Top 15 Don Moen songs of all time
Who is Don Moen? If you have never heard his name, you have never plunged into the world of divine music. The adjective “divine” is used literally because Donald James Moen, for more than forty years, has offered beautiful song, preaching topics to the world of worshipers. Are you interested in finding out more about his creative work? Then listen to the top 15 Don Moen songs and get inspired by pure divine enlightenment!

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The taste is a subjective notion that is why it is difficult to choose the best songs, films, and pictures. However, we took into account the most popular and widespread author’s musical compositions and and YouTube data to create a list of the most fantastic music pieces. We will rate the songs according to views on YouTube on the author’s channel – Don Moen TV. So read, listen, and enjoy!

Source: UGC
Top 15 the best Don Moen songs
It is necessary to say that the author created over one hundred musical compositions for the years of his productive, creative work. He released 34 albums (Hymnbook, Worship With Don Moen: God Is Good, Emmanuel Has Come, God Will Make a Way, God Will Make a Way, I Believe There Is More, With A Thankful Heart: The Best Of Don, etc.) and won a significant number of awards (several Dove Award for his songs in nominations Musical Album of the Year God with Us, Song of the Year God Will Make A Way, Country Recorded Song of the Year God Is Good All the Time, Musical Album of the Year Mighty Cross, Musical of the Year God for Us and several other).
1. Thank You Lord – 6.7 million views
It is one of Donald`s songs about gratefulness released in 2004. Now it has over six million views on YouTube! You can even use the words from the song as a sincere pray from your heart. It can be heard that this musical composition is extremely sincere. Sing with Don Moen and remember that gratefulness leads to happiness.
“You took my sin and my shame
You took my sickness and healed all my pain
Thank You, Lord
For all, You've done in my life
You took my darkness and gave me Your light.”
There are so many things you should be grateful for. Do not forget about it.
2. Our Father – 4.1 million views
In the moments of total despair, you will never feel alone because Lord is near. All you need to do is to pray. So listen to this wonderful tune and pray together with your favourite singer.
“Hear our prayer
We are Your children
And we've gathered here today, bless me
We're gathered here to pray
Hear our cry
Lord, we need Your mercy
And we need Your grace today, yes, we do
Hear us as we pray.”
3. Give Thanks – 2.4 million views
The song we are going to speak about was released two times. It is called Give Thanks. For the first time it appeared a long time ago in 1986, but in 2013 the author presented it one more time on his official YouTube channel, and for the moment it has 2,434,931 views.
“Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son” – sings the man.
Indeed, the desire to be thankful to the Lord cannot be overestimated. This world was created for people; we can breathe and feel love; we can dream and make our dreams come true – it is all the will of the Lord. So, the author reminds you one more time: concentrate on what you have, let your heart be filled with gratefulness, and you will get more.
4. I Just Want To Be Where You Are – 1.8 million views
It is a perfect song with lyric and melodic motive and sincere and tender words. Do you know why? Because the author sings about love! Don Moen`s notion of love differs from the contemporary representation of this feeling. In his song, love is pure and holy, sincere and modest as long as it is the love to God.
“I just want to be where You are
Dwelling daily in Your presence
I don't want to worship from afar
Draw me near to where You are.”
5. He Never Sleeps – 1.4 million views
It is a very optimistic motive with nice and true words. Listen to this song in the time of worries and difficulties, and it will soothe you. Only read these wonderful words:
“And He never sleeps, He never slumbers.
He never tires of hearing our prayer.
When we are weak, He becomes stronger.
So rest in His love and cast all of your cares on Him.”
Our loving Father has His plan on our lives. Sometimes you may not like His ideas, but trust Him, and sleep peacefully.
6. Hallelujah to the Lamb – almost 1.3 million views
A composition of the guitar and piano sounds is marvellous. The motive, in the whole, is quite dynamic unlike from the prevailing number of David`s compositions. So dance and sing together:
“Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
To the Lamb
Hallelujah Hallelujah
By the blood of Christ, we stand
Every tongue every tribe
Every people every land
Giving glory giving honor
Giving praise unto the Lamb of God.”
7. I Offer My Life – 1.2 million views
Lord expects us to give Him everything that is “ours voluntarily.” However, He does not need anything material. He does not need gifts. He needs our love and devotion. This is “everything” for Him. Moreover, He does not require or demand, but gives us a choice: to serve Him and choose a relationship with Him on His terms or not. Don Moen has chosen to serve to God; it is evident.
