15 common sacred geometry symbols and their meanings explained
There are various perfect shapes and patterns that make up the basic templates of every life form in the universe. From the five Platonic Solids to the Tibetan (Eternal) Knot, these sacred geometry shapes can be broken down as the metaphysical language that governs the visible and invisible world.

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What are the meanings behind the various sacred geometry symbols? Ancient philosophers, artists, and musicians all over the world have been known to incorporate aspects of sacred geometry in their work. This includes the golden ratio in Mozart’s music, the Fibonacci sequence in Egyptian pyramids, and the renowned Plato’s solids.
What are the sacred geometry symbols?
They are different symbols considered to be the basis of all living things in various religions and cultures. They also represent the mystical and intangible elements of the universe. Here is a look at some of the renowned sacred geometry symbols and meanings.
1. Hexahedron
The Hexahedron is one of the five Platonic Shapes, which are well-known aspects of sacred geometry. The shapes have similar-sized faces, similar-length edges, and similar interior angles. If a Platonic Solid is placed inside a sphere, each of its points will touch a part of the sphere.
The Hexahedron is also known as the cube and is associated with giving light to the body. This geometric shape is believed to set the standards in which the body and the spirit relate.

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Each Platonic Shape represents one of the five elements. The Hexahedron represents earth since it has a solid foundation and exceptional stability. For people looking for consistency and patience in their lives, this is the sacred geometric shape to watch out for.
2. Flower of Life
The Flower of Life is an element of sacred geometry art made up of seven overlapping symmetrical circles. The figure appears as a form of hexagon made of circles.
The Flower of Life has been said to be the physical representation of the connection that a human feels with all living things in the universe. The symbol can be found in different religions and cultures all over the world.
The shape is said to represent a tree’s cycle of growth from the seed to bearing fruit. It is one of the mystical geometric shapes in the world.

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To create the shape, seven circles are overlapped to form a flower-like pattern that builds outwards. The Flower of Life has often been regarded as the template for everything that exists in the universe.
It supposedly represents the unity of all things and serves as a reminder that everything was created from a single blueprint.
3. Seed of Life
The Seed of Life appears in various cultures and symbolizes the seven days of creation. The shape can be found in most major religions and sites such as churches, synagogues, and temples.

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The Seed of Life also appears in the Egyptian Osirian Temple, which is widely believed to be the source of several major religions. The shape is made up of six circles surrounding one in the middle. The rings represent cycles, which in turn represent the different points in the creation of the universe. The overlapping circles show that every day of creation was intimately connected to the one after it and the one before it.
4. Hamsa
Popularly known as the Hamsa Hand, this is one of the most common sacred geometric shapes in Middle East cultures symbolizing the hand of a supreme being. The hand is said to bring its owner good fortune, health, luck, and happiness.
There are several spellings of the word, including khamsa, chamsa, and hamesh. It is also known as the Hand of Fatima or Hand of Miriam in some cultures. One of the hand’s variants has two symmetrical thumbs on each end, while another variant only has one thumb.

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The five fingers on the Hamsa represent the five books of the Torah in the Hebrew culture. In Judaism, the hand symbolizes its owner’s effort to praise God, similar to what Miriam did in the Bible.
5. Tree of Life
The Tree of Life is an element of sacred geometry art that takes the form of the ten ‘numerical entities.’ These entities are living beings that embody all numbers from 1 to 10, metaphysical potencies, and ciphers.
The ten numerical entities are collectively known as Sefirot in Jewish culture. The term loosely translates to ‘endless’, and thus the Sefirot represents the unspeakable, infinite God.
The Tree of Life is often depicted as a downward growing tree with its roots at the top and the branches at the bottom. This represents the transition of all created beings from bottom to top.

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The balance between the ascending and descending forces on the Tree of Life is similar to another sacred geometric shape known as the Star of David, which harmonizes all polarizing forces in the universe.
In philosophical terms, the balance created by the tree of life is described in the words ‘as above, so below.’
6. Egg of Life
The Egg of Life is comprised of seven circles that cut into each other to form a pattern that is widely regarded as a framework for all creation. This shape succeeds the equally well-known Seed of Life.
All living things adjust their spirit’s balance through the Egg of Life. Additionally, this shape contains the entire realm of music within its cells. It is responsible for the whole musical scale of tones and semitones.

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The Egg of Life is succeeded by the Flower of Life, whose circles depict oneness. In some cultures, the shape represents the ‘three necessary things’ in a person’s life. These are fertility, stability, and health.
7. Metatron’s Cube
In the study of angels in Christianity, Metatron is often mentioned as one of the Archangels. He is in charge of supervising the flow of energy using a mystical object known as Metatron’s Cube.
The cube contains every perfect geometric shape used in God’s creation. The Archangel also oversees the Tree of Life by sending creative energy from its crown to every other part of creation.

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The cube contains all Platonic Solids, which make up the building blocks for every type of physical matter. Additionally, the solids are often linked to the physical elements on earth and the spiritual elements in heaven.
All contents of Metatron’s Cube appear throughout living things from human DNA to ice crystals.
8. Vesica Pisces
The Vesica Pisces shape is probably familiar from high school studies involving the renowned Venn diagram. The shape is made up of two overlapping circles, which form an almond-shaped ‘mandorla’ in the middle.
This is one of the symbols that have various sacred geometry meanings in different cultures. In Christianity, the shape is closely associated with the ‘Jesus fish’. In other religions, the symbol represents femininity and birth due to the close resemblance of the ‘mandorla’ to a female birth organ.

