50 inspirational Christian quotes and sayings
Oftentimes, we find ourselves in situations when we feel weak and incapable of doing anything. Obstacles are all we see on our way. In such circumstances, the best decision is to turn to Christian quotes, as they are an infinite source of wisdom and inspiration. They will heal every soul and lift any spirit.

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Christianity has a long history. For generations, followers of this religion have been accumulating its wisdom and translating it in the form of spirituality quotes. Today, everyone has a chance to be inspired and blessed by these Christian sayings.
Christian quotes that will rekindle your faith

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Probably, everyone had at least one instance in life when you felt that your faith lacked strength. In such moments, you feel that you are completely alone and that there is no one there to support you. You think that even God has turned His back on you, even though deep down, you know that it is not true. These God quotes will help you to deal with such moods. After reading them, you will have your faith restored. You will sense that you are capable of doing anything with His support. These faith quotes can do wonders to your spirit.
- "God has infinite attention to spare for each one of us. You are as much alone with him as if you were the only being he had ever created." – C. S. Lewis
- "Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us, of which we know nothing." – Ellen White
- “God Always has something for you. A key for every problem, a light for every shadow, a relief for every sorrow, a plan for every tomorrow.”
- "Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them." — Elisabeth Elliot

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- “If what’s ahead scares you and what’s behind hurts you, then look above because God will never fail you.”
- "If you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things. It is we, of course, to whom things look 'little' or 'big'." – Elisabeth Elliot
- "To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." – C. S. Lewis
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- "We sinned for no reason but an incomprehensible lack of love, and He saved us for no reason but an incomprehensible excess of love." – Peter Kreeft
- “To trust God in the light is nothing, but to trust him in the dark – that is faith.” – C.H. Spurgeon
- "God is looking for faithful men and women, boys and girls, to represent him in this world of sin." – Jeremiah Davis
- "Always, everywhere God is present, and always He seeks to discover Himself to each one." –A.W.Tozer

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- “Define yourself as one radically loved by God. This is your true self, every other identity is an illusion.” – Brennan Manning
- "God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile." – Max Lucado
- "Who should we be trying to make the proudest? Our family? Our friends? Our teachers or bosses? What about the one who molded us out of the earth itself, who formed us like clay, and instilled within us the very breath of life that shaped the universe?" – James D. Maxon
- "If God had granted all the silly prayers I’ve made in my life, where should I be now?" – C. S. Lewis
- "Faith is expecting the word of God to do what it says and the depending upon that word to do what it says." – A.T. Jones
- The more we let God take us over, the more truly ourselves we become.” – C.S. Lewis
- "The greater your knowledge of the goodness and grace of God on your life, the more likely you are to praise Him in the storm." – Matt Chandler
- “God allows us to feel the frailty of human love so we’ll appreciate the strength of His.” – C.S. Lewis
Inspirational religious quotes to lift your spirit

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Spiritual quotes have great power in them. They are capable not only of restoring one’s faith in God but also of healing one’s soul. Reading inspirational Christian quotes on a regular basis can change your life completely. You will always get your daily dose of inspiration and support. Therefore, you will always feel confident and capable. These religious quotes will make you an exemplary Christian who will inspire others on their way to God.
- “Outside of the will of God there is nothing I want. And in the will of God there is nothing I fear.” – A.W. Jogger
- "Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can." – John Wesley
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- “I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time – waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God – it changes me.” – C.S. Lewis
- "There is no doubt, we all live a busy life but be careful, don’t start deceiving yourself. Measure yourself and you will find that you’re spending time on the lesser things of life instead of what really matters." – Bruno Sebat

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- “The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.” – C.S. Lewis
- "I’m not afraid of the devil. The devil can handle me – he’s got judo I never heard of. But he can’t handle the One to whom I’m joined; he can’t handle the One to whom I’m united; he can’t handle the One whose nature dwells in my nature." – A.W. Tozer
- “Not being able to fully understand God is frustrating, but it is ridiculous for us to think we have the right to limit God to something we are capable of comprehending.” – Francis Chan
- “The giant in front of you is never bigger than the God who lives in you.” – Christine Caine
- "Radical obedience to Christ is not easy… It’s not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us." – David Platt
- “He knows the way because He is the way.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

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- “Our present circumstances may not change, but through God’s compassion, kindness, and love, we will all receive more than we deserve.” – Dale G. Renlund
- “If you are feeling impatient, irritable, bitter, forgetful, disorganized, and disconnected from God – it’s time to tend to your soul. Grab your Bible. Get alone with God.” – Courtney Joseph
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- If you still have a pulse, God still has a purpose.” – David Hughes
- “We were made to be prisms refracting the light of God’s glory into all of life.” – John Piper
- "The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time." –Abraham Lincoln

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- “It is the most natural thing to be like the person you live with most, therefore, live most with Jesus Christ; be absorbingly taken up with Him.” – Oswald Chambers
- "Whoever is spared personal pain must feel himself called to help in diminishing the pain of others. We must all carry our share of the misery which lies upon the world." – Albert Schweitzer
- “The reason why many are still troubled, still seeking, still making little forward progress is because they haven’t yet come to the end of themselves. We’re still trying to give orders, and are interfering with God’s work within us.” – A.W. Tozer
- "He who lays up treasures on earth spends his life backing away from his treasures. To him, death is loss. He who lays up treasures in heaven looks forward to eternity; he’s moving daily toward his treasures. To him, death is gain." – Randy Alcorn
- "Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential." – Winston Churchill

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- “I don’t want to be a part of something that can be explained by my own power and my own ability. I want to be a part of something that can only be explained by the power of God.” – David Platt
- “God can use even our most off-course of moments to stretch and sanctify us, demonstrating His might and mercy.” – Kaitlyn Hiltz
- "God has brought you through before. And He will bring you through again. Make a decision, each day, to choose faith over fear.” – Joel Osteen
- "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." – Helen Keller
- “You will never know the fullness of Christ until you know the emptiness of everything else but Christ.” – Charles Spurgeon
- When you realize God’s purpose for your life isn’t just about you, He will use you in a mighty way.” – Dr. Tony Evans

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- "God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.” – Christine Caine
- “How completely satisfying to turn from our limitations to a God who has none.” – AW. Tozer
- “Christ dazzles me and stirs within me such feelings of amazement that I can never get over Him.” – A.W. Tozer
- “We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face...we must do that which we think we cannot." – Eleanor Roosevelt
- “Occasionally weep deeply over the life you hoped would be. Grieve the losses. Then wash your face. Trust God. And embrace the life you have.” – John Piper
These Christian quotes are a great source of daily encouragement for everyone. You can use them on your own, or you can share these Christian inspirational quotes with your family and friends. Stay tuned to get more inspiration from us.
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