Benefits of dates with milk everybody should know about

Benefits of dates with milk everybody should know about

What are some of the benefits of eating dates with milk? This combination has a myriad of benefits to the body that you should know. You may have been consuming this precious fruit, oblivious of what it brings. So, what is the connection between dates and diabetes, and what do you get by consuming it with a cup or two of milk?

Benefits of dates with milk
Photo: (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Since time out of mind, human beings have consumed dates because they are delicious. Ancient people called dates "bread of the desert." Today, nutritionists have revealed that only dates and milk can be eaten for a long time without causing complications to the body. Fortunately, they carry numerous micro-components that are immensely beneficial.

What are the dates?

Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) is a flowering plant species in the palm family, Arecaceae. The plant is cultivated for its edible sweet fruit referred to as Dates. However, its exact place of origin is uncertain because of long cultivation.

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The plant probably originated from the Fertile Crescent region straddling Egypt and Mesopotamia. Nonetheless, it is widely cultivated across Northern Africa, the Middle East, the Horn of Africa and South Asia. Unknown to many people are the myriad benefits of eating these fruits.

Important nutritional properties of dates

Nutritional benefits of dates stem from the rich chemical composition it has. Here are the interesting components of this delicious fruit.

  • Simple carbohydrates (fructose, sucrose) are more than in other fruits (40-80%).
  • Complex carbohydrates, including fibre.
  • Protein includes twenty-three amino acids.
  • Vitamins such as A, C, E, almost all the vitamins of group B.
  • Micro and macronutrients include selenium, phosphorus, fluorine, calcium, zinc, potassium, copper, sulfur, cobalt, and iron.
  • Tannins, namely astringents and tannins, which suppress inflammatory processes in the body.

Benefits of dates with milk

Dates with milk are not just tasty but also beneficial to your body and general well-being. This combination can cure many diseases.

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Benefits of eating dates on an empty stomach
Benefits of dates with milk everybody should know about
Source: Facebook
  • Cough

Eat dates with warm milk and honey to remove sputum and fight a prolonged cough.

  1. Boil 5-8 dates in a glass of milk.
  2. Drink while it is still hot.
  • Anaemia, nervous diseases, erectile dysfunction

Another fantastic benefit of dates is that you can use them to cure anaemia, erectile dysfunction, and nervous diseases. Use the procedure below;

  1. Soak a handful of the fruit in a glass of milk for 24 hours
  2. Add cardamom and saffron on the tip of a knife, a teaspoon of grated ginger.
  3. Eat this mixture and drink milk.

To combat anaemia and to improve strength, you can use this particular fruit with walnuts too.

  • Insomnia

If you are suffering from a lack of sleep, you need to eat 2-3 of these fruits and then drink warm milk.

  • Constipation

What are the benefits of eating dates on an empty stomach? This delicious fruit can help put to an end your constipation complications. The procedure below would help;

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  1. Put 5-8 dates into 500 ml of milk.
  2. Cook as a compote, then allow them to cool and brew.
  3. Drink one glass of the liquid in the morning on an empty stomach.

To the remaining boiled dates, add to the morning porridge, and you will get an excellent breakfast. You also should drink milk before going to bed, cooked with five dates.

  • Heart pain and arrhythmias

If you feel a high heart rate or chest pain, Eating two dates with two teaspoons of honey and half a glass of milk would be beneficial.

  • Hypertension

If there are no contraindications, then it is recommended to eat 50-70 g of dates in the morning soaked in milk thirty minutes before meals. The course of treatment is three weeks. You can repeat it after a week and a half.

  • Flatulence

If you mix the crushed fruit with ground black cumin in a 2:1 ratio and add to the glass of milk, this will help cope with the increased gas formation.

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  • Hangover

These fruits would help to minimise alcohol intoxication. They need to be soaked in milk for a day and then use the softened fruits. The resulting infusion is incredible.

What are the benefits of dates for women's body?

There are numerous dates benefits for women. Whether they are pregnant or not, consuming the fruit can help you deal with complex conditions and enhance your beauty.

Benefits of dates for womens
Benefits of dates with milk everybody should know about
Source: Facebook

For active women involved in sports and caring for their figure, these milky fruits are necessary. They give strength during physical exertion, help in muscle mass formation, and satisfy hunger after exercise. Here are some benefits women stand to gain from these fruits?

  • Keep your hair healthy.

Dry hair, hair damages, and hair loss are common among women. The fruit contains iron which promotes proper blood circulation to the scalp, making your hair grow. Additionally, it contains B5, which strengthens the hair follicles and thus reduces hair breakages.

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  • Could help minimise belly fat

Managing belly fat is a challenge for many women. If you fall into this category, worry no more. These fruits are rich in fibre, which, when consumed, holds and satisfies you quickly. As a result, it minimises your overeating habit, which is mostly the cause of belly fat.

  • Maintaining skin elasticity and smoothness.

Are you suffering from rough, dry, and ageing skin or any skin disorder? These fruits are all you need to for your skin resurgence. High levels of Vitamin C and D show high levels of maintaining skin elasticity and smoothness.

  • Provides enough haemoglobin during pregnancy

Among the benefits of dates to pregnant women is that they provide enough haemoglobin required during pregnancy. It also strengthens the immunity of the mother and her unborn child.

  • Prevents haemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids are common among pregnant women. They occur because of a fibre deficiency. Considering that the fruits are an excellent source of fibre, then their consumption can help prevent haemorrhoids.

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A few dates with a milk glass will help a pregnant woman cope with toxicosis and maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails. They improve the vascular system's work and blood composition, which helps remove excess fluid from the body and get rid of oedema. It also prevents the development of varicose veins.

Dates with milk will help strengthen the uterus muscles, preventing early termination of pregnancy and facilitating childbirth. Nursing mothers also should eat dates soaked in milk. It improves the production and quality of breast milk and becomes more nutritious and beneficial to the baby.

Are there any specific benefits of dates for men?

Dates with milk are essential for men. These beautiful fruits, soaked in milk, will support energy and strength during the day.

It will also help improve working capacity, help cope with stress, improve mood, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Below are additional benefits of the fruit to men.

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  • Controls diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases. Mostly diabetes is treated by using several oral diabetic medicines and insulin supplementation. Dates are helpful because they help reduce blood sugar and fat levels.

It can increase insulin production and help reduce the rate of absorption of glucose from the intestine. This can help to reduce the risk of getting diabetes.

How many dates should you eat a day?

It is ideal to have 100 g of dates or a handful of dates every day to get all the essential nutrients. Even though the quantity to be consumed may differ from person to person based on calorie needs and other underlying conditions. You may refer to a nutritionist to know how many dates you need to eat every day.

There you have it. These are some of the benefits of dates with milk you should know. The fruit is beneficial to the body of humans in numerous ways. You can use it to treat your hair, skin, and other challenges.

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DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional help or advice and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action taken upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

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Vivian Mutsoli Vivian Melissah Adhiambo is an experienced writer, having authored more than 1000 articles spanning around various trending topics like celebrities, IT, academic institutions, and more. She is a graduate with a Bachelor of Commerce (Procurement and Supply Chain Management) from the University of Nairobi. Vivian is passionate about factual content creation. Her email address is