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Other spiritual viewpoints associate the circles as the source energy (God) and the Vesica Pisces as creation. By thinking of one circle as the energy source, the second circle would then depict the creation of something new.
The Vesica Pisces is widely regarded as the joining of the physical and spiritual realms. Without this shape, all other sacred geometry in nature would not exist.
9. Eternal Knot
The Eternal Knot is also known as the Endless Knot or Tibetan Knot. It is one of the ‘Eight Auspicious Symbols’ in Buddhism. The other seven symbols are the treasure Vase, Victory Banner, Pair of Golden Fish, Parasol, Lotus, and Conch Shell.
While the knot is a typical Buddhist element, it is also found in ancient Chinese culture and art. It also bears striking similarities with the Celtic Knot associated with prehistoric Celts.
The shape involves an elaborate design of intertwined and looped lines that cross in and out of each other at 90-degree angles. Upon close observation, one sees that the knot has neither a beginning nor an end.

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The sacred significance of the Eternal Knot involves its representation of time, a person’s spiritual path, and divine consciousness (or the Omnipresent Buddha). Some religions believed that the knot signified the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
Other cultures interpret the Tibetan Knot as the union between compassion, wisdom, and practice.
10. Star of David
The Star of David is often referred to as the sacred geometry triangle in some cultures. It is a six-pointed star made from two interlocking equilateral triangles with one pointing up and the other one down.
In the Jewish religion, the triangles represent the connection between the Creator, humans, and the Torah. A person’s soul is said to connect to the Creator through the strict study and observance of the Torah’s teachings.
The three entities represented in the Star of David are said to comprise external and internal dimensions. The Torah has exoteric teachings such as law and the Talmud as well as esoteric teachings such as the Kabbalah.

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God’s energy also has two dimensions. The first one provides the basis for the existence of all creation while the second is completely hidden from all creation. Lastly, the human soul has a revealed element which expresses itself in the body and another aspect that transcends the body.
11. Torus
The Torus is arguably among the core sacred geometry symbols. It is a graphical representation of the balance between spirit and matter, which only happens when energy is aligned.
The basic form of the Torus explains the ascent from matter to the spirit or the descent from spirit to matter through a tube of consciousness, energy, or light.
It is believed that an object’s energy can only go so far in a single direction before doubling back and returning to its source.

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When a person’s existence is in perfect balance, they cycle energy in a torus-like fashion and are thus, satisfied with each of their actions. When one is not in harmony with universal energy, then the energy balance is disrupted, and the situation becomes unhealthy and stuck.
When this happens, the universe eventually corrects itself in that person’s lifetime or afterward. The actions of renowned sociopaths have often been used to explain this phenomenon.
12. Icosahedron
The Icosahedron is one of the five Platonic Solids. It is a three-dimension figure made up of 20 triangular faces, 30 equal edges, and 12 vertices. The name comes from the Greek word ‘eíkosi’ which means 20 and ‘hédra’ which means seat.
The Icosahedron is closely associated with the element of water and represents movement, change, and flow. The shape is common in numerous cultures and religions all over the world.

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Besides the association with water, the shape is also connected with the Sacral Chakra (one of the seven Chakras in Hinduism) associated with healing and regeneration.
13. Tetrahedron
The name Tetrahedron loosely translates to ‘four-sided.’ This object resembles a triangular four-sided pyramid. It has six equal edges, four vertices, and four equal faces. Similar to other Platonic Solids, each face of the Tetrahedron can be considered as its base.
The shape is closely associated with the element of fire, which in turn represents physical concerns, drive, and passion. This sacred symbol is also connected to the sun, which gives it unlimited healing power.

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The shape is used in various cultures and practices to invoke balance in a person’s aura. The primary reason for this is the shape’s ability to remain stable on any of its sides. A four-sided dice comes to a stop quite easily when rolled. This stability property transfers to the metaphysical realm too.
14. Octahedron
The Octahedron is another Platonic Solid. It features twelve equal edges and eight identical faces. The shape is connected to the element of air and the Heart Chakra in Hinduism.
In some cultures, the Octahedron is associated with unveiling a person’s healing energy, compassion, and spiritual nature. It gives people the ability to move to higher vibration frequencies.

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One of the physical elements that are closely related to the Octahedron is Fluorite. The stone is said to bring order amidst chaos and act as a protective shield to its wearer.
15. Dodecahedron
The Dodecahedron is the last of the five Platonic Solids. It is made up of 12 equally-sized faces and 30 equal edges. The shape is associated with mysteries and ascension. Plato once said that the universe takes the shape of a Dodecahedron.
The shape is among the most versatile and powerful Platonic Solids on which cellular, molecular, and atomic life is based. Its corresponding color is green, associated with the element of ether.

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The Dodecahedron cleans the energy in a particular place, facilitates communication, and amplifies humans’ intentions to enhance the use of Chakras (energy centers of the body).
The shapes and symbols in sacred geometry are irrefutably some of the most exciting objects to study. These shapes transcend cultures, religions, and beliefs and appear all over the world. Which shape or object did you find fascinating?
Source: Legit.ng