Best graduation messages to send to your friend
It is natural for human beings to celebrate their graduations with loved ones. When such events come up, the right graduation messages can come in handy. It is encouraging to know that those around you are supportive of your progress in life, especially academic milestones.

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However, when it comes down to writing graduation wishes, the process may not be the easiest. Finding the right words can be an uphill task. It is, however, not impossible. One thing you could do is to try and keep the message as personal as possible. Write about how the graduate's efforts have finally paid off.
Congratulations graduation messages
Just writing, "Congratulations graduate," may not be enough. This shows a lack of creativity and thoughtfulness. After all, anyone can scribble that down. Your message is likely to be appreciated more if you take a while to craft it.
- Hey there, I hope you are prepared for the world with its big offers. All the best.
- Congrats dear, you deserve every great thing coming your way.
- I am so proud of you. I just hope this is the first of many times I get to brag about knowing you.
- You deserve a hug for a job well done. May this graduation message forever remind you of your achievements.
- You will hear a lot on this day but mine is simple and straightforward, I am glad and happy you made it. Congratulations!
- With a heart filled with so much joy and happiness for you, I wish you all the best as you take the next step in life.
- Many came, many saw but only a few conquered. For these reasons, you are among the brightest people I know. Thank you for setting a good record.
- The journey was tough and many are times giving up seemed like the viable option. I am proud of you for having held on to the end. You deserve the crown of excellence. Congrats sweetheart.
Graduation card messages

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Getting a store-bought card may be the easiest thing to do. However, all this does is tell the recipient that you were in a hurry to avoid embarrassment. Fortunately, there is a way to make the card work other than the simple happy graduation message it comes with. Keep it casual and funny with a touch of something personal that only the two of you can relate to.
- We both know that you are going to be the star of our crew. Congrats team leader.
- Saying that I admire you is not enough, you are a champion. Well done!
- This moment makes it all worth it, the cries, the laughter and grinding finally ends in victory. Congratulations friend.
- I am happy to witness this moment where I can finally say it ends well.
- Being part of this ceremony is the best thing as I get to witness the rebirth of a great woman. Congrats.
- You lead in many things and this is just one of the few that you get to shine. Always burn bright dear. You deserve every good thing.
- I am here to represent the crew and testify to the fact that hard work pays. Congratulations sister.
Funny graduation messages
If you are wondering about what to write in a graduation card, then this is for you. The secret is to keep it real. Whether you choose to be formal or casual, a little dash of humour goes a long way.
- How glad I am that you have done it. I cannot wait to start spending your money. Congrats.
- It is about time you started paying for all my prayers. Go make some money. Congratulations buddy.
- I cannot help but think of the pressure this big achievement has put on us. We both know that mum and dad will not get off my back now. Congratulations big bro.
- I get mixed feelings about all this. I am sad that you will leave the house but then I am excited because I will never be broke when my big sister gets to work. Congratulations.
- I always thought you were joking when you said hard work is the key. Now I know that it opens a door big parties and gifts. Congratulations Bree.
Short graduation quotes

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If you are not the creative type, or you want to pass specific graduation congratulations messages, consider using famous quotes. Sometimes all a person wants to hear are a few practical graduation sayings that would help them in life. Here are a few to check out. You can write one of these quotes after writing the following statement, "Congratulations on your graduation".
- Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive: easy to govern, but impossible to enslave. —Henry Peter Brougham
- What we learn with pleasure we never forget. —Alfred Mercier
- Instruction ends in the schoolroom, but education ends only with life. —Frederick W. Robertson
- Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey. —Michael Josephson
- You don’t go to university so you can punch a clock. You go to university so you can be in a position to make a difference. —Janet Napolitano
- The most important thing in your life is to live your life with integrity and to not give in to peer pressure to try to be something that you’re not. —Ellen DeGeneres
- Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education. —Martin Luther King Jr.
- Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. —John Dewey
- It is absolutely still possible to make a difference. —Michelle Obama
- Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. —Malcolm X
- Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning. —Senator Orrin Hatch
- The highest result of education is tolerance. —Helen Keller
- Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfil your own purpose and potential. —Kerry Washington
- Kid, you’ll move mountains. —Dr. Seuss
Congratulations graduates - when you cannot make it to the party
Parents, relatives, and even teachers walk with learners through this tough journey. Nothing makes them more proud than witnessing the achievements of those they nurtured. However, life is sometimes unexpected and it may happen that they are not able to attend the celebration. In such cases, a hearty message will do the trick.
- I am so proud of you guys. I wish I could be there with you to celebrate this great achievement. Our hard work finally paid of. I am glad I was your teacher.
- Nothing makes my heart swell with pride than knowing that my boys made it. Much love from your favourite teacher.
- If only I could trade places and be there right now, then I would not miss this event for the world. You girls have made me the proudest aunt on earth. Congratulations.
- Congratulations dear one. I am happy for you. Your hard work and sleepless nights have finally paid off.
- We had a pact and you have fulfilled the end of your bargain. The party is on me. I may not be with you physically but my love and affection always will. You have done me so proud kids.
- I always knew that you guys will ace it. I am sorry for the pressure I made you go through but this is exactly what I was going for. Congratulations my boys for a job well done. I wish I could be there to say it in person.
The best graduation messages are those that are said and written from the heart. The reader should connect to your words and feel that you are happy for them.