Religious crisis in Nigeria: causes and solutions
How much do you know about the current religious crisis in Nigeria? How does it find its reflection in society? What factors may cause a crisis in a religious environment? Do religious leaders know how to stop the religious crisis in Nigeria?

Source: UGC
The religious crisis is one of the main recurring problems in Nigeria, and it is often followed or preceded by ethnic clashes.
The dominant ethnic groups in Nigeria threaten each other from time to time; violent clashes between ethnic groups and religious groups in Nigeria are no longer uncommon. Every problem has a cause, and the crisis of religion in Nigeria is not exempted. What are the causes of a religious crisis in Nigeria and the possible solution?
Religious crisis in Nigeria: causes and solutions
There are two primary religions in Nigeria – Islam and Christianity. They compete with each other for centuries, causing intolerance and social-political crises not only in Nigeria.
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Source: UGC
It is evident that religion is a type of means that is called to unite people worldwide. However, rather often this matter is got involved in conflicts, being the most influential weapon in the hands of some leaders.
Thus, as you see, the religious crisis is a disagreement between two groups of different religions that struggle against coherent existence without themselves.
What are the key reasons why a crisis of religion occurs in the country? Let’s find out!
Top 5 causes of the religious crisis in Nigeria

Source: UGC
- High rates of unemployment. People, who have no constant work, are easy to bribe and rule.
- Widespread poverty. Poverty results from a lack of education. Most of the people in the country are illiterate or have a poor amount of knowledge. Thus, they are easy to teach what is needed. In most cases, these studies are based on doctrines, aiming at violence and killing people in the name of God. Those citizens, who believe and join, are assured that after committing the necessary action, their families will get money, while these people themselves will obtain a heavenly reward.
- Lack of security. Nigeria has no well-organized systems to maintain a safe and secure environment. It’s disorganized and can’t cope adequately with mass disorders when they occur.
- The fear of domination. When one of the dominant religious groups sees that another one starts to prevail within a particular area, it uses plenty of means to draw the share of opponents' powers to a minimal amount.
- The division between native residents and the new-comers. It is evident that local citizens are more likely to appreciate the presence of settles of the same-religion in a specific area rather than individuals who are involved in the other community. When people with different religious views start defending their rights, it may cause conflicts, social harassment, and violence.
One will probably ask the question “How to stop religious crisis in Nigeria? Is there any way out?” Let’s find out!
How can the religious crisis be solved in Nigeria?
Current religious crisis in Nigeria is possible to overcome. However, it requires the unity of the government, administrative organs, and inhabitants of a country.
Here are four possible solutions to cope with the religious crisis:

Source: UGC
- Improvement of education and religious awareness. One of the reasons why the crisis of religion is observed in Nigeria is a lack of education. Thus, one has to mobilize the powers of administrative organs and direct them on reducing the number of illiterate people.
- Creating new jobs. An opportunity to obtain a job, earn money and provide proper well-being for a family is one of the primary goals for every citizen. Furthermore, a person who has enough money will hardly ever undergo the influence of terroristic organizations trying to buy his life or convince him to commit violent actions.
- Take new reforms to change the current bodies, which are in charge of the protection of citizens and conflict regulations, and make this structure more efficient to protect human life and private properties.
- The government should establish special organs that will maintain equal rights to all ethnic groups, their religions, and hold a constructive dialogue. They will be a kind of regulator, who can find the best solution for the resolution of disagreements based upon the needs of different ethnic groups.
As you see, the current religious crisis is a fault not only of one specific side of the population. It is a complex matter that was formed under pressure of opposed religious groups, a lack of knowledge and administrative regulations. Only when they cooperate and hear each other, they will be able to cope with the crisis.
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