Miracle seed benefits you should know: Interesting details
Currently, the annual popularity of miracle seed benefits has increased significantly. This is not surprising since its healing are known from old times. Miracle seeds are also called as Nigella Sativa or black cumin. Today we will try to find all its benefits and healthy properties for human body and also the illnesses it can combat!

Source: UGC
The history of the healing properties of miracle seed originates in ancient times, as evidenced by the findings of black cumin seeds in excavations of the Neolithic and Mesolithic. One can also find written mention of black cumin in the Bible. Hippocrates, Pliny, Dioscorides used it as a medicinal plant. Avicenna, called miracle seed, a seed that "stimulates the energy of the body, helps recovery from depression and fatigue."
What are Miracle seed benefits?

Source: UGC
Since the mid 20th century, more than 500 studies from various international universities have been published, proving that the use of black cumin is useful for treating a vast range of diseases and does not cause addiction, allergic reactions, and intoxication.
At the moment, the following types of pharmacological effects of black cumin are known:
- antispasmodic and analgesic
- antibacterial and antifungal
- antiulcer and hepaprotective (protection of the liver)
- antioxidant and anti-allergic
- antiviral (interferon inducer) and antibacterial
- antidiabetic (is a natural regulator of insulin sensitivity) and hypotonic
- bronchodilator and renoprotective (kidney protection)
- antitumor and immunostimulating
Nigella sativa medical uses

Source: UGC
Diabetes. Taking two grams of black cumin seed per day can lead to a decrease in glucose and insulin resistance, a reduction of glycosylated hemoglobin in humans, and an increase in beta cell levels.
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Epilepsy. It is proven that nigella water extract has a significant anticonvulsant effect.
Asthma. One of the components of black cumin - timokhinon significantly exceeds the chemical drug "fluticasone," which has an anti-asthma effect.
Hypertension (high blood pressure). It is proved that the initial stage of hypertension can be stopped by daily consumption of 100 - 200 mg of nigella extract for two months.
Gastrointestinal tract bacterium Helicobacter pylori. The antibacterial effect of the oil obtained from the seeds of this miraculous plant is comparable with such powerful antibiotics as:
- ampicillin
- tetracycline
- clotrimazole
- gentamicin
- nalidixic acid

Source: UGC
It should be noted that homeopathic doctors have widely used tincture of black cumin seeds for the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract. Traditional medicine recommends this miracle seed to combat nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps.
Cancer tumor. Studies have shown that Nigella oil has a significant inhibitory effect on colon cancer.
Moreover, in 1997, the International Immuno-Biological Research Laboratory of South Carolina (USA) officially confirmed that nigella sativa benefits stimulate the production of bone marrow, which in turn is an essential step in the complex treatment of cancer and the prevention of such tumors.
Addiction. Therapy based on the use of black cumin seeds is useful for treating patients suffering from opium addiction.
Miracle seed contraindications

Source: UGC
You should not use oil and nigella seeds on pregnant women, especially in the last stages of pregnancy. People who have organ transplants are also contraindicated to eat these seeds since strengthening of the immune system can cause organ rejection.
Some interesting facts
Nigella leaves have a lot of carotenes and ascorbic acid. It is useful to add them to vegetable salads as greens. Since the seeds have the flavor of strawberries and the taste of pepper they are often added to pickles, as well as confectionery. Mosquitoes, moths and even snakes cannot bear the smell of Nigella, so you can use them daily to improve your living atmosphere as well.
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Source: Legit.ng