Best friendship poems to send to your bff
Friendship is one of the most precious bonds that people share. However, no matter how strong these bonds are, it is crucial to make continuous efforts to remind your friends that they are treasured. One of the best ways of keeping such relationships healthy and thriving is to send friendship poems to your pals. The result will amaze you.

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Every relationship is unique. Therefore, you should choose the lines that suit your situation the best. Luckily, there are plenty of poems that convey a variety of moods and emotions associated with companionship.
Top famous poems about friendship

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If your aim is not only to remind your buddy about your affection but also to demonstrate a good taste in literature, you may choose to send him or her a friendship poem written by a renowned author. Such lines usually have a profound meaning, which will make both of you reflect on your relationship and appreciate it more.

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To Me, Fair Friend, You Never Can Be Old (Sonnet 104) - William Shakespeare
To me, fair friend, you never can be old,
For as you were when first your eye I eyed,
Such seems your beauty still. Three winters cold
Have from the forests shook three summers’ pride,
Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turned
In process of the seasons have I seen,
Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burned,
Since first I saw you fresh, which yet are green.
Ah, yet doth beauty, like a dial-hand,
Steal from his figure, and no pace perceived;
So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand,
Hath motion, and mine eye may be deceived:
For fear of which, hear this, thou age unbred:
Ere you were born was beauty’s summer dead.
A Friend - Gillian Jones
A person who will listen and not condemn
Someone on whom you can depend
They will not flee when bad times are here
Instead they will be there to lend an ear
They will think of ways to make you smile
So you can be happy for a while
When times are good and happy there after
They will be there to share the laughter
Do not forget your friends at all
For they pick you up when you fall
Do not expect to just take and hold
Give friendship back, it is pure gold.
Friends For Life - Agelica N. Brissett

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We are Friends
I got your back
You got mine,
I’ll help you out
To see you hurt
To see you cry
Makes me weep
And wanna die
And if you agree
To never fight
It wouldn’t matter
Who’s wrong or right
If a broken heart
Needs a mend
I’ll be right there
Till the end
If your cheeks are wet
From drops of tears
Don’t worry
Let go of your fears
Hand in hand
Love is sent,
We’ll be friends
Till the end!!!!
Love And Friendship - Emily Brontë
Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-tree -
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?
The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?
Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
And deck thee with the holly's sheen,
That when December blights thy brow
He may still leave thy garland green.
A Valentine - Lewis Carroll

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And cannot pleasures, while they last,
Be actual unless, when past,
They leave us shuddering and aghast,
With anguish smarting?
And cannot friends be firm and fast,
And yet bear parting?
And must I then, at Friendship's call,
Calmly resign the little all
(Trifling, I grant, it is and small)
I have of gladness,
And lend my being to the thrall
Of gloom and sadness?
And think you that I should be dumb,
Excepting when YOU choose to come
And share my dinner?
At other times be sour and glum
And daily thinner?
Must he then only live to weep,
Who'd prove his friendship true and deep
By day a lonely shadow creep,
At night-time languish,
Oft raising in his broken sleep
The moan of anguish?
The lover, if for certain days
His fair one be denied his gaze,
Sinks not in grief and wild amaze,
But, wiser wooer,
He spends the time in writing lays,
And posts them to her.
And if the verse flow free and fast,
Till even the poet is aghast,
A touching Valentine at last
The post shall carry,
When thirteen days are gone and past
Of February.
Farewell, dear friend, and when we meet,
In desert waste or crowded street,
Perhaps before this week shall fleet,
Perhaps to-morrow.
I trust to find YOUR heart the seat
Of wasting sorrow.
Cute best friend poems

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Sending cute poems about friends to your comrades will surely make their day. These lines will show them that their presence in your life is not taken for granted. Thus, if you want your pals to know how important they are to you, send them one of the poems about friendship provided below.
A Peculiar Bond - Clairel Estevez
It isn’t the red ribbon that binds us together.
The root that unifies us, does not derive from a tree on the wall.
This bond knows no genetics.
Friendship is a peculiar seed.
No matter the season, the weather, nor the time of the day.
When planted on a nourishing soul, it will always bear fruit.
A Friend I Can Count On - Joanna Fuchs
When troubles come a callin’
As those gremlins often do,
And my spirit keeps on fallin’
Till I feel low down and blue…
When I look around for comfort,
Someone quickly jumps to mind,
One who always will support me,
And whose words are always kind.
Who will make my mood feel lighter,
Who’ll help beat my troubles back,
He/She makes the sun shine brighter
And gets my spirit back on track.
Who helps the road seem straighter,
And helps me get around each bend,
Who makes each day seem greater,
And that someone is you, my friend
Friendship - Unknown
What is a friend?
A close companion for the road,
A stone wall strong against the night,
A hand stretched out to ease the load,
A torch to keep the path in sight
Right to the end.
What is a friend?
A quiet pool by which to rest
And leave away the journey’s dust;
A fragrant breeze to give us zest,
A sparkling spring, a draught we trust
Our thirst to mend.
What is a friend?
A steady compass, tested, sure;
A lifeboat swung against the side;
An anchor which we feel secure
A haven where we safely ride
And leisure spend.
What is a friend?
A mighty tree that spreads its shade
To shelter us as wing-tired birds;
A song of gladness undismayed;
A silence more profound than words;
This is a friend.
Friendship Joy - Joanna Fuchs

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You are a shelter
From life’s frequent storm;
Like a comfortable blanket;
You keep me snug, safe and warm.
You’re a light in the window
When everything’s dark;
You’re a trip to the circus,
A romp in the park.
Like a bright, sunny summer,
You are joy without end;
And I’m so very privileged
To call you my friend.
Prayer For A Friend - Helen Steiner Rice
Stores don’t sell, I must confess,
The joys of life that cheer and bless,
But friends and prayers are priceless treasures
Beyond all monetary measures –
And so, my friend, I say a prayer
That God will keep you in His care.
Your Special Friendship - Joanna Fuchs
Whenever my life feels empty,
Those times when I feel a lack,
I thank God for your special friendship,
Because I know you've got my back.
When I wonder about life's true meaning,
And whether it all makes sense,
With a word or a smile from you, friend,
I forget my silly laments.
I guess what I'm trying to say, friend,
Is with all your support and your giving,
You brighten each minute I'm with you,
And make every day well worth living.
Special Friends - J. Morse
It has been said that real friends
Are very hard to find
The ones that stay when times are tough
Real friends, the lasting kind.
And as I’ve traveled through this life
I have found this to be true
I will never find a better friend
Than I have found in you.
If I Could Catch A Rainbow - Sandra Lewis Pringle
If I could catch a rainbow, I would do it, just for you,
And, share with you, its beauty, on the days you're feeling blue.
If I could, I would build a mountain, you could call your very own.
A place to find serenity, a place just to be alone.
If I could, I would take your troubles, and toss them into the sea.
But, all these things, I'm finding, are impossible for me.
I cannot build a mountain, or catch a rainbow fair;
But, let me be, what I know best,
A Friend, who's always there.
I promise to defend you, should the occasion ever rise,
And, I promise to wipe away the tears,
Which might stream from your weeping eyes.
Let me be the trusted Friend, the one that you know best.
I will never leave you, on that, you can surely rest.
Funny friend poems

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If you feel that your pal needs a bit of cheering up, a funny poem about friendship would be perfect. A friend poem of this kind will surely make him or her smile. It will also remind them that they have such a nice comrade like you. Thus, choose an amusing friend poem from the ones provided below and send it to the person you care about.
Friendship Duet - Karl and Joanna Fuchs
We meet new people every day;
Why we like some, who can say?
Maybe it's because they think like us;
It might be because they seldom fuss.
It's hard to know why closeness grows;
We like some better; that's how it goes.
I think you're special; I’m glad we met;
Let's keep having fun in our friendship duet.
My Friend - Antonia Wright
My friend is special to me,
her snoring sounds like a bee,
her name is Fay.
She comes to my house at the weekend too stay.
Fay, Fay with your snoring,
all I can do is love you anyway.
The Cake Of Friendship - Michelle Flores
Preheat the oven of love
With plenty of secrets and hugs.
Mix in giggles and laughs
That make your sides split in half.
Bake with the love and care
And all the things you both should share.
Decorate with the frosting of trust;
This is really a must.
Enjoy the cake; do not eat it fast.
Just like your new friendship, make it last.
I Have A Friend - Amy L.V.
I have a friend who tells good jokes.
I have a friend who shares.
I have a friend who teaches me.
I have a friend who cares.
I have a friend who understands.
I have a friend both wise and fun.
(You may think I have six friends
But all these friends are one.)
Friendship poems are powerful tools when it comes to supporting relationships with your buddies. These lines can remind them about the importance of the bonds you share. Sending such rhymes to the people you care about will cheer them up and make their day. What are your favorite lines? Share your opinion in the comments section below.