How to impress a girl: the best methods
Would it not be nice knowing how to make a girl happy? There is nothing as challenging for men as knowing how to impress a girl they adore. Many get stuck in the friend zone for long with no idea of how to get out. You love a lady, but she does not seem to look your way. You think of her day and night, but she does not know of your existence. Do not get disheartened; there are many ways to win a girl's heart.

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It is difficult to control how a girl feels or even make her fall in love with you. However, it is easy to make her desire to be with you. It is, therefore, essential that you get the best lines to impress a girl. When you have an idea of how to please a lady, you will know how to make yourself more desirable to her. There are many tips on how to impress a girl. Remember, it is the small gestures that make the most significant impression. At the same time, there are small tokens which can easily doom your chances of getting her.
Below are some of the best methods on how to impress a girl
Before diving into the tips, let us face reality. Whether it is your wife, girlfriend or just a special lady at your workplace, you must remember that there is a lot of competition. It is therefore advisable that you set yourself apart from the crowd by looking for the upper edge. Below are some of the best methods on how to impress a girl in school or even at your workplace:
Ensure that you dress to impress

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A good dressing will not only make you look and smell good, but it also shows her that you are capable of daily work and you are mature. Pay great attention to the styles of clothes that she likes and wear the same style of clothing. Sharing a sense of fashion will make her want to relate to you and find you more attractive. You should especially pay great attention to the following areas:
- Take a shower every day. Ensuring that your hair is always neat and clean. Make use of nice smelling shower soap. It is, however, advisable for you not to use feminine scrubs. Use something not too strong like melon or mint.
- Always keep your mouth clean. Bad odour is a total turn off. Ensure that you brush daily, use mouthwash or even floss. During the day, use breath mints and chewing gum.
- If you are growing facial hair, ensure that you shave it every day. Your hair should also be cropped regularly to a uniform length.
- It is always good to wear a combination of antiperspirant and deodorant immediately after stepping out of the shower in the morning. To be on the safe side, make sure it does not smell too masculine or too feminine.
- Do you use cologne? Go easy on it. Just use a few splashes of the body spray or cologne.
- Ensure that your clothes are always clean. This you can achieve by setting up a plan for regular washing.
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Be polite

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Impress a girl by being respectful to everyone around you. Being polite does not equate to being boring at all. It only means that you treat other people with respect. This is an essential quality that girls want their boyfriends to possess. Show her how much considerate you are by doing the following for everyone:
- Use a courteous language, for instance, “thank you”, “you are welcome,” “I would appreciate it if”, or even “I would like for you…”
- If you see someone walking through a door behind you, hold it for him or her.
- Avoid using crude language or cursing, especially in public or mixed company.
Be careful of how you speak
It is easy as a human being to slip up and say the most stupid thing ever. However, try to limit yourself when around the girl you adore. Take a few minutes to think over what you want to say before spitting out. Doing the following will impress her more:
- Do not keep flirting or talking to other girls, especially in her company. This will only make her jealous. Avoid discussing the looks of other girls in her presence as this makes you seem shallow and indecisive.
- Do not be a bully. Avoid careless insults that put people around you down even if it is meant to be funny. She might not see the humour in that and may take your words at face value.
- Avoid telling dirty jokes. There are a place and time for dirty jokes, and that is only when you are around your guy friends. Keep the jokes under the table when you are around her.
Always give her a sincere compliment
Giving compliments is not as difficult as it seems. The one thing you should say when you are around her is a sweet, honest compliment. Here is how to give the best compliment for a girl on her photo or even in person.
- Think about the best quality of her. This could be her laugh, intelligence, smile, or whatever strikes you as her best quality. However, you should leave out any compliment about her physical body. She might have a beautiful figure, but now is not the time for that. Find the best comment to impress a girl on Facebook for the world to see and make her feel special.
- Compliment her even in public. Do not wait until you are just the two of you to shower her with compliments. Learn how to impress a girl on Whatsapp, chat, messages or through a card.
- Keep the compliment short and sweet. There is no need to be too poetic for three or the five minutes on her best qualities. A simple compliment will go a long way.
- Pay great attention to how you word the compliment. Say, “You look great in that dress” instead of, “I like your outfit” or “That is a pretty dress.” Many men lack the knowledge of how to impress a girl on FB, Instagram or any other social media. It should, however, be clear that you are complimenting the girl, not the clothing.
- Use the right body language. Wear a smile and keep eye contact when complimenting her.
Make her feel special

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Find the little ways to let her know that she is extraordinary, and she will notice your efforts. Here are several ways on how to impress girls:
- Do not play hard to get or ignore her. If she sends you a message, text back. Try to make time for her if she wants to talk, even if it is inconvenient.
- Go an extra mile and help her if she needs a helping hand. Accompany her if she is going out on an errand or through a difficult situation.
- Let her talk and listen. The number one mistake that many men do when communicating is focusing on themselves. Girls are always comfortable when they discuss common interests. Try finding out from her what her hobbies and interest are, her favourite books as well as music. Answer her questions as soon as she asks them. This will keep her engaged in the conversation.
- Start an inside joke with her. By doing this, you will both be sharing a deep connection between both of you only. Making jokes will impress her and make her feel very special and closer to you. It will also provide an easy way of coming up with a conversation starter. Overusing the inside joke, however, will quickly go from fun to annoying. Only use it when you need to.
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Quotes to impress a girl

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Below are some ways on how to praise a girl's beauty by quotes:
- "I always have many roads to travel, but I only take one that leads to you."
- "There is no cosmetic to gain a beauty like you." This, by far, is the best comment on girl pic to impress her.
- "I am curious if your shadow is the second most beautiful thing in the world, what the first thing is."
- "I thought of writing a summary about you, but in the end, it became a book."
- "The darkest time of my life is when I do not get to see your pretty face." It is one of the best quotes to impress a girl on Whatsapp.
The tips outlined above give men tips to impress ladies on Whatsapp, Facebook, or even in person. It is quite unfortunate that most of the guys do not possess the necessary art of how to impress a girl. It should be common knowledge that approaching and impressing a lady is an art. It is learnt, developed and nurtured. Men should remember that there are common things ladies consider before accepting a man. A man, therefore, should have basic knowhow on what every girl want, to get a passage to her heart. However, these are general tips to help you get started. There are other things that are specific to every woman. Consider the tips above to learn how to impress your crush.
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