30 funniest minion memes every Facebook mom will be obsessed with
If you love minions then you will enjoy these minion memes for moms. There is something about the yellow creatures that make one feel warm, and happy, just like a mom's love. What's more, you cannot pay for the affection and care the creatures give, just like your mom's.

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Even so, these minion memes tend to express or communicate in a satirical manner. Have you come across a minion meme that challenged you to appreciate your mother more? Well, these ladies go through a whole lot just to make sure their children are comfortable.
30 of the best and funniest minion memes
Whether it is a Despicable Me meme, or a general minion meme, most women can relate to the examples below. After a long day, these minions memes offer a refreshing release to tired and stressed women. They get to laugh about their long day, and many would smile for the trouble they went through. After all, anyone would enjoy going through interesting funny minion memes. The following are just some examples.
1. No temptation

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This is one of those ironic minion memes that moms all over can identify with. Sometimes your little ones can on your nerves but that is the reason why you love them. No matter how much they get to you, at the end of the day, you look at them with a smile.
2. Horror movie reactions

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This is another of the numerous minions meme that all mothers can relate to. If you are a fan of despicable me memes, then you will love this one.
3. Stress in a few words

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Mothers would enjoy Facebook minion memes that they can relate to. The message on this one is perfect and extremely relate-able. moms go through so much stress each day that if they could burn calories they would be truly tiny.
4. Kids will always be a handful

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It does not matter what age they are, moms will always have to instruct their kids. It always seems as though they need guidance as long as they are around mom.
5. When to give up

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When husbands become too difficult to deal with, then maybe the best solution is to give up.
6. Family tempers

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Well, some temperaments run in the family. You cannot blame mommy only.
7. Mom - daughter bonds are special

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The special bond that moms and daughters share is one that is not easy to explain. They can be fighting in one minute, and be the best of friends in the next.
8. Moms are the best

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Moms know just how stubborn there children are. Kidnappers would most likely bring back kids because of how unbearable they become. This reason alone should make us appreciate our moms more. They go through a lot just to keep things in order.
9. Beware of girls silence

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Well, moms are the perfect examples of women that are strong. They hold on to so much and never crumble. They will also sniff depression out of their daughters. You got to love your mom for all she does for you.
10. When kids drive you crazy

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Moms endure so much especially when dealing with kids. If you are not careful, the nagging and stubborn nature of the kids can drive you crazy. Even so, moms still remain adorable as they handle it all.
11. Adorable moms

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Despite the challenges that come with parenting, moms can happily say that it is all rewarding. Instances like this when her kids come together to appreciate her, then everything makes sense all of a sudden.
12. Anger management

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Mothers have to deal with a lot. Many of them would identify with the message above. They seem to have mastered the art of keeping their anger in control, but it would be so much easier for everyone if people behaved smarter than they actually do in real life.
13. Coffee solves everything

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This superpower is every woman's best friend. Even in the craziest of days, moms can turn back to their super drink and once they have a cup or two, everything goes back to normal. Every mom should start with a cup in the morning to make it through the day.
14. When memories creep back

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No matter how difficult being a mother is, it is the moments when you are alone that all the emotions come rushing back. Most mothers look back and appreciate the journey because despite being full of challenges, it is only by being a mother that you make some of the most life-impacting memories.
15. You will always be grateful

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Mothers know too well that there is a lot to be grateful for in life. Kids may be difficult to handle at times, but they still remain a great source of joy and inspiration for most mothers to become better in life.
16. Bra woes

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The thoughts that ran in moms' minds are diverse and as random as they get. One thing is clear though, bras are a menace no matter how old a woman is. There is no comparing it to anything.
17. Everyone needs a parental hack

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While it may be stressful to parent kids that are so dependent on electronics, parents have learnt a new trick that makes everything easier. Don't fight them about the gadgets, just hide their chargers and watch them relax as they desperately worry about their diminishing chargers.
18. Here is how to embarrass your kids in the future

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Moms should never worry about stubborn kids. They can always avenge everything their kids do in their childhood by reminding them of the embarrassing moments when they grow up. After all, you can watch and smile as they try to change the topic every time you bring it up.
19. As long as it is love

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Mothers have a lot of love to give. It's just that sometimes the love may not be as expected. A few blows may be exchanged, and even some people avoided, but you can be sure it is all done with love.
20. Confusion at its best

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This would be a typical mom reaction considering the numerous errands moms have to run at any particular time. It is possible that all the moving around, sometimes in circles, could make one lose their sense of direction. A lot of mothers can identify with it.
21. Sleep is not for the weak

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After all the running around all day, moms know how much they need their sleep. It is the only thing most of them look forward to after a long day of working hard. Sleep offers the refreshment that every mother needs for them to be active and ready to repeat the same routine every day.
22. Forgetful

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Ninety percent of moms out there can relate to this. Kids will always pretend to listen and understand only to come back less than two minutes later with the wrong item, or clueless of what you had asked them to do.
23. Diet challenges

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Moms struggle with every day women problems. It is especially difficult for them since they tend to be around the kitchen most times. It is difficult not to munch something when you are preparing food for the children.
24. Moms make life interesting

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Life would indeed be boring if moms were not around to make your life interesting. No matter how much you feel that they are nagging, or the numerous times they tell you to take your vegetables, mothers have a way of making you feel better.
25. Shopping woes

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Moms know the strain that comes with shopping, especially if you have kids with you. While it may be a good idea to have them accompany you for what they need, they can drive you crazy especially if you are not prepared for their tantrums. Shopping on its own is stressful, but it gets worse when kids are involved.
26. When sleep does not come

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This is especially true for women that have small babies, or those that have sick children. Sleep becomes a luxury the moment you need to nurse your child. No matter how tired you get, you cannot help but stay awake for the child's well-being.
27. Therapist advice

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Your kids can drive you to the point where you feel like destroying them. However, mothers are known to be so resilient such that they will always find a way to deal with the stubborn and hard-headed kids. It is the love that they have for the children that makes it easy to handle them.
28. Moms typical lifestyle

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Moms know just too well how it is not possible for them to find enough sleep. It is always as if they close their eyes for one minute and it is already morning, especially when they really need to rest. On the other hand, everything seems to drag when all they need to do is get back home after a long day at work.
29. Be careful what you wish for

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No matter how stubborn your kid is, be careful not to wish the same on them. It is possible that you may be stuck with them forever. You just never know if you will be the grandmother that gets stuck babysitting a stubborn grandchild.
30. Mom is the ultimate police

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All kids know that their mom is the ultimate cop. No matter what happens to them, the first person they would call is their mommy for she would know what to do next. A mom remains the best solution to any kind of trouble a child finds him r herself in.
The best minion memes are those that people can relate with. Mothers are some of the few people in the world that would go to any length to ensure their families are happy, even if it means putting themselves last. The above-mentioned memes are some of the most hilarious truths expressed in the funniest ways. Most mothers can identify with the statements.
Source: Legit.ng