Best food for weight loss in Nigeria
Did you know that food can help you with weight loss? Sounds weird, but it’s true. There are some food that can burn your calories. And today we will show you how and explain why.

Source: UGC
Everyone in this world has thought about their weight, especially nowadays, when our life seems very fast, and most of us take care of our careers, our families and there is almost no chance even to think of our bodies.
But since you are here, it means that this issue makes you anxious. And it is a good sign. It means you have decided to create time for your health.
There are a lot of ways to lose weight. Some of them work fast, some of them work slow and they all have different effect on us. There is only one thing you should always remember, which is taking care of your health first.
Weight loss diet in Nigeria

Source: UGC
First, let's talk about the list of weight loss foods which, as you may guess, can help you with a weight loss:
- Almonds. Almonds include a lot of mono and polyunsaturated fats. This is that case when you should not be afraid of fats themselves. These fats are actually helping you to lower your cholesterol level and that keeps you slim. Also, almonds contain fewer calories than any other kind of nuts. These nuts also include a lot of vitamins, which supports your health in general.
- Apples. Everyone knows that apples contain pectin. But what is pectin? It is the ingredient which slows the digestion and encourages the feeling of fullness. If you add one apple to your general meal during the day, it may serve as a natural appetite suppressant. Apple is also one of the best sources of antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber.
- Artichokes. Artichoke is the highest-fiber vegetable. Only one single boiled artichoke is a half recommended daily amount of fiber for women.
- Avocados. Avocado can be considered as a superfood. It includes monounsaturated fats, potassium, magnesium, folate, vitamins C and E. Avocado is good for your vision, good heart health and it reduces the risk of certain cancers. You can use it as a creamy salad dressing with herbs and citrus juice or add it to your omelet.
- Bananas. Bananas contain a lot of potassium and it’s a great source of resistant starch, which is important for weight loss. Bananas also can help to regulate blood pressure, ease digestive problems, replenish nutrients after the exercises.
- Black beans. Black beans can help your organism with burning the calories, reduce belly fat and curb appetite. It also contains the protein without the saturated fat.
- Blueberries. One cup of blueberries contains only 80 calories and four grams of fiber. Due to that, your organism may feel full for a longer time. It is also a good source of manganese, which can speed up your metabolism and you may feel more energy.
- Brown rice. Brown rice is a source of phytonutrients and fiber. It also contains the fat-burning resistant starch, it is a very filling food, but still low in calories.
- Cabbage. You can find a lot of antioxidants and vitamin C in cabbage. Also, it is extremely low in calories. It is delicious in a variety of salads and is a perfect addition to tacos, burgers and so on.
- Chili peppers. Chili peppers can have a huge effect on our metabolism. It is also a perfect source of vitamin C. You can add it to different salads or omelet or you can even add it to dark chocolate.
- Coconut oil. Instead of using butter or olive oil, try to use coconut oil next time. It is full of healthy fats and medium-chain tryglycerides, which are easily digestible and quickly converted into energy.
- Eggs. Eggs are full of protein. Eating eggs for breakfast helps you to lose more weight that those, who eat bagels for breakfast, for example.
- Grapefruit. Grapefruit is a fat-burning superfood. It lowers the fat-storage hormone, which is called insulin. And of course, it helps with a weight loss. As a bonus, it also helps you to protect your heart and maintain healthy, soft skin.
- Green tea. Green tea contains a lot of powerful antioxidants, which can make your metabolism faster. For losing weight, you have to drink about 2-3 cups of green tea a day. As a plus, green tea can help you to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease.
- Lemons. Lemon can be added everywhere. You can add it to your tea or water, add its juice to salads or even meat. It contains pectin fibers as well, which help you to fight off the hunger cravings.
- Oatmeal. Oatmeal can be considered as a metabolism-boosting resistant starch. It is scientifically proven, that those who eat oatmeal during the breakfast, feel less hunger later in the day.
- Peanut butter. It consists of many healthy fats and protein. Peanut butter is perfect for a snack. It is a very tasty and perfect meal for a weight loss. Just make sure that the peanut butter you buy does not contain too much sugar or salt.
- Pistachios. These small, green-hued nuts contain a huge amount of potassium and antioxidants, which can make a good impact on your eyes and skin. The amount of calories in pistachios makes it a diet product.
- Salmon. Salmon includes monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. As we told you before, there is no need to be afraid of fats. Some of them affect our body positively and even can help with a weight loss.
- Whole grains. Nowadays, it is very popular to follow the gluten-free diet. Whole grains, in this case, are a perfect food. It has a huge list of benefits. People who eat whole grains, according to statistics, live longer and the risk of a heart attack is 30% less.
As you can see, there are lots of things you can eat and still keep your weight in check. Being healthy does not mean you have to eat bland foods!
Weight loss meal plan

Source: UGC
When hearing “meal plan”, many people imagine some scary pictures with hunger and being unsatisfied. But it’s not like this. A weight loss plan should only include three main rules, which are:
- Significantly reduce the appetite
- Do not use hunger as a way to lose weight
- Improve the metabolic health
As you can see, none of these “rules” include hunger. We can say even more, these rules support eating itself. Because, for example, improving your metabolic health is possible only due to food.
To follow a weight loss diet, there is no need to a lot of efforts. The most important are regularity and attention.
Weight loss tips

Source: UGC
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Of course, apart from eating any food, even that one which helps with a weight loss, there must be some rules or tips on how to take the maximum efficiency from that.
Take a look at the main weight loss tips:
- Don’t skip breakfast. Your organism gets the essential nutrients during the first food you eat in a day and that will help you feel less hunger during the whole day.
- Eat regular meals. It helps to burn calories much faster and reduces the temptation to snack with foods high in fat and sugar.
- Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Fruits and veggies are always low in calories. It is the best food to choose in case you want to lose weight.
- Get more active. Some exercises are the best way to lose weight and keep fit for a long time. As a plus, it gives a lot of health benefits. And exercise with a weight loss diet is a key to success.
- Drink plenty of water. It happens very often that people confuse thirst with hunger. Drinking water in such case is really what you need. And a glass of water is much better than getting some extra calories.
- Eat high fibre foods. Such food gives you an opportunity to feel full for a really long time. Fibre is mostly found in such food as fruit and vegetables, oats, wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta, beans and so on.
- Use smaller plate. Logically, if you use smaller plate, you eat smaller portions. It usually takes about 20 minutes for our stomach to tell our brain that it’s full.
- Don’t ban foods. It means that you don’t have to avoid any food, especially the one you like. If you don’t let yourself eat something, you will want it even more than before. And who needs such diet then?
- Plan your meals. Make sure you stick to your calorie allowance during breakfast, dinner, lunch, snacks etc.
As you can see, it is not difficult to eat healthy and lose weight while eating something. And there is a very long list of foods you can eat or add to your general meal. Eating the food types we mentioned above is good not only for a weight loss diet, but for your health as well.
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