Coronavirus: Engaging activities you can do to avoid boredom following the stay at home order
- The coronavirus pandemic continues to impacts on businesses globally as Nigerian government takes stiffer measures to enforce compliance of the lockdown
- Following the 14-day lockdown, the citizens either work from home or go on a compulsory holiday/break now
- looked at things you can do to avoid boredom following the stay at home order

Source: UGC
As part of its efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic, leaders all over the world continues to take stiffer measures to enforce compliance of the 14-day lockdown.
With new cases recorded daily, one of the ways the government has dealt with the virus is by giving the state ‘a stay at home order’; in that citizens and employees are to work from home and those who are not employed are to go on a compulsory holiday.
Lagosians are hustlers and while some find it difficult to comply with this directive, other concerned individuals are taking it upon themselves to educate citizens more about the deadly virus to avoid further spread as some are still ignorant of its effect.
There is absolutely nothing the government does that does not come with its impact either positively or negatively. With over a million cases of COVID-19 worldwide and more than fifty eight thousand deaths reported, the Nigerian government is not ready to take chances at all hence the need for the stay at home order.
The benefit of this is both on the part of the citizen and the government. For citizens, their fears would be allayed; as they would be able to take full responsibility of their health and as well the health of their loved ones. While on the part of the government, they would be able to keep tab on the confirmed cases so far. It is really not easy for the government to give such directives considering the state of the economy but it is expected and needed to fight against further spread of this virus in the country.
In view of the above, came up with simple things you can do at home this period to avoid boredom, following the stay at home order;

Source: UGC
For career moms and dads who hardly spend quality time with their loved ones, this is a great opportunity they can leverage on; although it is not an easy task to work from home as a career woman/man but with the right discipline, one would achieve a lot this period.
Following the lock down, loved ones would enjoy a good family time as well as bonding that have been missed for a long period. As some who were based outside the shores of Nigeria, are now back home to spend quality time with their family and loved ones.
Some schools have made life easy for parents now as they conduct online teaching classes for students especially kids; for two to three hours interval so as to keep them busy and make proper use of the stay at home order. When they are done with classes, they engage in fun activity either by playing with their toys or play games.
So, the benefit of the stay at home far outweighs its downside as parents and guardian would get to know their family better and vice versa.

Source: UGC
Practicing relaxation is paramount to managing stress because when we relax, the flow of blood increases around our body giving us more energy. It also helps us to have a calmer and clearer mind; this aids positive thinking, concentration, memory and good decision making.
A good relaxation slows the heart rate, reduces blood pressure and relieves tension. At times we get so embroiled in our hectic lifestyles with deadlines to meet and work –life pressure that we actually forget to relax! Yet relaxing for just few minutes periodically by stepping away from what is causing our stress levels to rise like bad news, can give us the energy we need to tackle our workload or problem we are facing daily hence stress can contribute to low energy or depression.
Stress is good and a certain amount of it is necessary to deal with difficult situations. It is important for you to make good use of this compulsory holiday to help strengthen your mental health. There are various form and techniques of relaxations like a deep rest, massage, deep breathing, meditation, good music, exercise, yoga to mention but a few; you just have to find the one that works best for you.
According to experts, sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax. Not only should you start your day feeling refreshed but it is important for one to continue to refresh at various points throughout our day to reduce stress levels.
Take control by finding a soothing relaxation technique-this in itself is empowering because mental health is key.

Source: UGC
You must have heard of the benefits of exercise, but do you know that it can actually help you feel good? Getting the right amount of exercise can rev up your energy levels and even help improve your mood. You can begin from moderate to vigorous activity each day.
Now, what most people do is to eat, eat and eat forgetting the importance of keeping the body fit. If you want to get a good physical shape this period; it is advisable for you to exercise daily. You don’t have to step out of your home to achieve this, you can make good use of the resources at your disposal like the internet by learning from experts or instructors through social media platforms only for free.

Source: UGC
In reality, you can save more by spending money wisely this period. It is a known fact that coronavirus pandemic not only impacted on the economy globally but also wealth. Citizens all over the world are feeling the heat of this outbreak on finances.
But as government continues to take stiffer measures to safeguard its citizens, low spending would be the order of the day; because as you stay at home, you get to minimize a lot of things you do with money and spend wisely to get the most important things required for survival and not irrelevant things that are not worth cash.
Following the 14-day lockdown, individuals are now encouraged to spend wisely and even manage their resources well so as to avoid being caught off guard in weeks ahead. This is a good step in the right direction as it would prepare the people for life after COVID-19 fully.

Source: UGC
In life, one must strive to acquire the skills that will make you a strong leader and an effective business person. This sometimes might be difficult but yet interesting as it can be related to your field or area of interest.
You can acquire new skills just by making good use of the internet. There are now various platforms and e-learning sites that offer free online courses with certification and as well give access to free online tools to get you engage better as you stay at home.
For moms, you can learn how to prepare new delicacies from nutritional experts on the various social media platforms all for free; this can be achieved within hours or days.
It is very important for us as individuals to make good use of this opportunity of compulsory holiday by acquiring new skills so as to be updated in every way possible. You will be doing yourself more harm than good as you get acquainted with modern technological tools you can add to increase your craft.

Source: UGC
There’s so much going on around us now that one can easily feel overwhelmed by fear and anxiety but there are plenty things you can do to get through this difficult time without panicking.
Volunteering is personal and one can offer his or her services willingly either in cash or by donating items that would be of importance to the needy this period.
You can give vital help to people in need of worthwhile causes and communities as doing this can help protect your mental or physical health; you will be stress-free, be able to combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated and provide a sense of purpose.
Also, you don’t have to go beyond your means in doing this but whatever you decide to do as a volunteer, make sure it is impacting on the lives of the individuals positively.
With series of events and news around the world, one can easily get tired but hey, don’t fret, it will pass away. It’s only a matter of time things would return to normalcy and lessons would be learnt.
Dedicating your time this period as a volunteer not only helps you make new friends but expand your network and boost your social skills.
In a recent development, as the government reiterates the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in the country, the COVID-19 Regulations, 2020 has been signed into law. The president explained that the new law declares COVID-19 a dangerous infectious disease.
The order was given amidst the growing scare of coronavirus pandemic in the country and it would be of our interest as citizens to comply totally.
Street gist: Corona virus no suppose affect people wey dey suffer via Legit TV