Popular Russian boy names and their meanings
Are you looking for an ideal name for your soon-to-be-born son or your newborn boy? These popular Russian boy names are the inspiration you require. The names are not only cool and classic, but they are also trendy. The names also have profound meanings. We hope that you will find the perfect name for your little boy.

Source: UGC
In the typical Russian setting, each child has three names. These are the given name, the surname and the patronymic. We explore popular Russian boy names that you may want to give to your son.
Popular Russian boy names
Looking for Russian names for boys that have special meanings is a task that requires patience and research. Finding the ideal Russian baby names for your boy(s) may be daunting, but this complication of the common Russian names makes the work easier for you. Here are popular Russian names and their meanings that you should consider:
- Aleksandr: It means the defender of men. It is one of the most popular Russian first names for boys.
- Andrei: It means "brave", "warrior" or "manly."
- Afanasii: It means "immortal."
- Akim: It translates to "Jehovah raises up."
- Aleksey: This name means "famous warrior" or "the one who helps other people."
- Anatolii: The meaning is "sunrise" or "the east."
- Apostol: It translates to “messenger” or “apostle.”
- Aristarkh: The meaning of this name is "the best ruler."
- Arkhip: It refers to the master of the horses.
- Artyom: It means "follower" or "safe and sound."

Source: UGC
- Bogatyr: It translates to "warrior" or "hero."
- Boleslav: It translates to "big or large glory."
- Boris: The meaning of Boris (Borya) is "fighter" or "warrior."
- Bronislav: It refers to "the glorious protector."
- Daniil: It translates to "God is my judge."
- Demyan: It translates to “the tamer.”
- Dmitri (Dima): It is one of the most common Russian boy names. The meaning of Dima is the one who follows Demeter or the one who loves the earth.
- Dorofei: It translates to "gift of God."

Source: UGC
- Efim: The meaning of Efim is "holy" or "pious."
- Efrosinii: It translates to “the joyful one.”
- Egor: It translates to “farmer.”
- Ermolai: It refers to a heap of stones or the people of Hermes.
- Evgeni: It refers to the well-born one or one of noble descent.
- Fadey: It translates to “God’s gift.”
- Feliks: It refers to the lucky or happy one.
- Feofan: It is one of the male Russian names with a spiritual connotation. It refers to God's manifestation or an epiphany.
- Feofil: It translates to “God’s friend.”
- Filipp: It refers to the one who loves horses.
- Florentiy: The meaning of this name is "blossoming."
- Fyodor: It means "God's gift."

Source: UGC
- Gavriil: It means "God's warrior."
- Gedeon: It refers to the mighty warrior.
- Gennadi: The meaning is "noble."
- Goga: The meaning is "farmer" or "earth worker."
- Grigoriy: It means "vigilant" or "watchful."
- Ieronim: It refers to the holy name.
- Igor: The meaning is "bow warrior."
- Ilia: It translates to "Yahweh is my God."

Source: UGC
- Innokentii: It means "innocent."
- Ioann: It translates to "God has favoured me."
- Ioakim: It translates to “Jehovah raises up.”
- Iosif: The meaning is "God shall add another son."
- Ipatiy: It means "supreme" or "the most high."
- Iriney: The meaning of this name is "peace" or "the peaceful one."
- Isaak: This is one of the common Russian boy names from the Bible. It translates to "he will laugh."
- Isai: The meaning of this name is "God saves" or "God is salvation."
- Ivan (Vanja): It means "God is gracious."

Source: UGC
- Kazimir: It translates to “the commander of peace.”
- Khariton: It means grace or kindness.
- Kliment: It refers to the one who is merciful and gentle.
- Nikolay (Kolya): It means "victorious people."
- Konstantin (Kostya): It translates to "steadfast" or "constant."
- Kuzma: It means "beauty" or "order."

Source: UGC
- Lazar: The meaning of this name is "My God has helped me."
- Leonid: It refers to the son of the lion.
- Lev: It means "lion."
- Makar: It refers to the blessed one.
- Maksim: It refers to the great one.
- Matvei: It means "gift from God."
- Mikhail: It translates to "who is like God?"
- Mitya: It refers to the one who loves the earth.

Source: UGC
- Naum: The meaning of this name is "comfort."
- Nazar: It refers to the one who hails from Nazareth.
- Nikita: It refers to the unconquerable.
- Oleg: It means "holy" or "one who is dedicated to God."
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- Onisim: It means "useful" or "profitable."
- Pankatii: It means "all power."
- Pavel (Pasha): The meaning is "small" and "humble."
- Petr (Petya): The meaning of Petya is "the rock."
- Prokhor: It refers to the leader of the dance.
- Prokopiy: The meaning is "to progress" or "to advance."

Source: UGC
- Rodion: It means "the one who sprung from a hero."
- Rolan: The meaning is "famous land."
- Ruslan: The meaning is "lion man."
- Samuil: This is one of the top Russian names that are drawn from the scriptures. It translates to "heard of God."
- Slava: It is a unisex name meaning "glory."
- Stanislav: The meaning is "to become famous" or "glorious government."
- Stefan: The meaning is "crown."
- Svyatopolk: The meaning is "blessed people" or "blessed glory."

Source: UGC
- Taras: It refers to Poseidon's son.
- Tikhon: The meaning is "hitting the target" or "mark."
- Timofei: It means "honouring God."
- Timour: The meaning is "iron."
- Vadim: It translates to "the knowing ones."
- Valeri: It means to be strong and healthy.
- Varfolomei: It refers to the son of Talmai.
- Varnava: It translates to "son of exhortation."
- Vasili: It means king.

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- Venedikt: It refers to the one who is blessed.
- Veniamin: It translates to “son of the right hand.”
- Vikentii: It means "conquering."
- Viktor: This is one of the most common Russian male names. It means "conqueror."
- Vlad: The meaning of this name is "ruler."
- Vladimir: It refers to the peaceful ruler.
- Vladislav: It refers to the one who rules with glory.
- Vlasii: It refers to the one who speaks with a lisp.
- Vsevolod: It translates to “all-ruler.”
- Vyacheslav: The meaning is "more glory."

Source: UGC
- Yakim: It translates to “God raises up.”
- Yaromir: The meaning is "spring peace."
- Yaropolk: The meaning is "spring people."
- Yaroslav: The refers to spring glory.
- Yefrem: It refers to the fruitful one.
- Yermolai: It refers to people of Hermes.
- Yuli: It means "the descendants of Jupiter."
- Zakhar: The meaning of this name is "the one whom Jehovah has remembered."
- Zinoviy: It translates to "life of Zeus."
Russian boy names are ideal for both Russians and non-Russians who are looking for names with profound meanings. The Russian names above are some of the most popular choices. They are classic, cool and trendy. We hope that you will get the perfect name for your son from this compilation.
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Source: Legit.ng