Problems of mining in Nigeria and possible solutions

Problems of mining in Nigeria and possible solutions

Mining in Nigeria is one of the main businesses in the country which leads to high income. The growth of the mining industry of the Nigerian market will create more jobs for residents of the country. However, a lot of companies currently involved in mining projects in the country are confronting some difficulties. So, let`s consider problems of mining in Nigeria and possible solutions to them.

Problems of mining in Nigeria and possible solutions

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What are the problems of mining in Nigeria?

The mining industry is one of the leading industry in the country. Of course, such a laborious process has some difficulties. Below is the list of the problems of mining industry in Nigeria.

1. Infrastructural difficulties

This is one of the main problems of mining in the country. The government must do some essential amenities to carry out mining operations effectively, but in most cases, small mining companies do not have good roads, lack of regular power and water supply. State authority must provide mining companies with high-grade road networks, regular water and power supply to improve mining processes.

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2. Inadequate finance

The mining sphere in Nigeria is controlled by small mining companies which need adequate funding to develop their industry. The inadequate supply is one of the critical problems of the mining industry in Nigeria. Many of such companies use illegal techniques and equipment to carry out their processes.

3. Deficiency of accurate geological data

The mining industry in Nigeria faces the problem of scarcity of accurate geological data. The information on minerals quantity and locations in Nigeria is inadequate. There is still a substantial dependence on data taken over 50 years ago.

Mining in Nigeria

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4. Deficiency of well-equipped laboratories

Having well-equipped laboratories is necessary. They provide efficient research for different minerals and mining products. It is especially crucial during explorations of the new mineral and processing to improve their quality. Unfortunately, to find a modern well-equipped laboratory in the mining industry in our country can become a challenging task.

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5. High risk for the health of the employees

Mining generally is a risky process, especially in Nigeria. The degree of risk is much higher than in numerous other countries of the world where technological progress and genuine organizations have decreased the risk.

6. Inadequate regulation

Nigerian mining manufacturing is not regulated correctly. It has made it accessible for illegal mining. State authority entrusted with managing this business is under-equipped for the work.

Deficiency of well-equipped workers

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7. Existence of illegal mining companies

A lot of small mining companies begin to do their business illegally not to pay government taxes and in that way to increase their income. A significant rate of mining in Nigeria is carried out illegally.

8. The absence of proper law and changeable state policies

From year to year, the absence of adequate law and continuous changing in the attitude of the state on matters concerning the mining has discouraged foreign investors.

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9. Low productivity

The productivity of native mining industry is rather low due to the usage of old machinery and mining techniques.

Work of local miner

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Solutions to the problems of mining in Nigeria

As you have noticed the mining industry in Nigeria faces pretty much problems, but each issue has its own solution. Which of them are the most successful, and which ones require further work and careful analysis before implementation? Let's look at the most basic ones.

1. Solution to infrastructural difficulties

The state authority has to guarantee and provide essential facilities such as clean water, safe roads, regular power supply all over the country. Availability of these will support mining in Nigeria and will bring this industry on the next level.

2. Adequate finance

Mining partnerships do not easily obtain loan facilities, and it has stopped the development of small mining organizations. Some of them have had to search for foreign investors for funding. The established mining permit should also be satisfactory as the guarantee for getting a loan in Nigeria.

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3. Up-to-date and accurate geological data

New geological data have to be renewed because to use the data which is more than a half of century old will not lead to the success of the industry. The Nigerian Geological Survey Agency is co-operating with Geological departments in our Higher Institutions to restore Nigerian geological maps.

Mining cars

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4. Building of modern well-equipped laboratories

Providing standard and good-equipped laboratories both by the state authority or by mining companies and individuals have to be approved.

5. Creating safe working conditions

Having good investment, mining business groups and individual partners involved in the mining will be able to obtain modern facilities to allow them to do their works safely. People directly connected with mining must know that their health and lives are protected by the mining company.

Health care

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6. Regulation and functional control

The government should pay more attention to the regulation of the mining industry in Nigeria. Functional control of the mining business must be secured to allow the state power to get taxes from all companies and individuals involved in the industry.

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7. Creating special laws and state policies

The state authority has to create a legal background for the regulation of the mining industry in Nigeria. Up-to-date laws and policies must be created. It is expected that proper legislation and related laws would guarantee clarity in the process of allowing mining permits, secure the safety of ownership, support ambitious economic terms, and lead to significant increase in the Nigerian mining industry. The latest law in this field is the mineral act which was approved into law in 2007.

Mining machinery

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There is a significant potential in the Nigerian mining industry. Proper law regulation, sufficient funding, modern techniques, tools, and laboratories will improve the situation in the mining industry, solve the existing problems and lead more foreign investors.

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Adrianna Simwa (Lifestyle writer) Adrianna Simwa is a content writer at where she has worked since mid-2022. She has written for many periodicals on a variety of subjects, including news, celebrities, and lifestyle, for more than three years. She has worked for The Hoth, The Standard Group and Triple P Media. Adrianna graduated from Nairobi University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in 2020. In 2023, Simwa finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her through her email: