Things to talk about with a girl you like
Many guys do not know how to communicate with girls properly. There may be several reasons for this. It may be the lack of experience and knowledge. Communicating with girls can be learned by every guy if he shows a strong desire for this and starts acting on it and not just concentrating on his problems. Things to talk about with a girl you like is a top essential issue for guys now!

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If you want to interest a girl, a pleasant conversation is the best way to do it. The main thing is always to be confident. Therefore, take care in advance that you feel comfortable.
First of all, it is worth noting one important thing — you cannot wait for the right moment. Any moment is convenient. Do not hope that a girl will come and speak first. If you like a lady, be sure to start a conversation with her instantly, even if the situation seems uncomfortable and inappropriate to you.
Top things to talk about with a girl you like

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Many guys are afraid to approach and communicate with girls they like, and mainly it happens due to the lack of courage, and desire. When a guy really likes a girl, he will do everything in his power to overcome his fear and approach her. To communicate with a lady on the street properly, you need practice, which is sure to be if you start to fight with fear and approach girls.
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Ask about her taste in music

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Talk to the girl you like about her and your favourite music, bands, songs. All girls like this theme anyway, as they listen to music quite often.
Ask a lady about favourite hobbies
If you do not know what to talk about with a girl, then find out more about her hobbies and tell her about your hobbies and activities as well. It would be great if you have common hobbies, and therefore, common interests and new topics for conversation. It is advisable to build a relationship with the girl who has at least some common interests with you; then it will be easier for you to meet, communicate and build strong relationships.
Discuss sport with her

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You can also talk to many girls about sports if you do it yourself and a girl is inert to listen to you and keep the conversation going. Learn more about her.
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Talk to her about travelling
Ask her about the places she visited, what she liked most there, where she would like to return one more time. Are there any places where she would dream of going? You can also tell her some cool things from your travels. Just do not talk about your resort novels, but about something that could surprise her. Tell it in such a way, so that she wants to travel next time with you.
Ask a girl about her childhood

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Sometimes it is perfect if communication with a girl is based on some silly trifles, for example, about some cute and funny stories from childhood. So you will relax her, and cause a sense of trust with you. Then you can calmly continue the conversation on any topic. If you tell any family stories or traditions, you will conquer her, because for any girl it is essential to know how you communicate with your family.
Talk about her favourite books and movies
Tell me what the latest book impressed you? Offer to go to the cinema for a new cool film (not an action movie, but something exciting and meaningful). Ask a girl about her favourite author or moviemaker. And if she sees that such topics are interesting to you, that you are really interested and want to learn something new, then you will get the right attention from her.
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Speak on deep and emotional topics

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Bringing her to some right emotion is always a good trick that she will surely remember. Then you will turn your date not into a tedious and straightforward chatter, but a meaningful conversation. You should let her know that you are interested in her and that you can support her in difficult situations.
Talk a little about intimate relationships
Just do not say something vulgar, but neat and a little intriguing. If such a topic does not scare her away, or she does not show you with all her appearance that now is not the right time for such conversations, then you can safely continue.
Talk about the relationships

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Relationships are the number one theme for any girl. Therefore, one way or another, you will come to this. Misunderstandings between men and women, persistent problems, tricky stories — all these things are extremely interesting for them.
If you are afraid and do not know the things to talk about with a girl you like, then you need to communicate with other women as often as possible to overcome your fear. Also, you can practise talking out loud in front of a mirror. Speech should be natural, not squeezed and not rushed. Get more conversational practice, and you will be successful talking to the girl you like!
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