What the power of praise and worship can do
A grateful heart is always closer to God. This is one of the primary laws of the power of praise. If you thank the Lord daily for your health, abundance, safety, and other benefits, He multiplies them. Praise and worship transform your heart and mind so that you become a kind of magnet that attracts good from countless sources.

Source: UGC
One intelligent man once said that God would give him only one thing, and that is a grateful heart. The whole process of obtaining mental, spiritual and material benefits can be summarised in one word — praise. A grateful thought is a prayer coming from the heart and blessing you.
The power of praise
The ability to thank a person, praise, encourage, say a kind word to them is the same integral part of a particular lifestyle, as is the ability to make a critical comment or express anger. Perhaps everyone likes being praised and thanking them, but not everyone can confidently respond to it. Praise and gratitude open the way to a healthy relationship. If a person has heard kind words addressed to them from your heart, they will more likely accept your criticism.
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Some people are fully aware of their talents and abilities; others cannot do it. What is praise? For every person, sincere appreciation is far from redundant confirmation of what he or she already knows or hopes. It helps to know yourself better and to understand which of personality traits are especially attractive.
Praise is part of the self-correction mechanism, a kind of feedback that helps us evaluate the adequacy of our actions: we strive to repeat those behaviours for which we are praised, and refuse actions that cause criticism or indifference. It is imperative to maintain the proper level of self-esteem and self-awareness; however, the first one should not entirely depend on someone else's opinion! Everyone can make mistakes.

Source: UGC
It is not surprising how stingy and reluctant people are to resort to such a powerful means of expressing appreciation, thinking about the inspirational power of even one single sincere praise. When there is a time for gratitude or a compliment, some cannot find the right words, while others sincerely believe that this is generally useless. In particular, for some reason, people find it especially difficult to praise God.
There is a misconception that no one needs it because God will reward everyone. Some fundamentally do not consider it necessary to express gratitude to pastors and church leaders, because they are sure that these people who have dedicated themselves to serving the Lord do not need it. Perhaps this is true, but everyone needs to hear the words of gratitude in recognition of skills and talents at least occasionally.

Source: UGC
The Apostle Paul knew the price of sincere praise and did not hesitate to express his gratitude, appreciation, love and support to brothers and sisters:
- "For I do not want to see you now just in passing. I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord permits." — 1 Corinthians 16:7
- "I am acting with great boldness toward you; I have great pride in you; I am filled with comfort. In all our affliction, I am overflowing with joy." — 2 Corinthians 7:4
- "For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers." — Ephesians 1:15–16
- "I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, 5 because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord Jesus. 6 I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ. 7 Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people." — Philemon 4-7

Source: UGC
Your praise should not take the form of servility, seeking leniency. You should feel joy because all the blessings that you need and which are already inside you are just waiting for you to accept them with a happy and grateful heart.
What happens when we praise God
Your heart is filled with gratitude and praise when you appreciate the universal principles of life and providence, providing you with everything you need from the beginning of time.
A sense of gratitude helps you stay in harmony with the Infinity and the law of creation. The value of appreciation, however, is not limited only to the fact that it draws grace towards you. You have to remember that in the absence of gratitude, a feeling of dissatisfaction with the present circumstances of your life inevitably arises in your heart.
A grateful person is one who always and immutably waits only something good from life. And such expectations are inevitably justified. In other words, the law of creation of the subconscious creates your life in the image and likeness of what you contemplate in your thoughts.

Source: UGC
Every day, find time to say, "I thank You, Father, for Your riches." At bedtime, repeat as a lullaby the following words, "Thank You." Fall asleep with these words on your lips. Thank God for what you possess now and for all other grace. List all the available benefits one by one, and God will multiply them many times over.
Many people contribute to your well-being. Mention them in your prayer. So you make contact at the subconscious level with all the good on earth, and all earthly riches and people will automatically reach out to you.
Always be grateful for the knowledge of the laws of creation, thanks to which all your desires are fulfilled. You need to show sincere appreciation to your loved ones, colleagues, people around you. People like to be appreciated. Do not skimp on honest praise.
If you have only one dollar in your pocket, bless it and say, "God multiplies this money many times in my life, and I am grateful to God for the incessant and ever-increasing influx of abundance into my life." This way you can attract extreme wealth to yourself.

Source: UGC
Every morning, every evening and throughout each day, silently say "thank you." Thank God for abundance, health, wealth and harmony. Feel the reality of all these benefits within you.
The Word of God notifies a lot about the power of praise and worship, and this question is not outdated. On the contrary, it is essential for all creation and at any time. We praise the Lord because He is our Creator because our heart trusts Him, and He hears us because His mercy reaches heaven and His truth — to the clouds because He created everything by His word.
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Source: Legit.ng