How to multiply in Excel: a simple guide

How to multiply in Excel: a simple guide

Multiplication in Excel continues to challenge most users of this Microsoft program today. Due to this, searches such as ‘how to multiply in Excel,’ or ‘how to multiply on Excel’ are endless. Most people do not even know the Excel multiplication formula, making it even harder to master the Excel multiply concept.

how to multiply in Excel
Source: UGC

Are you looking for a straightforward guide on how to multiply in Excel? Well, you need to take a look at this simple guide. It is easy to read through, making it easy to execute the given steps.

Microsoft Excel formula basics

Before diving deep on how to multiply in Excel, it is crucial for an individual to first learn the basics of this Microsoft program such as the multiplying functions and the Excel formula for multiplication. Here are several pointers to know about the formulas of this Microsoft program:

  • The formulas in this program start with an equal sign (=).
  • The equal sign should always go in the cell that you want to display the result.
  • The multiply Excel sign or operator used in this program’s formulas is the asterisk (*) symbol.

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How to multiply in Excel and Excel multiply formula

There are several ways you can do your multiplication in this Microsoft program. These methods include:

1. Multiplying with the asterisk sign (*)

The asterisk sign is the easiest to use f multiplication task in this program. The multiplication formula in Excel is very easy. It requires an individual to use the asterisk (*) when they are multiplying figures. For example, if you want to multiply 3 times 9, you need to type “=3*9”. Note, your formula must always begin with an equal sign. If you are going to multiply the numbers in two cells, then the format remains constant. In such a case, the format would be “=A1*A2”.

It is possible for an individual to mix and match the asterisk * with other arithmetic operators, like the division sign (/), subtraction (-), addition (+), or the exponentiation (^). In such a case, a person must recall that this Microsoft program carries out the procedure in the order of PEMDAS: parentheses first, then the exponents, multiplication follows, then division, addition, and finally subtraction.

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2. Multiplying using the PRODUCT function

If you have to multiply quite a number of figures, then you might consider using the shortcut formula PRODUCT. The PRODUCT function allows an individual to multiply all the numbers that are included in the parentheses.

For example, the arguments can be:

  • Figures or formulas that are separated by commas, such as:


It is equivalent to =4*(5+6)*8*4.18

  • Cell references that have been separated by commas, for example:


It is equivalent to =A3*C3*D3*F3

  • A range of cells that contains numbers, or several ranges that have been separated by commas, for example:

=PRODUCT(F3: F25), which is equivalent to =F3*F4*F5* (and so on, all the way up to)*F25, or


  • A combination of either digits, formulas, cell references, or range references.

In every case, the Microsoft program goes ahead and multiplies all the figures to find the result. In case Excel encounters a situation whereby a cell in the range has no text or is empty, the Microsoft program tends to leave the value of that cell out of the calculation. If in the range the cell is zero, then the product will also be zero.

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3. Multiplying ranges with the SUMPRODUCT function

Another method an individual can use to multiply cells in Excel is by using the SUMPRODUCT function. This method multiplies the cells in two ranges, after which it sums up the results. However, the SUMPRODUCT function is invaluable when it comes to weighted averages calculations such as calculating the grades of a classroom or the prices that are based on variable state tax. It is because all these calculations require an individual to multiply a range of values by a range that contains the weights.

How to multiply two columns with the PRODUCT function

multiply function in Excel
Image:, @microsoftexcel
Source: Facebook

If you prefer the Excel functions compared to the expressions, then it is easier for you to multiply 2 columns using the PRODUCT function. It is much easier and gives one reliable results.

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Points to note with the multiply function in Excel

If you want to master the concept of how to multiply cells in Excel, then here are a few tips to take note of:

1. Use the cell references in the formulas

Although an individual can enter figures directly into a method, it is much advisable for a person to enter the data into worksheet cells. Having done this, one can go ahead and add the references or addresses of these cells in the formula.

The primary benefit of using cell references in a formula is that one can see the actual data even when the data in the cells keep on changing. However, a point to note is that when the actual data is used for these calculations, one has to rewrite the formula.

2. Use pointing for you to add the cell references

Most individuals tend to type in the cell references that are going to be used in the formula. However, a more refined approach on how to do this is by using pointing to enter the cell references. Pointing refers to an individual selecting the target cells that contain the data to enter the cell reference to the formula. Pointing is very beneficial since it helps in minimizing the occurrence of errors that are created when one types in the wrong cell reference.

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Ways of doing percentages in Excel

Microsoft Excel provides an individual with different ways of calculating percentages. To calculate a percentage in this program is an easy process. First and foremost, one must begin by formatting the cell to show the value is a percentage. Afterward, a person can then proceed to create the percent formula in a cell.

How to format values as percentages

In order for one to show a digit as a percentage in this Microsoft program, one needs to apply the percentage format to the cells. All one has to do is to merely select the cells they need to format, click the Percent Style (%) button that is in the Number group on the ribbon’s Home tab.

The guide on how to multiply in Excel depicted in this article is quite straightforward. It will make it easy for you to master this concept in a limited time frame!

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Adrianna Simwa (Lifestyle writer) Adrianna Simwa is a content writer at where she has worked since mid-2022. She has written for many periodicals on a variety of subjects, including news, celebrities, and lifestyle, for more than three years. She has worked for The Hoth, The Standard Group and Triple P Media. Adrianna graduated from Nairobi University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in 2020. In 2023, Simwa finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her through her email: