How to tell if a girl likes you

How to tell if a girl likes you

More often than not, girls tend to be harder to read than guys, not only in life in general but also when it comes to romance. In some cases, she will come and tell you that she likes you, but this does not happen quite often. One of the best things that you can do as a man is to learn surefire ways on how to tell if a girl likes you. It can save you a lot of time and anxiety when trying to ask her out.

How to tell if a girl likes you
Source: UGC

The phrase normally goes "you snooze, you lose". If you do not take steps to ensure that a girl likes you and approach her with your intentions, then you might just lose your chance with her. She might give up on you and end up giving someone else a chance. To prevent this, this is how you can tell if a girl likes you.

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Signs that she likes you

Do you wish to learn if a girl really likes you?

1. Looking at you whenever she laughs

This happens when you are with a group of friends. Whenever someone makes a funny joke, she will automatically look at you when you all laugh. The psychological reasoning behind this is that she is subconsciously looking towards you to see if you have the same sense of humour as her. Humour is really important in a relationship and if you two find the same thing to be funny, then she will be assured that you two can function well together. While she might glance at other people, her eyes will still come back to you.

2. Her friends know about you

This is an automatic sign that a girl likes you. Girls like to talk about boys/men they are interested in. If she brings you to meet her friends and they already know your name and other details about you, just know that she likes you and has been thinking about you.

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3. Her feet and body are directed towards you

Using body language to gauge attraction is a good way to detect if someone likes you or not. It is a good way because most of the times, our bodies react subconsciously. This means that there is no way that one can always duplicate these signs. If you notice that while you are in a large group, her feet and/or torso are always pointed towards you, then you can be sure that she will be open to your romantic advances.

signs she likes you
Source: UGC

4. Asks for advice

When a girl likes you, you will become her go-to person for her problems. Be it life advice, questions about a class she is having difficulty with or even random things like which ice-cream flavour is truly the best. She will always want to know about your thoughts and opinions on things. This means that she respects and values your opinion on things.

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5. She is always looking for ways and chances to touch you

Let's be honest. Ladies hate it when random people touch them. Most of them like their personal space and will not just let anyone in their space. If you notice that she is always looking for ways to be close to you and touch you, then you can be very sure that she likes you.

This could be instances like touching you whenever she laughs, trying to always hold your hand, linking your arms together and even finding ways to always sit by you and lean into you. If you notice such behaviour, you could try and touch her, for example, on her back, arm or face. If she does not act disgusted or step away from you, then she likes you.

6. Dilated pupils

This is another body language cue. Whenever a girl is talking to someone she is attracted to, her pupils naturally dilate. This means that she wants to take in as much of you as she can. Remember, body language is a subconscious reaction so there is no way that she can fake this.

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7. Dress to impress

If you start noticing that she suddenly starts dressing even more elegantly and paying more attention to her looks and makeup, then she has a crush on someone.

signs someone like you
Source: UGC

If she looks to you and asks questions like "Do you think I look pretty today?" then she likes you. This is a way for her to make sure that you notice her and the efforts that she is making. If you are interested in her, make sure to always compliment her whenever you two run into each other.

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8. Blushing and eye contact

When guys like someone, they tend to stare. On the other hand, when girls like someone, they cannot hold eye contact for long. They make eye contact and quickly break it. If your eyes meet even for a second, she will most likely blush.

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signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it
Source: UGC

Sometimes, she will find it hard to take compliments from a guy she likes. She will always blush, look down or sideways, even as she accepts the compliment. Sometimes, she will even blush during a conversation when the guy she likes talks directly to her.

9. She laughs at everything you say

Many girls and women love a man who can make them laugh. To know if she likes you, take note of if and when she laughs when you are together. Does she think that all your lame jokes and stupid stories are the funniest things that she has ever heard? If so, then keep it up because this guarantees that she will continue being interested in you.

10. She gets jealous when you talk to other girls

It is a known fact that women can be very jealous. Whenever she acts a bit jealous when you talk to other girls, then this is a pretty obvious sign of attraction. She probably likes you quite a bit. While she may not outright tell you that she is jealous, she may ask a lot of questions regarding the girl that she is jealous of. She might also insinuate that the girl could be your crush or girlfriend, which is just an attempt to get you to tell her if you like the girl or not.

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However, be careful of how she acts when she feels insecure towards and jealous of other girls. If she seems controlling or like she may become violent, then this is a red flag.

How to tell if a girl likes you
Source: UGC

11. She hints that she is single

Of all the signs on if a girl likes you, this is the easiest and most straightforward one. If she is not interested in you, then there is no point in her telling you about her relationship status. However, because she likes you and wants you to make a move and ask her out, she will casually drop this information during conversations just to let you know that she is open to the idea of you and her becoming an item.

12. She makes time for you

This can be done in several ways

  • She leaves her friends to come and talk to you - If she takes a moment away from her friends just to sit and talk to you alone, then she is into you.
  • She texts back quickly - Most of us spend an incredible amount of time on our phones. Our phones are never too far away from us. If you text her and she rarely replies or takes hours to reply or worse leaves you on 'read' then it is time to walk away. Once a girl is interested, she will text back very quickly as she wants to talk to you.

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signs she likes you
Source: UGC
  • She puts her phone away while you are together - Like stated before, most people are attached to their phones. If she puts away her phone, ignoring phone calls and text messages while you are together, then is totally into you.

13. It's all in the lips

This is the same as the point about her pupils dilating. It is all in the subconscious. Touching her lips while she is around you or when talking to you is a good sign. She probably has no idea that she does this and might be very surprised if you mention it to her.

How to tell if a girl likes you
Source: UGC

A great sign is when she looks at your lips. This means that in her subconscious, she might be thinking about kissing you. Who thinks about kissing their enemies?

14. She is nervous around you

For you to pick up on this, you will have to be around her for a while. When she is nervous, especially if she does not know you very well, she will tend to

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  • Play with her hair
  • Fold and unfold her hands
  • Keep touching random things to keep her hands busy
  • Giggle at random moments or comments

However, some people do this normally.

15. She shows you her neck

If she likes you and is dedicated to flirting with you, instinct may take over. A woman's neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of her body. This shows that she trusts you and wants you closer. She may do this by moving her hair to once side, actively touching her neck or even tilting her head to one side while talking to you.

16. Teasing

Teasing is a way of flirting. It can be lighthearted and sometimes it can be a little mean. This means that she is trying to create a flirty vibe with you and would like to see your reaction. Do not take it too seriously and make sure to tease her back. Just make sure it is lighthearted so you do not hurt each other's feelings.

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There you have them - clear ways and signs on how to tell if a girl likes you. If you notice one or more of these signs with the girl you are crushing on, then hurry up and make your move. Chances are she will say yes.

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Clare Kamau avatar

Clare Kamau (SEO writer) Clare Kamau is a journalist and writer with over two years of experience in the media industry and editing. She graduated from Mount Kenya University with a Bachelor's in Law.