Divorce in the Bible: what does the scripture say
Divorce is one of the main modern social problems. Its harmful effects extend far beyond spouses who are dissociated. If a couple has children, they will inevitably be subjected to tremendous emotional pressure from this. If you want to know what is said about divorce in the Bible, we are glad to inform you that you have chosen the right article and we will tell you what the Scripture says about this issue.

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Relationships between man and woman 100-150 years ago differ from those we see nowadays, and no one is surprised by the changes. What are they caused by? The reason for this is that in the public mind, marriage is no longer an absolute value.
Divorce in the Bible
The discussion about divorce in the Bible mainly conducted around the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:32 and 19:9 seems like a prevalent topic in Christians' life now. many people state that the expression “apart from the guilt of adultery” is probably a single place in the Holy Scriptures where Divine permission is given for detachment and second marriage.

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The Bible testifies that God defined marriage as a living condition. However, God assumes that if two sinful people marry, a breakup may occur. To observe the freedoms of those who breakup, especially women, God established some laws in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 24:1-4). Jesus indicated that these rules were given because of the cruelty of people's hearts, and not according to God's will (Matthew 19:8).
What does the Bible say about divorce?

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Many researchers believe that this “condition of exemption from liability” refers to “adultery” during the “engagement” period. According to Jewish customs, people were considered to be bound by marriage from the moment of betrothal. Bad behaviour during this period could be the one and only reason for separation.
On the other hand, the translated Greek word “adultery” implies any variant of intimate immorality, such as extramarital marriage, prostitution, etc. Perhaps Jesus says that separation is allowed if such a sin has occurred on private grounds.
Intimate relationships are an essential component of the marriage bond. This information can be found in:
Thus, breaking this bond by extramarital relations may be a valid reason for a split. If this is the case, then Jesus in this text also meant remarriage.
The phrase “get married with other” (Matthew 19:9) emphasizes that getting a divorce and getting married again are possible if the condition is mentioned. Please note — only a guiltless person is permitted to get married again. Nevertheless, not mentioned in the scripture, the permission to breach and marry a second time is God's grace towards the spouse who suffered in such a situation and not to the person who intented adultery. Perhaps there are cases in which a “sinful person” can also remarry, but the text does not mention this.

Source: UGC
Some see the verse in 1 Corinthians 7:15 as permitting second marriage if an unbeliever divorces a believer. However, in the context, nothing is written about remarriages, but a man of God is not obliged to continue the marriage if an unbeliever wishes to divorce. Some people state that the cause for separation can also be violence (marital, or over children), although this is not mentioned in the scripture.
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We should never abuse God's word by going through this divorce process without trying to forgive each other tsave the family. Sometimes in discussions about “exceptional conditions,” the point is that irrespective of the meaning of the term “adultery,” divorce is allowed but not required.

Source: UGC
Even after committing infidelity, with God's grace, people can be forgiven and begin to rebuild their family. God forgives us much more; therefore, we must pursue His paradigm and forgive even the fault of cheating (Ephesians 4:32). Despite that, if a husband or wife does not repent and continues his or her immoral sexual behaviour, the text of Matthew 19:9 can be implemented.
Many people remarry too quickly, although God may have wanted them to stay alone. Sometimes God calls a person to abstain from marriage so that they can give their full attention to God (1 Corinthians 7:32-35).

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It is distressing that the number of breakups among convinced Christians is too high. The Bible very clearly says that God antipathies separation (Malachi 2:16) and that compromise and mercy should be signs of a Christian soul (Luke 11:4; Ephesians 4:32).
Again, God certainly understands that separation can happen between His children. Though divorce in the Bible is described as an exceptional case, those who have gone through an annulment and a second marriage should remember that God's love for them is unchanged.
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Source: Legit.ng