children who were not expected to live long after being born.
26. Ulbobek
Ulbobek is Kazakh for ‘baby boy’. It was given to girls when her parents were expecting a boy but instead got a girl.

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27. Ulbolsin
Ulbolsin translates to ‘let there be a son.’ Despite this, it is still a female name.
28. Ulmeken
Like Ulbobek, Ulmeken is closely associated with families that were expecting baby boys but got girls instead.
29. Zhanat
Zhanat is Arabic for heaven, garden, or paradise.
30. Zhanerke
Zhanerke translates to ‘spoilt soul.’
31. Zhaniya
Zhaniya is Persian for the soul.
32. Zhannur
Zhannur is a combination of ‘jan,’ which is Persian for ‘life, being, or soul’ and ‘nur’ which is Arabic for light.
33. Zhansaya
Zhansaya is a combination of the Kazakh words for comfort and soul.
34. Zhansulu
Zhansulu translates to a beautiful soul.
35. Zulfiya
Zulfiya is Persian for ‘tress’ or ‘curl.’
36. Zulhumar
This name translates to ‘having an ability to intoxicate or charm.’
37. Lyazzat
Lyazzat is Arabic for beautiful, pleasant, or sweet.
38. Mahigul
Mahigul comes from ‘mahi’ for lunar and ‘gul’ for flower.
39. Makhabbat
Makhabbat is Kazakh for love or affection.
40. Makpal
Makpal is Persian for Velvet.
41. Gulzhan
Gulzan translates to flower soul.

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42. Gulzhanat
This is a combination of ‘gul,’ which is Arabic for flower, and ‘janna,’ which translates to heaven, garden, or paradise.
43. Gulzura
Gulzura comes from the Kyrgyz word for flower and the Persian word for power, strength, or force.
44. Botagoz
Botagoz means ‘evil eye’ and was given to children by parents who believed such children had the characteristics of possessing the said eyes.
45. Byrganym
This is a combination of the Kazakh word for one and lady or queen.
46. Dalmira
Dalmira is the feminine version of Dalmir, which means thank you.
47. Damira
This is Persian for secret, heart, or mind.
48. Danagul
Danagul comes from ‘dana’ the Kazakh word for ‘instance’ and ‘gul’ the Persian word for flower.
49. Daneliya
Daneliya is a combination of the Persian word for knowing ‘dan,’ and Turkic’ el’ for the country.
50. Dariga
Dariga comes from a sad expression intended to convey pity.
Why do so many Kazakh have Russian names?
Kazakhstan is a part of central Asia, whose member states were part of the former Soviet Union. This explains why many Kazakhs have names with the suffixes’ ov’ and ‘ev’ which are quite common in Russia. However, some of the Kazakhstan nationals are gradually dropping these Russian suffixes in favor of the local ‘kyzy’ and ‘uulu’ suffixes.
The Kazakh names mentioned above are some of the most common across the landlocked Central Asian nation. While the baby naming traditions are gradually changing, the names remain pretty much the same as they were years ago. Which name did you find most alluring?
Source: Legit.ng