“Lord, I offer my life to You
Everything I've been through
Use it for Your glory
Lord I offer my days to You
Lifting my praise to You
As a pleasing sacrifice
Lord, I offer You my life.”
8. God Is Good All The Time – 597 thousand views
For the first time, the tune appeared in 1992 and remained popular ever since. In the contemporary video where Don plays the guitar, the difference is observed in comparison with other musical works of the same author. The other singles are quiet and tender, while this particular one is made in the country style and is extremely good for dancing.
“God is good all the time
He put a song of praise in this heart of mine
God is good, yes He is, all the time
Through the darkest night, His light will shine
God is good, yes he is, God is good
All the time, here we go!”
9. Heal Me O Lord – 430 thousand views
It is a very tender, simple and at the same time a meaningful song. The author asks God to help him. He plays the piano and sings:
“Oh Heal me Oh Lord
And I will be healed
Save me, and I will be saved.”
There is one more interesting phrase in the musical composition: “But I know you might have questions about this person or that person that did not get healed.” The author wants to say that all is in God`s hands, and only He knows what is better to a human. You should not give up on faith if you do not get what you want because God`s plans are more meaningful and profound than it may seem.
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10. Here We Are – 402 thousand views
The beauty is in simplicity. This musical composition reminds us to raise our eyes to the sky and to say one more extra time “thank you” to God and the universe. There can not be too much gratefulness to our Creator. So listen to the song and sing together with Don Moen:
“And here we are
Lifting our hands to You
Here we are
Giving You thanks for all You do
And as we praise
And worship Your holy name
You are here
Dwelling within our praise.”
11. I Will Sing – 286 thousand views
Don Moen sings about the people who have doubts. He assumes that it is not so bad if you do not know how to pray, and if you do not know what to say because words mean nothing and only feelings matter in the prayer. There is no need to learn the book of prayers by heart. Sing about your feelings, be grateful to God in your rhymes or paint the Great Lord if you can – just to it sincerely. Express your thankfulness in thoughts, feelings, and creativity. That is what the author does:
“But I don't know what to say
And I don't know where to start
But as You give the grace
With all, that's in my heart
I will sing, yes, I will praise, even in my darkest hour
Through the sorrow and the pain
I will sing, I will praise, lift my hands to honor You
Because Your word is true; I will sing.”
12. You Will Be My Song – 117 thousand views
In this song, the author proves that God is a part of us. He is in our thoughts, dreams, voice and after all, in our hearts. People are beautiful because they are created from the image of the Lord. Every one of us has something divine and wonderful. It is quite obvious that Don Moen has a beautiful voice and thoughts. Just look at the lyrics; such beautiful words should not be missed out:
“Before I call
I know You’ll hear me
When hope is gone
Still, You are near me
Even when the answer is delayed
Even though the darkness I will say
You will be my song
You will be my praise
You will be my voice
When I’m lost for words to say
You will be my strength
You will lift me up
You will be my portion
And my everlasting love
You will be my song.”
13. Trust and Obey – 33 thousand views
The song saw the world in 2013. Many Psalms speak about the importance of faith and trust. God never explains His deeds, but at the same time, He never does harm to us. Even if you do not like the way your life goes, obey, and you will not regret it. Donald James Moen is persuaded in it. And he sings:
“Then in fellowship sweet, we will sit at His feet.
Or we'll walk by His side in the way.
What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
Never fear, only trust and obey.”
14. Arise – 15.5 thousand views
The sounding of the motive is a bit unusual. It sounds like a pop song for youth. Unfortunately, the chanson failed to gather too many views neither on the official Don`s channel nor on YouTube in the whole. But due to its eccentricity, we added it on the list.
“One thing we ask of You
One thing that we desire
That as we worship You
Lord come and change our lives
Arise, arise, arise, arise…”
15. Come to the River of Life – only 594 persons watched this
Here is the last song of our top fifteen. It is not so popular among YouTube users and may be the reason for it is its age. It was released in 1995, and Don Moen did not record it one more time. However, this composition charms with its style typical only for the 90th. Listen to it, and maybe this single has a chance on revival. Here are the lyrics for you:
“There is a river, there is a river
It flows, from the land of eternal life
Where there no more sorrow and no more night
Into the hearts that are lifted to Him
Filling His children again and again and again
Draw near and drink of the mercy of Jesus Christ
At the river of life.”
Don Moen songs, videos, guitar and piano music are really magnificent. Listen one more time to such pure and kind songs, share them with friends and family. This performer will share his kind smile and mild voice with you!
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